Aaron McDougall-Fisher The paramātmā's bodhisattvic sadhana is to dance with the devil as the great stellar symphony wheels in synchrony; churning the milky ocean to produce the elixir of immortality. we all have roles to play, even evil; the trick is to be aware of the greater process in which our fates are embedded.
Grapes O Thoth We. Started that dance with the devil a long time ago , Now we are just marionettes and the piper plays the tunes
Aaron McDougall-Fisher i
wouldn't have taken you for a Manichean. the fact that we find it hard
to differentiate our 'selves' from the machinations of the deceiver,
simply means the sublimation is nearing completion.
Grapes O Thoth OMFG where is that painting and who did it , when and why?
Aaron McDougall-Fisher Think it was painted by this guy
Grapes O Thoth He is one sick pussy man...I wonder what Faustian deal he cut ...
Aaron McDougall-Fisher well, hes being worn like a glove now...
Grapes O Thoth All religions stem from the Occupation, and if you want to count Buddhism as a religion, it as well....
Aaron McDougall-Fisher " Just food for thought.." ^nice pun
Grapes O Thoth The
thing shrinks from the light and winces when detected. I want to keep
shining that light until it fucks off so I can have my mind and soul
back. There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in
your 'philosophy'.
Grapes O Thoth Yes - exactly - it thinks for us, we feed it....the symbiot contract - the man is clearly a savant
Aaron McDougall-Fisher the one shining the light is the one most cast in shadow; Lucifer, the light bringer...
Grapes O Thoth Lucifer,
the false god for the fallen . Master of sophistry deception and lies ,
projects not light but darkness made visible . (Milton)
Aaron McDougall-Fisher ^nice one
Aaron McDougall-Fisher https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demiurge#Yaldabaoth
In the Platonic, Neopythagorean, Middle Platonic, and Neoplatonic schools of philosophy, the demiurge…
Grapes O Thoth The
Beast had gone to a lot of trouble to camouflage itself through
mirroring . I can see it move through you Loki , reflecting the
conceptual / perceptual net back at you as a form of protective
enantiomorphism . The truth is actually quite simple.
Grapes O Thoth You
mean the instrument of the elite hive mind net , Wikipedia , is going
to tell the truth about its sponsor ? This i must see .
Grapes O Thoth I'm
sorry I was pitching my remarks at the older male stereotype . Locking
antlers in the alpha male tussle . Oops. Good lesson for me .
Grapes O Thoth Go ahead pixie . As I said , you are welcome to my opinion .