This principle states that every leap forward generates its mirrored
opposite which supplies the 'genome' necessary for its deployment by PEEP. It has been said that space contains infinite amounts of energy but is contained within a cube octahedron which balances all forces, thus creating the illusion of stability. This principle might be roughly aligned with the theory of Hegelian dialectic but what I’m going to alert you to in this monograph is the general use of the bifurcation process in the process of satanic inversion , which is universal and on-going. In this fractal of universal reality, everything has its satanic inversion. This is not the same thing as polarity. Take for example, the observation that modern freemasonry and the Illuminati were formed at pretty much the same time; 1776, and that one might say that , as one grew out of the need for secrecy to protect itself from the interference of the hegemonic Catholic Church, which distrusted enlightenment ideas, the other manifested out of the need to combat and toxify these ideals in equal measure.
In fact, the new movements were welcomed as a means to consolidate elite control at a higher, more specious hence more seductive level.
In fact, the new movements were welcomed as a means to consolidate elite control at a higher, more specious hence more seductive level.
For example, the Jesuits were formed as the ‘intellectual arm’ of the Church to combat, with sophistry, new transgressive ideas. They took any argument against Church dogma and turned it on its head. This increase the 'resolution' of the false projection of the matrix. Note that the very word, 'matrix' contains within itself, occult mockery of the Mother (matter, mater, matrix). This is fossil-language preserving evidence of an Archontic bifurcation process carried over from another era.
By 1776, the growth and power of these ideas meant that new societies could form based on principles of freedom.
By 1776, the growth and power of these ideas meant that new societies could form based on principles of freedom.
This endeavor, of course would then be countered by an equal and opposite force that ‘mocked and mirrored’ the principles on which it was founded, perverting them to further the agenda of the forces of control and the Saturnine cult of a clockwork universe providing them with endless specious soul traps. This, then is the true ‘origin of the specious’.
This is precisely what happened to the early Gnostic Christians, whose practices and spiritual connection with the sacred was infiltrated, mocked and satanically inverted by the Pauline version of Christianity, resulting in the fledgling religion being co-opted into just another version of the Archontic Saturnine religion of astro-theology – the rulership of the planets, which persists to this day. Anyone who follows astrology is enabling its agenda of control of humanity by its process of mocking true free will. Only roles and archetypes ‘approved’ by the Archontic infra structure are allowed, because the complementary nature of these star configurations guarantee perpetual conflict, drama and the implantation of chimeric drives.
Note that this does not necessarily mean that Adam Weishapt knew all about the intended formation of the independent new world colony, but that the collective mind net – the hive mind operating the human race , was aware, and so utilized some of its hosts to institute the opposing mirrored institutions. The Illuminati are the mirrored and mocked versions of their Enlightenment counterparts. This is because the virus infecting humanity has no real creativity –it simply mimics and inverts what it encounters for its own use, which is to create the emotionally toxic environment on which it depends for it sustenance. This is why so many people are confused about institutions such as the Freemasons, and are ambivalent about the Church...are they evil, or are they good? This is of course an example of the divide and conquer ploy that engages the ‘false dichotomy’.
These institutions are neither good nor bad, they have been INFILTRATED by the primary infection., This is why it is futile to isolate a group of people – the Jews, the Rothschild’s, the Freemasons, because these are examples of human institutions that have been invaded and their intentions and values cleverly inverted. This is why every major leap forward by Mankind generates it’s intrinsic toxic counterpart. The pyramid, the instrument of psychic rebirth. truncated, becomes the trapezoid...not the implication of being 'trapped'. The purpose of the pyramid(progress of the soul) has been perverted and inverted(trapping of the soul), just as Mayan temples became objects of desecration. Do not think they were built for the purpose of performing human sacrifices. This was the Satanic inversion of their purpose.
In our own time, the movement towards a human consciousness -centered quantum Physics has been hijacked by a cult of infected Demi-Urgic lunatics.
In our own time, the movement towards a human consciousness -centered quantum Physics has been hijacked by a cult of infected Demi-Urgic lunatics.
If you think Steven Hawking is a genius you are looking at the wrong archetype. He is made in the image of the mage - a mythical figure seemingly in touch with the ungovernable forces of the cosmos yet blindly worshiping the logos. His calipers divide the void from the manifest like the great geometer in Blake's drawing. He is a Saturnine figure. He is master of time, which slows down near the event horizon. If you venture too near, your body will be torn apart like Osiris, but Hawking will be miraculously pieced together again via some alien topological hack because he has given over his soul to AI, and owes his very voice to it.
Again,what is happening at CERN? Particle Physics or Power Physics? The Archons need to reset the boundary conditions of certain quantum equations or they are doomed, so they throw billions at the problem.
Again,what is happening at CERN? Particle Physics or Power Physics? The Archons need to reset the boundary conditions of certain quantum equations or they are doomed, so they throw billions at the problem.
A good example of cultural bifurcation is the production of the English Bible in 1611. Many believe this text to be the harbinger of the Age of exploration, of mercantile domination, and the promulgation of the cult of blind belief . That is...belief alone is required of the darkened message for the masses, another for the elite, as usual. Obey, work, do what we tell you, then die. The sailors who defeated the Spanish Armada were treated with disdain by Elizabeth 1 – ignored as they languished in the hulls of their boats – unpaid, starving, rejected.
The Bible proclaimed the rulership of the elite, perpetuated the divine right of kings, preserved the idea of holy bloodlines and the grinding necessity of a harsh life caused by the Adamic fall.
At the same time, John Dee was opening portals for the entrance into the Elizabethan world of massive Archontic forces which gave him esoteric knowledge. He was the original Dr Faustus.
The Bible proclaimed the rulership of the elite, perpetuated the divine right of kings, preserved the idea of holy bloodlines and the grinding necessity of a harsh life caused by the Adamic fall.
At the same time, John Dee was opening portals for the entrance into the Elizabethan world of massive Archontic forces which gave him esoteric knowledge. He was the original Dr Faustus.
What we would expect, then, is that somewhere there would be a bifurcation which manifested the opposite –the extolling and celebration of human values and the value of the individual. As it turns out, soon after the publication of the KJV , 1623 saw the publication of the first folio of Shakespeare’s collected work. In my humble submission, the works of this man encode, as the Tarot deck encoded the Kabbalah, all the values necessary to counter the work of oppression embodied in the Bible. If the King James Bible is the instrument of the Anti-Christ, then the collected works of Shakespeare are an expression of the Christ of Renaissance humanism.
It might not seem that Shakespeare’s works have any spiritual message, but indeed they do.
They encode the noblest principles and one can find refutations to the Saturnine cult everywhere in his works. Her is just one example among many hundreds :
They encode the noblest principles and one can find refutations to the Saturnine cult everywhere in his works. Her is just one example among many hundreds :
“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”
Julius Caesar
Shakespeare attitude to astrology is clear:
“My father compounded with my mother under the Dragon’s tail [const. Draco], and my nativity was under Ursa Major, so that it follows, I am rough and lecherous. Tut, I should have been that I am, had the maidenliest star in the firmament twinkled on my bastardizing.”
(King Lear, act 1, scene 2)
Shakespeare contends that all actions fall under the ruler of cosmic order:
“The heavens themselves, the planets, and this center
Observe degree, priority, and place,
Insisture, course, proportion, season, form,
Office, and custom, in all line of order.”
Troilus and Cressida
The most profound exploration of man’s traffic with spirits and their temptations can be found in Macbeth.
Satan as tempter, employing the green eyed monster which lurks in all men, can be discerned in Othello.
Satan as tempter, employing the green eyed monster which lurks in all men, can be discerned in Othello.
Shakespeare understands the profound nature of the rulership of time(Chronos) and is acutely aware of the Gods as the ‘writers’ of the Human drama.
“All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players.”
As you like it.
All the principles of Natural Law, the governance of the divine and even the flaws of Judaic legalism, which mirror Christ’s criticism of the ‘whited sepulchre’ of remorselessly applied letter of the Law, can be uncovered quite straightforwardly from the The Merchant of Venice.
To this day, many are puzzled as to the origin of these works. But they are puzzling over the wrong thing. The real point is that he arose at the point of bifurcation. We have in our time, what seems like the ascendancy of evil, of greed, of the resurgence of the Roman Empire, that never really died, as it was a Saturnine cult, as is the current government of the US. The old versions of Satanism are being replaced by the emerging new religion of Statism, which proposes an all-powerful entity called the State, and the unquestioned obedience to authority out of fear of annihilation by irrational forces.
Of course, these opposing forces must be irrational in order to justify the imposition of AI, with its worship of left brain thinking drained of emotion. Does any of this sound familiar?
Where then, is the counter-balancing bifurcation? It is here – it must be here, the principle of bifurcation guarantees it - or the current system would not have manifested. This is as certain as the moon covets the sun.
Of course, these opposing forces must be irrational in order to justify the imposition of AI, with its worship of left brain thinking drained of emotion. Does any of this sound familiar?
Where then, is the counter-balancing bifurcation? It is here – it must be here, the principle of bifurcation guarantees it - or the current system would not have manifested. This is as certain as the moon covets the sun.
It must be so - it must have been the case. The anti-Christ grows because it is engaged in a massive struggle with the manifested Christ, it is engaged in the ‘M’ conversion of the ‘Q’ source.
So where is this manifestation of the Christ?
There must have occurred, recently, the emergence of a powerful spiritual force that has required redoubled efforts of the blood lines to suppress. And mock. So, just as the Satanic cults invert, so we can apply the same principle. Invert the current values being mocked , and one can discern, at first dimly, and then more clearly, powerful forces at work for the preservation of the human spirit. Where are they, and who is promoting them? I will explore these questions in my next post.