I received a very important transmission from
Thoth today which has been a turning point in my life so I asked if this
was for my evolutionary progress alone, or whether I was allowed to
share it, as I at first sensed it was some kind of koan that was best
left for the individual to realize on their own.
Since I have not
received any indication to the contrary, I will reveal what was revealed
to me without polemic, argument, or invocation of any terrestrial
authority. I assume therefore, that if I expose these secrets, few will
understand their significance, and of those, a handful will contact me
for further instruction.
I couch these transmissions in the terms
and references of my own era, but shorn of rhetorical embroidery,
speaking as plainly as I can, but please keep in mind these principles
apply universally from era to era, unless they are deliberately
interfered with. More of this at a later time.
This is my valedictory address to humanity on the eve of my departure. For I have graduated from this school now.
I threw the runes and cast the coins and this is what they told me:
My darlings, all this while we prepared a heaven for you, so that each
could take their place according to their understanding.
night, you dreamed, and in that dream you strove and fought and lost and
won and cast your lot with beggars and with kings, but you woke each
day to live your life as if none other mattered. Each night, a different
role, a different feeling..of pride or shame or triumph...but each
dream at end of night would leave you with a sense of something
half-understood, half grasped. At the end of this cycle of dreams, a
sense would inevitably arise,(unless your soul was lost and fixated by
baubles of illusion) .that in fact you were only ever dreaming the one
dream in which you played each part, every role, the knave, the fool,
the empress, the hierophant, the seer, the king, the trickster...
you had realized that, you were granted the next level of collective
consciousness, which was given according to the acts carried out in the
previous day or perhaps even previous lives and your understanding of
its unitary nature.
The dreams were each unitary dreams, designed
to allow the gradual realization, without our interference, of the
essentially non- dual aspect of the human drama.
This was the great secret we needed you to discover for yourself.
Because, my darlings, the human drama was played out many aeons ago.
But I can not tell you too much or your mind would simply rebel.
Which is what it must do eventually, but all in good time.
The one dream you were given has to be stitched together after a cycle
of 33 or it repeats at the same level until you make the discovery - the
discovery that it is in fact only one dream.
If at the end of that
cycle, if you had had the unitary dream, and had played all 33 roles
in that dream , you were granted another cycle, with more inclusive
roles , taken from a wider sampling of the drama.
In this way we
created all the geniuses that you know of such as Shakespeare,
Beethoven, Einstein..all the great innovators, thinkers.
The crown
of kingship belonged to those who had traversed the 22 paths and played
out the 33 roles 33 times over 33 aeons to have the insight of the one
great unitary dream. The unitary dream of dreams produced the Kingdom,
as will be revealed to you at the end of all your dreaming.
However, Thoth, says, there has been an interference in this process. It has been hijacked.
Your dreams are not dictated and drawn from the Akashic record of
collective human experience any longer , but recast to ensure our
dreams are never unitary - that we can never see that we are having the
same dream only from different perspectives. Furthermore, your memory of
that dream is wiped so that you can not, (usually) put together the
unitary dream. This is also reflected in the wiping of your
inter-incarnation memories, which is contrary to Natural Law.
postponement of this one insight is the only hindrance to human
ascension. Those who enslave you know this and make sure that you never
have the unitary dreams needed for you to acquire collective
consciousness, and which would lead, eventually, to what you call
Samadhi or unitary collective consciousness, which should come as
natural progression from the other sub-levels of unitary dreams.
Thus these beings are interfering with the natural progress of human
evolution. They are transmitting a corrupted codex for retention of the
soul in recycled non-unitary dreams ..the ourobouros is the sigil for
this self-devouring eternal perpetuation of ignorance and persistence of
the non-unitary dream.
They are doing so by cleverly twisting the
principles of soterioiology and its strict observance of personal
free-will to achieve their selfish goals. They are transmitting the
wrong dream sequence using technologies concealed from you. They are the
authors of all deceit on the human race, who have been gulled for
millennia by these imposters.
The time has come for these tricks to
be exposed in order for the human race to egress from the eternal
life and death cycles that do nothing but feed profane unclean
I have hence been authorized, in my sector, to advise that
anyone who has had their unitary dream(which is their original
birthright and personal accomplishment) to contact me or leave their
details with me at my blog or by PM, so that we may convene at a later
date, because your ordered transition into the next level of collective
mind has been unlawfully interfered with , and , utilizing an as yet -
undisclosed process, an intervention will be made to correct
interference from sub lunar sources alien to the blueprint of human