Thursday, 22 March 2018

THIS IS A THREAD I was involved in and a contributer claimed this:

"Richard A Snow Grapes O Thoth: An economist here. in what way does government spending create a generation of debt slaves? If you are talking about expenditure funded out of federal government spending, it's paid for by issuing bonds. The interest payments on those bonds are met out of future budgets. As long as the interest payments are a manageable portion of the federal budget, the interest payments are just a normal budget expenditure. No body makes you a slave. This is typical right wing crazy talk."
Here is my reply which I supply because it required the expenditure of some intellectual labour to answer and I don't wish to lose the thread,so to may be of interest to some, although to those who know and love me, no explanation is those who don't, no explanation is possible...(If Rumi didn't say that he should have)
"Firstly I object to being called a right wing nut job.I am a left wing nut job. Secondly, treasury bonds are backed essentially by the confidence in a government (literally 'mind control apparatus'),to leverage its power to tax and control the population under its its ownership of human capital.
This is why human capital - the only 'real' capital - is represented by a birth certificate, which is in fact a negotiable bond - which is why they are traded on the NY stock exchange.
They are rightly called 'bonds', as bonds are issued against these certificates(you don't think that you own your birth certificate, do you?)...A human being, once born, is issued with a so-called 'straw man' corporate identity ...and it is this which is subject to the maritime laws ( as in birth/berth, dock/dry dock)..the flesh and blood person is tricked into consenting to the trading of this bond and hence his debt slavery.
In effect, the treasury borrows money against this bond/ 'berth(birth) certificate'..yet from whom is this money (currency - "current" - cy, as in water currents) borrowed, and why does the government have to pay to have its own "currency" issued (both M1 and M2)?
The answer is the Reserve bank...which is intimately connected to the US Federal Reserve, ...but the Fed is actually NOT a government agency at all, but a group of privately owned corporations..managed by a tiny elite...the Central banks owe no allegiance to any country...they are above these entities and actually own these countries because of the massive debt they have created out of thin air by the system of bond issuance against fiat currency...
Your taxes go towards paying off interest on loans created by government borrowing, when in fact humans constitute the only real capital and it is we who create everything, not dead corporate bodies and financial instruments.
It is a fallacy to think taxes go towards infrastructure such as roads/hospitals/education... - in fact they go towards servicing enormous and unpayable debt which keeps every man woman and child in a state of slavery akin to the feudal system(although cleverly disguised as free market economy...the structure is controlled by trans-national financial bodies(such as the BIS, the Fed and the IMF), that dictate a country's policies...if any client state(such as Libya Venezuela Syria or Iran ) refuses to go along with this, they are invaded,suborned, sabotaged or otherwise destabilized using puppet dictators under the control of CIA/Mossad/Savik and other criminal alphabet elements or by the prosecution of proxy wars lent a bogus legitimacy by a corrupt and ubiquitous media all singing from the same cliche-riddled song sheet)....ultimately, this debt is secured by the OWNERSHIP by a country of its citizens..This is a legitimized ownership as you 'consented' when your parents filed your corporate birth certificate which has a number associated with it, which is your bond number or slave number effect, therefore, a country must follow the policies,and agendas of its parent corporations (cognate to corpse - a dead thing) which in fact control own and regulate it.
Papal bull of 1403 by Boniface states that the Vatican owns every soul, every body, and every property.
The individual comes into this world owing money he must spend the rest of his/her life paying - an unpayable debt he had no part in incurring, to service a system he played no role in creating , for the glory of a 'God' he had no recollection of inventing.
This is the deception ...this is the crypto-feudal rort that keeps the illusion rolling ahead that we are in control of our lives and that we can make meaningful choices (vide the phony 'two party system' that tricks you into consent to be ruled)
As indentured bonded slaves we are not free and can not even BUY our freedom, as manumitted slaves could in Roman times...
We are slaves bodily, psychically, psychologically,economically and spiritually. And people who defend this system are simply reinforcing their slave status.
And yes, you are an 'economist', which simply means you have been fed 'facts' about a system you don't fully understand , the better for you to serve it...just as the 'Physics' gradates can only mumble incoherent nonsense when asked to explain the extremely complex sequenced bio -chemical reactions in a living cell...because they have been trained to ignore consciousness an irrelevance(irrelevant to corporate interests), since Nature and the natural world must serve greedy conglomerates, they must eliminate any notion that the bio -sphere that sustains and grows them is a conscious entity and does NOT consent to its exploitation by a hegemony of money-worshipers.
This is the real reason behind the prohibition of interest bearing loans in most religious is anti-earth, ant-human.
The current financial system supports these perverted ideas of exploitation, greed and illegitimate ownership..."