Monday, 20 April 2015
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
For some reason - i think I told myself research - on Monday morning
decided to fly to Sydney to get my hug from Amma on Monday night .
already I hadn't slept for 2 days. cost me $500 all up with
fares,airport parking fees, had to sleep in park while I waited...some
things you can't put a price on...
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
Monday, 13 April 2015
Saturday, 11 April 2015
I have in many posts tried again and again to make clear the inevitable frustration felt by any human being who is attempting transcendence. . It is caused by the constant primordial informer and saboteur that most of us carry around with us , placed there around 8 thousand years ago by the usurpers of human free will. (Although we did a good job of allowing it to happen. ) The primordial enteric entity , also known as the foreign installation as described by Carlos Castenda, also the Golem of gothic Kabbalah , is the pseudo - symbiot that perplexes the intellect , frustrates the soul's longing and derails our spiritual evolution . The situation is that now, we must either rid ourselves of it or become a useless byproduct of the next great species annihilation . However , there exists today people whose genes and subtle bodies do not carry this infection because they predate the invasion and somehow escaped the soul incursion .and genetic meddling . These people , wrongly dubbed'stone age' , possessed the clarity and connection that made them immune from the deceptions and beguilements of the beast . Perhaps it was their resistance to genetic splicing , or maybe it was their love of Gaia or Sophia. In any case , genocide was deemed a more efficient approach than absorption . In the 15 and 16 th century alone, 110 million were slaughtered in the name of the El and their imposter God. The same policy was carried out by the European colonists in Australia and the Americas. But a few of these special groups remain. These are the pure genetic elite , uninfected by the Golem and untainted by genetic teratology . A very few , but their core is intact, their resolve is firm,
their love of the Mother is constant .If there were to be a mass extinction , their genes would be spared because the Mother protects her most beloved first . Among these peoples are the Australian aborigines. If you want some idea of what humanity was like before the infection , before the parasite took hold , go and live among their authentic communities and talk with their elders . You might find that they possess the only knowledge worth preserving . You might rediscover a kind of love and connection with this planet you never dreamt could exist - you might come away from such encounters believing that yes, it is they who will inherit the Earth. The fact that Abbott is actively trying to destroy these communities , tells me that his handlers know what a danger these communities represent to the hegemony of the soulless twisted hive mind plan for the infection of all humanity . Yet if the phrase means anything , it is these peoples who will inherit the Earth, because only they can take the imprimatur of the Gaian sanction , because the rest of us harbour the core of the eternal thwarting impulse deep within our minds and bodies .
'...I am sorry I have made Man, because he is the dwelling place of He who has fallen ..,'
'(The first cry of the Aethyrs , John Dee , 1610).
I have in many posts tried again and again to make clear the inevitable frustration felt by any human being who is attempting transcendence. . It is caused by the constant primordial informer and saboteur that most of us carry around with us , placed there around 8 thousand years ago by the usurpers of human free will. (Although we did a good job of allowing it to happen. ) The primordial enteric entity , also known as the foreign installation as described by Carlos Castenda, also the Golem of gothic Kabbalah , is the pseudo - symbiot that perplexes the intellect , frustrates the soul's longing and derails our spiritual evolution . The situation is that now, we must either rid ourselves of it or become a useless byproduct of the next great species annihilation . However , there exists today people whose genes and subtle bodies do not carry this infection because they predate the invasion and somehow escaped the soul incursion .and genetic meddling . These people , wrongly dubbed'stone age' , possessed the clarity and connection that made them immune from the deceptions and beguilements of the beast . Perhaps it was their resistance to genetic splicing , or maybe it was their love of Gaia or Sophia. In any case , genocide was deemed a more efficient approach than absorption . In the 15 and 16 th century alone, 110 million were slaughtered in the name of the El and their imposter God. The same policy was carried out by the European colonists in Australia and the Americas. But a few of these special groups remain. These are the pure genetic elite , uninfected by the Golem and untainted by genetic teratology . A very few , but their core is intact, their resolve is firm,
their love of the Mother is constant .If there were to be a mass extinction , their genes would be spared because the Mother protects her most beloved first . Among these peoples are the Australian aborigines. If you want some idea of what humanity was like before the infection , before the parasite took hold , go and live among their authentic communities and talk with their elders . You might find that they possess the only knowledge worth preserving . You might rediscover a kind of love and connection with this planet you never dreamt could exist - you might come away from such encounters believing that yes, it is they who will inherit the Earth. The fact that Abbott is actively trying to destroy these communities , tells me that his handlers know what a danger these communities represent to the hegemony of the soulless twisted hive mind plan for the infection of all humanity . Yet if the phrase means anything , it is these peoples who will inherit the Earth, because only they can take the imprimatur of the Gaian sanction , because the rest of us harbour the core of the eternal thwarting impulse deep within our minds and bodies .
'...I am sorry I have made Man, because he is the dwelling place of He who has fallen ..,'
'(The first cry of the Aethyrs , John Dee , 1610).
Friday, 10 April 2015
When I arrived at the espiritu rhuo lodge near Iquitos a few years ago , I was first asked by Ricardo Amaringo what it was I was looking for by drinking ayahuasca in ceremony . I told him I wanted Christ Consciousness . True to their word , during a session I was given an image of Myself looking heavenward with a halo around my head and a beatific look. The trouble with this is that this was not the type of Christ consciousness I meant . I meant a non dual state of unification with source that I had once experienced . I was using the term in its technical sense. Instead, The experience given me was a kind of 8 bit mestizo kitsch portrait executed in a somewhat mawkish Latino style that didn't belong to me - it didn't stem from my spiritual development and it was obviously an implant taken from the akashic records that the vine had access to and slotted into my brain in order, I suppose , to flatter me into staying longer at the lodge. I felt as if I'd been duped . Treated like a fool . Did they really think I would fall for this manipulation? Did they think I was a stupid gullible gringo who knew nothing about Bhuta vidya which is the Ayurvedic term for mind control using discarnate entities ? But I let it go and conducted an experiment . I fed Ricardo more 'experiences ' I wanted and sure enough they were dialled up and inserted into my brain like sound bites in an abelton mix.
Well after a while i asked myself why I was bothering . That day I took a light plane to Ecuador and drank with the Indigenous. . The point I'm making is this - when people give their energy to an idol or psychic fabrication using their powers of creative formation (yetzirah) , be it the Buddha, Jesus, Mary,
Quan Yin Shakti or Shiva , they are giving intel to those Luciferian lords of karma who currently run the gates that lead out of this holographic prison , so that when they die ,(sooner rather than later , so they have less time to figure this shit out) , a perfect simulcrum of their most revered divine being - the one most trusted and 'believed in' will appear (this is why the Archons place so much emphasis on belief ) . And if you are in a dualistic state / that is , if you do not understand that this is a fragment of projected chitta - a phantasm you have given life to yourself - if you don't get this fundamental insight , then you will think it is real at the causal level and you will listen to what it says to you , and guess what? it will trick you into reincarnating on Earth yet again to work off the Beasts karma as a scapegoat and be it's slave once again . And in a way you will have deserved it because you still had not learnt the lesson of your essential non dual nature . But non duality is a hard and recondite lesson to gain in only one lifetime , so fewer and fewer people will see through the trick. This , Kiera , is why it is best not to have any idols , real or virtual , in the heavens or below the heavens - on the Earth or beneath it , within your bodhisattvic vessel or on your shelf , next to the vanilla essence .
endogenous and fractal , the lesson is .
When I arrived at the espiritu rhuo lodge near Iquitos a few years ago , I was first asked by Ricardo Amaringo what it was I was looking for by drinking ayahuasca in ceremony . I told him I wanted Christ Consciousness . True to their word , during a session I was given an image of Myself looking heavenward with a halo around my head and a beatific look. The trouble with this is that this was not the type of Christ consciousness I meant . I meant a non dual state of unification with source that I had once experienced . I was using the term in its technical sense. Instead, The experience given me was a kind of 8 bit mestizo kitsch portrait executed in a somewhat mawkish Latino style that didn't belong to me - it didn't stem from my spiritual development and it was obviously an implant taken from the akashic records that the vine had access to and slotted into my brain in order, I suppose , to flatter me into staying longer at the lodge. I felt as if I'd been duped . Treated like a fool . Did they really think I would fall for this manipulation? Did they think I was a stupid gullible gringo who knew nothing about Bhuta vidya which is the Ayurvedic term for mind control using discarnate entities ? But I let it go and conducted an experiment . I fed Ricardo more 'experiences ' I wanted and sure enough they were dialled up and inserted into my brain like sound bites in an abelton mix.
Well after a while i asked myself why I was bothering . That day I took a light plane to Ecuador and drank with the Indigenous. . The point I'm making is this - when people give their energy to an idol or psychic fabrication using their powers of creative formation (yetzirah) , be it the Buddha, Jesus, Mary,
Quan Yin Shakti or Shiva , they are giving intel to those Luciferian lords of karma who currently run the gates that lead out of this holographic prison , so that when they die ,(sooner rather than later , so they have less time to figure this shit out) , a perfect simulcrum of their most revered divine being - the one most trusted and 'believed in' will appear (this is why the Archons place so much emphasis on belief ) . And if you are in a dualistic state / that is , if you do not understand that this is a fragment of projected chitta - a phantasm you have given life to yourself - if you don't get this fundamental insight , then you will think it is real at the causal level and you will listen to what it says to you , and guess what? it will trick you into reincarnating on Earth yet again to work off the Beasts karma as a scapegoat and be it's slave once again . And in a way you will have deserved it because you still had not learnt the lesson of your essential non dual nature . But non duality is a hard and recondite lesson to gain in only one lifetime , so fewer and fewer people will see through the trick. This , Kiera , is why it is best not to have any idols , real or virtual , in the heavens or below the heavens - on the Earth or beneath it , within your bodhisattvic vessel or on your shelf , next to the vanilla essence .
endogenous and fractal , the lesson is .

Thursday, 9 April 2015
The detractors of the Abrahmanic (that which is not brahma?) religions like to imagine perhaps , that the spiritual advice from the Hindu and Buddhist scriptures are the necessary antidote . But what if it is a pincer action designed to get both sides corralled into the same space time 3d trap ? I get so much resistance from these people - especially those who have experienced what you might call super consciousness that it is almost impossible to get through to them that all the concepts they hold dear and true are simply more links in the chain of bondage to the matrix false reality . Shiva , whatever he once represented , is now just another clever guise of Saturn/chronos , creator of time , devouring his own children. I listen to their excuses for the depraved behaviour of these 'gods' and I weep. Likewise Khrishna. Why would any evolved being require devotion adoration and worship ? This is vampiric consciousness at its most subtle and ductile . Why should we partition up our whole ness and disperse it into 'chakra activation '? Now the veil is beginning to be lifted en masse, we need to re examine EVERYTHING.
The detractors of the Abrahmanic (that which is not brahma?) religions like to imagine perhaps , that the spiritual advice from the Hindu and Buddhist scriptures are the necessary antidote . But what if it is a pincer action designed to get both sides corralled into the same space time 3d trap ? I get so much resistance from these people - especially those who have experienced what you might call super consciousness that it is almost impossible to get through to them that all the concepts they hold dear and true are simply more links in the chain of bondage to the matrix false reality . Shiva , whatever he once represented , is now just another clever guise of Saturn/chronos , creator of time , devouring his own children. I listen to their excuses for the depraved behaviour of these 'gods' and I weep. Likewise Khrishna. Why would any evolved being require devotion adoration and worship ? This is vampiric consciousness at its most subtle and ductile . Why should we partition up our whole ness and disperse it into 'chakra activation '? Now the veil is beginning to be lifted en masse, we need to re examine EVERYTHING.
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Monday, 6 April 2015
This is the question Josef Stalin asked when told he should placate the pope. This question betrays an uncharacteristic naivete from Uncle Joe, and his generals must have shifted uneasily on their feet wondering if they should tell the Steel man the reality - that the pope has ALL the divisions. Or, more precisely, those who control the Pope, control every army, and have done so at least since the time of Louis XIV. Those who pay for war back both sides, naturally, but more than that, they create the false ideologies behind the divide and rule strategy. Yes, the pope runs all the divisions - right and left, monarchy and anarchy, the satanists as well as the inquisition,the red shield with the white cross as well as the white shield with the red cross. It's all the same scam...frighten the sheep into the fold where the smiling bearded shepherd with the beautiful flowing brown locks and blue eyes prepares them for...slaughter. - it's all a shadow puppet play enacted for the benefit of the El - who play us like a pinball machines - these are the current rulers of the planet. But now the question these days is more relevant- how many states of consciousness does the 'Pope' (vampiric mind control central) own? The answer may startle some, and perhaps only a handful of people ever to read this will get the significance of what I'm about to say ..., but here it is - all the higher vibrational states of consciousness or degrees of non duality available to the human instrument up to and including nirvikalpa samadhi, have been colonized by the El. There,I've said it. What does this mean exactly? Well, if you accept this - and of course you don't have to - dismiss Grapes O Thoth as a crazy loon if you like (perhaps it's best for your sanity if you tell yourself this) ...but a few facts tumble at once from this like falling stacked dominos ...one is - we have no freedom. Yes, that's right - since we can have any experience implanted in our minds and believe it to be our own thought, since we can be made to perform any action, and yet think it stems from our own volition, since any refined thought we may cherish - any profound feeling of love and belonging, can be given us at will even though we believe it stems from our psyche, then we can not be said to be free at all. What this means is that our sense of autonomy is largely illusory. Although at times the structure may be lifted as a closed experiment - the outcome is certain - we will return to the matrix, after our responses, feelings, decisions have been harvested and filed away in the hive mind - which monstrosity is a caricature of the human collective consciousness. It also means that when we die, we can be given any impression, any emotional state to convince us to return to Earth to have our memories wiped, so that any 'lessons' learnt from the previous life mean nothing, and we repeat the same mistakes over and over so we can continue to work for the Corporate enterprise which has somehow hijacked the story of the humans on earth. How did this happen? It can only be because we have allowed it, or agreed to it. Freedom can not be taken away from humans - it must have been be surrendered. This is the point - we have been tricked into giving away our most treasured moments and highest states to be filed away and used or deployed to continue the deception that we are not in fact slaves, and we do not have upon us the mark of the beast, the eternal parasite that follows us from level to level - from aethyr to aethyr - the soul daemon, the enteric entity - the saboteur and deep cover operative within .
How the F**k did this happen?Any indigo people out there know?
Here it is again for those who haven't yet 'grocked' it -- all the higher vibrational states of consciousness available to the human instrument up to and including the penultimate, have been colonized by the El.
What this means is that every religious system, every spiritual teacher, every 'path to enlightenment' from Zoraster to Ekhart Tolle to the course of Miracles to Tibetan Buddhism to ayahausca circles to psychedelic induced states to sweat lodges, ashtanga, bhakti, hatha, kunadalini yogas to the worship of grinning fat kids ....all the panoply of disciplines techniques vision quests that run to hell and back are all doomed to fail, or are rather meant to fail or are rather engineered to fail, because they have all been appropriated by the same vampiric yawping Empire running the 'preservation of freedom' lie in the Middle east, and hence all systems, religions, political movements, resistance cadres and every other random distributed insights such as broadcast by Russell Brand are all currently sponsored by the corporation, by the El, who dispense what they see fit and withhold what the deem threatening and issue peak experiences like lollies to the goyim only to further their ends and promulgate more confusion and chaos -which makes it increasingly difficult for any human to escape the endless cycles, the hamster wheel of reincarnation, fed by 'work off your karma' bullshit,...trapped forever on a planet run by humans who have sold their humanity to the El, because the El themselves have lost the connection to the heavenly starry dynamo of galactic core , because they are souless evil parasites... like those Jews spared to run Treblinka, spying on the inmates, and reporting every plan or thought to escape....
Once more for those who still don't understand -
all the higher vibrational states of consciousness available to the human instrument up to and including the penultimate, have been colonized by the El. Let's not be namby pamby about this - it's too late for that now - it's nonsense that there are an infinite number of vibrational states of progressive non duality available to the human - there may be an infinity of astral level experiences, but only a finite number of quantum 'states' of vibrational connection and all but one has been taken over by the El.
So forget this nonsense that evil 'can't tolerate higher vibrations' this is what they want you to believe . Forget' love conquers the beast' - another lie sponsored by the Beast, the El.
It's as if, having climbed a Nepalese mountain to enter the cave of Brahma, after years of privation and sacrifice,hoping to enter Nirvana - we crawl inside the cavern to find supreme bliss at last - and a sign saying - brought to you by McDonald's. Only the logo isn't really MacDonalds - it's the hexagram or the saturnine rings of the EL.
Ask yourself how many so called 'religious' or 'spiritual' leaders have told the truth about humanity's plight? ' If they haven't they are either bogus fools who know nothing of significance, or they are on the payroll of the El.
How many divisions has the pope? All of them, Joe - all of them.
This is the question Josef Stalin asked when told he should placate the pope. This question betrays an uncharacteristic naivete from Uncle Joe, and his generals must have shifted uneasily on their feet wondering if they should tell the Steel man the reality - that the pope has ALL the divisions. Or, more precisely, those who control the Pope, control every army, and have done so at least since the time of Louis XIV. Those who pay for war back both sides, naturally, but more than that, they create the false ideologies behind the divide and rule strategy. Yes, the pope runs all the divisions - right and left, monarchy and anarchy, the satanists as well as the inquisition,the red shield with the white cross as well as the white shield with the red cross. It's all the same scam...frighten the sheep into the fold where the smiling bearded shepherd with the beautiful flowing brown locks and blue eyes prepares them for...slaughter. - it's all a shadow puppet play enacted for the benefit of the El - who play us like a pinball machines - these are the current rulers of the planet. But now the question these days is more relevant- how many states of consciousness does the 'Pope' (vampiric mind control central) own? The answer may startle some, and perhaps only a handful of people ever to read this will get the significance of what I'm about to say ..., but here it is - all the higher vibrational states of consciousness or degrees of non duality available to the human instrument up to and including nirvikalpa samadhi, have been colonized by the El. There,I've said it. What does this mean exactly? Well, if you accept this - and of course you don't have to - dismiss Grapes O Thoth as a crazy loon if you like (perhaps it's best for your sanity if you tell yourself this) ...but a few facts tumble at once from this like falling stacked dominos ...one is - we have no freedom. Yes, that's right - since we can have any experience implanted in our minds and believe it to be our own thought, since we can be made to perform any action, and yet think it stems from our own volition, since any refined thought we may cherish - any profound feeling of love and belonging, can be given us at will even though we believe it stems from our psyche, then we can not be said to be free at all. What this means is that our sense of autonomy is largely illusory. Although at times the structure may be lifted as a closed experiment - the outcome is certain - we will return to the matrix, after our responses, feelings, decisions have been harvested and filed away in the hive mind - which monstrosity is a caricature of the human collective consciousness. It also means that when we die, we can be given any impression, any emotional state to convince us to return to Earth to have our memories wiped, so that any 'lessons' learnt from the previous life mean nothing, and we repeat the same mistakes over and over so we can continue to work for the Corporate enterprise which has somehow hijacked the story of the humans on earth. How did this happen? It can only be because we have allowed it, or agreed to it. Freedom can not be taken away from humans - it must have been be surrendered. This is the point - we have been tricked into giving away our most treasured moments and highest states to be filed away and used or deployed to continue the deception that we are not in fact slaves, and we do not have upon us the mark of the beast, the eternal parasite that follows us from level to level - from aethyr to aethyr - the soul daemon, the enteric entity - the saboteur and deep cover operative within .
How the F**k did this happen?Any indigo people out there know?
Here it is again for those who haven't yet 'grocked' it -- all the higher vibrational states of consciousness available to the human instrument up to and including the penultimate, have been colonized by the El.
What this means is that every religious system, every spiritual teacher, every 'path to enlightenment' from Zoraster to Ekhart Tolle to the course of Miracles to Tibetan Buddhism to ayahausca circles to psychedelic induced states to sweat lodges, ashtanga, bhakti, hatha, kunadalini yogas to the worship of grinning fat kids ....all the panoply of disciplines techniques vision quests that run to hell and back are all doomed to fail, or are rather meant to fail or are rather engineered to fail, because they have all been appropriated by the same vampiric yawping Empire running the 'preservation of freedom' lie in the Middle east, and hence all systems, religions, political movements, resistance cadres and every other random distributed insights such as broadcast by Russell Brand are all currently sponsored by the corporation, by the El, who dispense what they see fit and withhold what the deem threatening and issue peak experiences like lollies to the goyim only to further their ends and promulgate more confusion and chaos -which makes it increasingly difficult for any human to escape the endless cycles, the hamster wheel of reincarnation, fed by 'work off your karma' bullshit,...trapped forever on a planet run by humans who have sold their humanity to the El, because the El themselves have lost the connection to the heavenly starry dynamo of galactic core , because they are souless evil parasites... like those Jews spared to run Treblinka, spying on the inmates, and reporting every plan or thought to escape....
Once more for those who still don't understand -
all the higher vibrational states of consciousness available to the human instrument up to and including the penultimate, have been colonized by the El. Let's not be namby pamby about this - it's too late for that now - it's nonsense that there are an infinite number of vibrational states of progressive non duality available to the human - there may be an infinity of astral level experiences, but only a finite number of quantum 'states' of vibrational connection and all but one has been taken over by the El.
So forget this nonsense that evil 'can't tolerate higher vibrations' this is what they want you to believe . Forget' love conquers the beast' - another lie sponsored by the Beast, the El.
It's as if, having climbed a Nepalese mountain to enter the cave of Brahma, after years of privation and sacrifice,hoping to enter Nirvana - we crawl inside the cavern to find supreme bliss at last - and a sign saying - brought to you by McDonald's. Only the logo isn't really MacDonalds - it's the hexagram or the saturnine rings of the EL.
Ask yourself how many so called 'religious' or 'spiritual' leaders have told the truth about humanity's plight? ' If they haven't they are either bogus fools who know nothing of significance, or they are on the payroll of the El.
How many divisions has the pope? All of them, Joe - all of them.
Friday, 3 April 2015
Alarming news is coming in of planet x (Niburu) entering our solar system cloaked by Saturn, with an iron oxide atmosphere that will wreak havoc on the van Allen radiation belts and extinguish most terrestrial life, thus preparing the way for the return of Anu. I have been asked what my opinion is of this intel.
The only answer I can give is this:
Our view of the solar system is an out-picturing of an implanted belief system..It is finite and ephemeral. The Human masterpiece is infinite and trans-dimensional. Remember - if God (Dog by satanic reversal, aka Dogon of the dog star...vide Sirius) didn't exist it would be necessary to invent him, which was done a few thousand years ago. Who reified this phantasm? We did. Look where that got us.
Similarly, if the scenario of aliens launching an attack from Niburu didn't exit, it would be necessary to invent one, because when such seeds are sown in the visceral /neural ganglia (gut) , fed by apprehension , then watered in the astral and given life there, they are only one step away from manifesting on our beloved Earth. This is the real danger.
It has been the MO of all of mankind's catastrophe makers.
Alarming news is coming in of planet x (Niburu) entering our solar system cloaked by Saturn, with an iron oxide atmosphere that will wreak havoc on the van Allen radiation belts and extinguish most terrestrial life, thus preparing the way for the return of Anu. I have been asked what my opinion is of this intel.
The only answer I can give is this:
Our view of the solar system is an out-picturing of an implanted belief system..It is finite and ephemeral. The Human masterpiece is infinite and trans-dimensional. Remember - if God (Dog by satanic reversal, aka Dogon of the dog star...vide Sirius) didn't exist it would be necessary to invent him, which was done a few thousand years ago. Who reified this phantasm? We did. Look where that got us.
Similarly, if the scenario of aliens launching an attack from Niburu didn't exit, it would be necessary to invent one, because when such seeds are sown in the visceral /neural ganglia (gut) , fed by apprehension , then watered in the astral and given life there, they are only one step away from manifesting on our beloved Earth. This is the real danger.
It has been the MO of all of mankind's catastrophe makers.
Alarming news is coming in of Planet X (Niburu) entering the solar system cloaked by Saturn and having an iron oxide atmosphere that will wreak havoc with the van Allen radiation belts and so extinguishing most terrestrial life thus preparing Earth for the return of Anu.
I have been asked for my opinion on this.
My only reply is this;
The solar system is an out- picturing of an implanted cognitive meme. It is finite and ephemeral . The Human masterpiece is infinite and trans dimensional . Remember - if God (Dog by satanic reversal , Dogon of the Dog Star system Sirius, ), didn't exist it would be necessary to invent him and lo! He was. Who reified this phantasm ? We did. Look where that's got us . Similarly , if the scenario of aliens launching an attack from Niburu didn't exist , it would be necessary to invent it. When a belief is taken on by the visceral /neural ganglia (gut), fed by apprehension and fear, watered in the astral realm and given life there , it is only one step to manifesting on our beloved Earth, This is the real danger. It is the MO of all of Mankind's catastrophe designers . Don't believe everything you think .
Alarming news is coming in of Planet X (Niburu) entering the solar system cloaked by Saturn and having an iron oxide atmosphere that will wreak havoc with the van Allen radiation belts and so extinguishing most terrestrial life thus preparing Earth for the return of Anu.
I have been asked for my opinion on this.
My only reply is this;
The solar system is an out- picturing of an implanted cognitive meme. It is finite and ephemeral . The Human masterpiece is infinite and trans dimensional . Remember - if God (Dog by satanic reversal , Dogon of the Dog Star system Sirius, ), didn't exist it would be necessary to invent him and lo! He was. Who reified this phantasm ? We did. Look where that's got us . Similarly , if the scenario of aliens launching an attack from Niburu didn't exist , it would be necessary to invent it. When a belief is taken on by the visceral /neural ganglia (gut), fed by apprehension and fear, watered in the astral realm and given life there , it is only one step to manifesting on our beloved Earth, This is the real danger. It is the MO of all of Mankind's catastrophe designers . Don't believe everything you think .
Listening to Rak Razam's podcast interview with Julian Palmer , I
learnt that he interrupted the ceremony of legendary Shaman Germo to
editorialise his spirit manipulation , his Spanish , exposing the
mestizo ringmaster for what he is - and I must say my respect for
Julian went up a few notches . We need to recognise the guy as a
national treasure . Perhaps a bronze statue at la churro a ... How
refreshing after listening to arch phony A.S.
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