Thursday, 9 April 2015

The detractors of the Abrahmanic (that which is not brahma?) religions like to imagine perhaps , that the spiritual advice from the Hindu and Buddhist scriptures are the necessary antidote . But what if it is a pincer action designed to get both sides corralled into the same space time 3d trap ? I get so much resistance from these people - especially those who have experienced what you might call super consciousness that it is almost impossible to get through to them that all the concepts they hold dear and true are simply more links in the chain of bondage to the matrix false reality . Shiva , whatever he once represented , is now just another clever guise of Saturn/chronos , creator of time , devouring his own children. I listen to their excuses for the depraved behaviour of these 'gods' and I weep. Likewise Khrishna. Why would any evolved being require devotion adoration and worship ? This is vampiric consciousness at its most subtle and ductile . Why should we partition up our whole ness and disperse it into 'chakra activation '? Now the veil is beginning to be lifted en masse, we need to re examine EVERYTHING.

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