Wednesday, 8 June 2016


'That a single human cell is conscious is apparent from the way its constituent parts, including it genomes during mitosis, respond in a unified way to signals sent from the morphogenetic field (psi field), like soldiers enacting a drillmaster's orders.

Each bifurcation of a cell is therefore also a corresponding bifurcation of consciousness, which is how the trillion or so cells of the human being act as one. yet in the same way that RNA is a mirror-image of the DNA template isomer, so, too, a mirror-self is produced and its 'resolution' increased on each bifurcation. So it may be said that the human being presents as the locus for two selves - one real, the other virtual.
It is this 'virtual' self - the 'mirror-self' -created by the subdivision of consciousness by RNA, that has hijacked the Human, Adamic blueprint and re-purposed it, substituting the original 'God-Mind' with a 'Hive-Mind distortion.
We gaze into the 'mirror' of projected 'reality' to answer the question of who we truly are, but the question of who we truly are can never be answered using the mind lent to us by the Hive. This mind - the distorted, mirrored and mocked virtual reflection of Source Mind - will never allow us to move outside the confines it delineates. This has enabled the creation of a universe in opposition to Divine Order - a mirror-flipped, self-caricature of our cosmically ordained Divinity, enshrining, paradoxically, Death as the supreme power.
Those that could only mimic us now mock us, own us and construct our reality, The world we naively accept as physical is a simulacrum, this reflected light we bask in a lunacy, this explicate order we bend to the eternal winter of a sunless mind.'

- This Mortal Coil
See also:

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