Wednesday, 31 August 2016


I had a dream last night. A man was seated at a table with a book next to him. the book was called 'The Law of All'. He was making bookmarks from strips of paper. One showed a field in winter, full of cabbages and bare trees to one side. Another showed a tall conifer with a stalk next to it with a bulb that was the head of a snake. Yet another showed a weather vane with 64 blades. One depicted a ghostly figure outstretched that cast a shadow over a barren field. A watch appeared on another - its hand bent like a Dali print. He had a stack of these bookmarks so I asked him if he was making a bookmark for every page because it was such an important book. No, he said. he wanted people to look at the bookmarks, because the real story is there. He handed me a bookmark in the form of a theatre ticket - to a show called 'Kabbalah is Forever,'- admit One.

Stay with me, I'm getting there. Firstly - the Bible. What is it? Well, the first section is just the Jewish Torah. The second section is the forcing of revelation to fit a priestly provenance. (Shoving a seagull into a boot). The NIV and KJV versions we think of as 'The Bible' , are simply translations from Latin and Greek sources , mostly, paying little attention to the original Hebrew signifiers that are its foundation. This means that modern translations are four or five times removed from the original source but the semiotic challenges don't end there and multiply when you consider that the Hebrew text does not supply vowels and hence a given sentence can support multiple meanings simultaneously, even when mirror-reflected. For example, Berashith ('In the beginning' ) can also be read as Bera Shith ('He created the six'). Furthermore, each word has a numerical equivalent (Gematria), so that, in a sense , if two expressions are given two different transliterations they are considered 'equal' or significantly connected.... so if you think of the Hebrew as an equation in physics in which so many variables all add up to zero, then as long as all the variables add to zero, they can all be considered 'solutions' to the semiotic conundrum. In his work of arch villainy and sublime arrogance- 'The Book of Thoth' - Crowley states that everything in the Hebrew sephirotic attributions immediately generates its opposite, therefore as long as the composite Gematria adds to zero, then everything is permitted. In addition, each Hebrew letter can form a kind of acrostic, which enfolds yet another layer of meaning. This process is known as notariqon, and is used by rabbis to decipher the true meaning of God hidden in an otherwise straightforward text. The early scribes and priests were, therefore, among the first deconstructionist sophists , if you like, conjuring up whatever meanings seemed expedient. In our own era, it has become fashionable to scan the Bible for evidence of ancient alien genetic experimentation - not an entirely unsupportable idea. Finally, and most centrally for this article, is the concept that the Hebrew text is actually coded Kabbalah. According to the Zohar - the Ur text for Kabbalistic study - the Bible can be understood ONLY by applying Kabbalistic principles.

In any case, and whatever your 'faith', the notion that the Bible is the inerrant word of God is looking more and more like the uninformed absolutism of a prevailing dominator culture that has coopted an Ur text for its own purposes. As many minds there are, and as many magical systems that exist, that is how many ways the Hebrew source text can be interpreted. So what I propose to do is unpack the Hebrew text a little for you, in order to demonstrate the myth of a patriarchal male sky god cult that invented monotheism, and to give you some intellectual ammunition against the religious imperialists of the Abrahamanic religions - those who preach against the Gaian stewardship of the divine shakti.
Let's start at the beginning, a very good place to start(you'll just have to imagine the Hebrew characters ).:
BRASHhith BRA ALHIM Ath HShMIM VATH HARTZ - Berashith Ben Elohim Ath Hashamaim Vaath Haaretz:
'In the beginning the Elohim created the substance of the heavens and the substance of the earth.'
The word Elohim is a plural form of the feminine singular ALH - Eloh, by adding IM to the word. but inasmuch as IM is usually the termination of the masculine plural, it gives the word ELOHIM the sense of a female potency united to a masculine idea, and thereby capable of producing offspring.
Now to me this is a revelation as it sets up feminine gods as the generative principle. So much for ecclesiastical patriarchy. But there is more going on here. The very word RVCh, Ruach, Spirit, is feminine. The Sepher Yetzirah (Book of Formation/Splendour - a Kabbalahistic text) states :' AChTh RVCh ALHIM ChIIM' Achath (feminine, not Achad, masculine) Ruach Elohim Chiim:"One is She, the spirit of the Elohim of Life."
So the Ruach Quodosh, the Holy Spirit, is female, as well as its immanent manifestation, the Shekinah, or sheath of Spirit.
It's looking like we have a matriarchal Biblical source predating the Abrahamanic patriarchal one.
However the matter (from mater(mother)) is way more subtle and complex.
'Substance' refers to the material world - the world of Assiah. Kabbalah posits four worlds or emanations of the Divine, each flowing into and out of one another, each with a degree of receptivity and transmissiveness. The highest is Atziloth, the Archetypal World - the illimitable and indefinable, the Soul of the great Absolute. The Being seated here is AIN - the Ancient concealed One, the unmanifest Absolute, also called the 'negatively existent One.'
Male and female are conjoined as potentialities only. Yes, God is an androgyne in case you didn't know. The next world of emanation is Briah, the world of Creation of perfect balance, with all potencies 'equiponderated'.
This is the connecting link between Macroprospus, the archetypal being and Microprosopus, the material manifestation - between the supernal Adam and the inferior Adam or Quod Inferious. This corresponds to the IH of the Tetragrammaton, IHVH (Yod Heh Vau Heh), which shows the kernel of the generational process which proceeds from father - mother - daughter - son back to father again. Jehovah or Yahweh are simply names that have gematric equivalence and are a mere gesture towards the original utterance of the Name, which transcends the attributes given it by the Judaic histories.
The next world is Ruach form, Yetzirah, the world of formation, the Mind and reasoning power of Definition/limitation/deduction and conclusion. This is analogous to the letter V (Vau), in IHVH - the bride of Macroprosopus, the lesser countenance. Lastly there is Assiah - the material world, the realization and completion of all things - Nephesh, the fourth form or vessel of the Ruach.
It corresponds to the letter H of the Tetragrammaton. What is important about this is that the Tetragrammaton forms a fractal holomorph. What that means is that it reflects, not only the four worlds but every conformation and operation between its elements is scaleable - that is - the structure is encoded within itself. For example, the human form embodies the four elements of IHVH on the head (Yod), the upper body and arms (Heh), the torso (Vau) and the legs (the second Heh). Also, the human cell has this structure and it also obeys the operational conformations of the equi-ponderated Sephira in its nucleus/cytoplasmic membrane/mitochondrial/cell wall system.
The subject of fractal holomorphism is too huge to go into here, but it is the key to understanding interlocking organic systems and decoding the kabbalah or rather translating it into modern terminology.

Back to the Bible. English translations from the Latin via the Greek state that 'God' created the heavens and the Earth, but clearly this is not what the Hebrew is telling us.
if the Hebrew intended to convey the meaning of the Supreme Being creating the world, it would have the term Tetragrammaton, IHVH -Jehovah, or Yahweh (the pronunciation of IHVH is known to only a few, according to the Book of Concealed Mysteries.)
If the text wished to present a truly monotheistic stance, it would have used : AIN - the absolute unmanifest or concealed Ancient of Days (the negatively existent One). Yet it does not. It clearly states that a group of female potencies created the SUBSTANCE of the heavens and of the earth. The secret here is in the correct interpretation of Vaath Haaretz, which places this act of manifestation squarely in the Asiatic realm (the world of Assiah or formation of the Nephesch vessel), which may also feed into the notion of creation being a product of demi-urges or secondary creator gods, perhaps even the fabled Annunarki). The meaning is that creation in Yetzirah manifests in Assiah. The material world therefore, is the product of demiurgic intelligences whose job it is to 'set the stage' for the infusion of the living Nephesh. The text continues, in Genesis i 20: 'Let the waters bring forth the reptile of a living soul'. This seems to be saying that the demiurges used some form of reptile to begin the creation of the Earthly Adam, which is separate from the supernal Adam, an archetype belonging to QUOD SUPERIOUS.
In any case, we are clearly in he Asiatic realm, OVLM HO-ShIH, Olahm Ha-Asia, the world of action, called also the world of shells OVLM HQLIPVTh, Olahm Ha-Qlipoth, which is the world of matter, made up of the grosser elements of the other three, or the concatenation of the Malkuth Sephira of the three higher worlds. In it also the abode of the evil spirits called QLIPOTH, Qlipoth - material shells.
Now, BRAShITH, Berashith - "in the beginning", may also be read, (by notariqon), BRA ShITh, Bera Shith - "He created the six." The sense is: the six emanations of microprosopus - benignity, His right arm, severity, His left arm, beauty as His body, victory as His right leg, glory as left leg, and foundation as the genitalia. There is also the unfolding of the six spheres which form the flower of life. Upon this depend all things which are below - the Queen of the lesser Countenance.
The creation of a man occurs in what seems to me to be two steps - firstly, the basic 'blueprint' - generic man, 46 chromosomes conceived from the world conceived from the world of formation -Elohim said :"let us make man." (Genesis i:26). Where it is not written HADM, Ha-Adam - - "This man", but Adam, man, simply, as a kind of fractal holomorph or Platonic ideal, equiponderated in perfected Sephira in Briah, not Asiah.
When it comes to creating a specific man, made of the substance of Earth, the term used is IVH Elohim; "VIITZR IHVH ALHIM ATh HADAM, Va-Yeyetzer Tetragrammaton Elohim Ath Ha - Adam."
'And Tetragrammaton Elohim formed the substance of a man from the refined elements of earth. (Genesis ii 7)
This is the first mention of 'Jehovah' or 'God' or the Tetragrammaton in the Bible - some 300 lines into it. But the Tetragrammaton actually embodies the Atzilothian realm of the supreme first cause and quickening intelligence that is itself enclosing the generative principle (The Yod and the first Heh). Yet coupled with ALHIM-Elohim - it suggests female and male potencies yoked to a common purpose.
It continues : "VIHI HADM LNPSh ChIH, Va-Yehi Ha-Adam el-Nephesh Chiah"..."And the Adam was formed into a living Nephesh."
Not 'living being' as the NIV has it, but a vessel that has been inspirited - given the water of life, not just the material subsystem, but a mind and soul.
This was accomplished by both the ELOHIM and IHVH or Jehovah.
So the Hebrew makes it clear that the entities responsible for creating the substance of existence are not the same ones that breathed life into it. The analogy in Sanskrit would be the difference between prakriti and chitta.
Throughout the English translations of the Bible, can be found many shocking simplifications of sophisticated concepts. Take, for example, the phrase 'son of God'. Does this 'God' refer to the Tetragrammaton, the Elohim, AIN - the Ancient Holy One, or does it merely mean the sons of Macroprosopus - from Quod Inferious (possibly genetic modulations of the original Nephesh by meddling aliens).

In Genesis the term is Thonogim - sons of Adam, (son of Man), referring perhaps to previous botched attempts to create life in the image of the supernal Adam.
Indeed, Genesis vi6 states: "And Tetragrammaton repented He had formed Adam in the Earth"
The phrase "Adam Hareetz - Adam in the Earth implies there is an Adam on and above the earth. Recall that each "Heh" in the Tetragrammaton can represent a different world.
Genesis goes on to say : "I will destroy the Adam whom I have created from off the face of HADMH, Ha-Adamah, the Earth" . This the Zohar takes to mean the non-supernal Adam, the Adam created using the earthly elements (DNA), and not Adam Kaedmon, the archetypal Adam.
So who is it who wants to destroy Adam? Tetragrammaton or Elohim, IHVH ALHIM? the English version of the Bible makes no distinction.

There is a promise to restrict the life of Man to 120 years because the 'Sons of God' (Annunaki,Prometheans?) had been fooling around with the help. But even here there are two types of cock-ups - another involving Giants:"There were HNPILIM Ha-Nephelim, BARTZ, Be-Aretz, in the Earth."
But the NIV clearly states they were ON the Earth. What else has been radically altered in the NIV and the KJV in order to conform to some simplistic Sunday school cosmology?
There is even some confusion among the Israelites in Exodus xvii 7 as to just which 'God' Moses is talking about.
The English translation simply says that the Israelites asked Moses if God was amongst them, whereas in fact the Hebrew original states that they asked -' Who is in our midst - the Tetragrammaton or Ain(the ancient concealed One)?' They know it's not Baal anymore, or Ashtoreth, but they demand clarity on which God has sided with them. The ancient concealed one is I suppose what most people think of when the term 'God' is mentioned - a kind of an absentee landlord - remote, unapproachable, capricious in his favours. But Yahweh(the rural peasants idea of Tetragrammaton) is something different - he belongs to Assiah - the realm of manifestation and the real politic of this rather marginal people whose 'empire' never amounted to much but who never let go of the idea that worldly power would come to them eventually, as long as they followed the deal cut with the warrior god Yahweh and his demands for blood and the stench of burning bodies. This is important because as Lomas and Knight have shown in their excellent work on the Hiram Key , many of these Babylonian/Sumerian/Semitic tribal deities were believed to be effective only within certain regions - and this included, in the early phases of the Diaspora, Yahweh himself. The feeling in Exodus is that the wandering in the wilderness has caused confusion as to the sphere of influence held by Yahweh...the distinction is important even today. The conjunction of Mercury and Venus that occurred in 7 B.C.(the commonly accepted date of Christ's birth) produced an extremely bright heavenly body that might easily be confused with a star(this happens every forty years); and this made the astral Levite priests sanguine that their Messiah had come. But of course , their idea of the warrior saviour King was at odds with Christ's prime message of Love and forgiveness. So their astrological predictions were cosmically correct (cognate to the peshers inserted in the Biblical texts to make biography conform to prophesy), but not in the sense of fulfilling their limited tactical political aims. This I call the Macbeth syndrome , where a future is presaged that appeals to the vanity of the supplicant, but which also contains a parallel ambivalent implicit message foreshadowing the ultimate defeat of all egotistic and worldly ambitions that usurp divine (astrally ordained -"written in the stars") cosmic order. Lomas and Knight demonstrate , in their work 'The Book of Hiram', that the astral priests were custodians of the Shekinah - whose influence was tracked by the periodic helical pre-dawn rising of Venus - and regarded astronomical auspiciousness as an essential prerequisite to the successful wielding of supreme Kingly power, and furthermore that the early Israelite Kings were fanatical about securing it.
So much for the vaunted 'monotheism' of Judaism, which vanishes on closer textual analysis of the primary source material.

Moses, in Exodus is figuratively pulling out his hair at the stupidity of his flock, to the point where he calls the place they're camped 'the Quarrel'.
But we can understand the Israelite confusion - even the Book of Concealed Mysteries makes a distinction between 'The Tetragrammaton in the midst of us and the ancient of days'
The book of Concealed Mysteries (from the Zohar) avers that the distinction is both Microprosopus who is called AIN appears only from the point of view of the Yetzirah.
In the teaching of Rav Yeyeva the Elder, we are to call; Microprospus (the lower Archetypal Adam) AThH, Atah, Thou; but the most Holy Ancient One who is concealed, HVA - Hoe - He.
Do try and keep up.
And I know there's a missing Monty Python sketch there somewhere but there are still a couple of good reasons to study the Hebrew of the Torah closely, because it contains the atavistic fossils of pre-cyber linguistic misappropriation of the original light source code. Encoded there are hints of several attempts to create a balanced expression of the Ancient concealed one on Earth - botched and restarted. Our analysis, using Kabbalistic concepts, of the English Biblical texts has verified that they have been altered and the data corrupted,
Is it the 'M' tort of a 'Q' source, the Q source being Kabbalah presumably, or is it? Has the Kabbalah itself been infiltrated and corrupted? There is evidence, too, of this, but it remains the only quasi-scientific analysis of consciousness as it operates in the living cell.

from 'This Mortal Coil'

Wednesday, 24 August 2016


"In much the same way we cultivate Saccharomyces cerevisiae for its intoxicating secretions ; humans , in turn , are being cultivated.
And what is it that our keepers prod and induce us to secrete ? The short answer is : Duality consciousness .
Currently the human race is regarded by the dominator class as a seething bio- mass for the production , refinement and dissemination of further ,higher and ever subtler levels of exquisitely poised delectable (to them) forms of duality consciousness in direct opposition to cosmic order."

From ; 'This  Mortal Coil'

Thursday, 18 August 2016

WORLDBRIDGER is a piece of auto hagiography tracing the success of the application of 'sonic codes' (ie fruity poetry and ponderous declarations ) on subjects with the intention of restoring their Knowledge of the original soul covenants and resurrecting their light bodies along with the original holonomic 'blueprint' that existed before the genetic meddling of the Annunaki . The author uses the cyber linguistic tools which are a legacy of the original light code misappropriation and is therefore attempting to utilize Beast Mind in order to transcend Best Mind. As I have shown elsewhere , this is impossible and only gives a further deeper foothold for the dominator hive mind. Juliet Carter, a remarkable woman in many ways , succumbs to the Messiah complex , hinting that she is the keeper of the 'vesica pisces ' gateway to the divine template . This implies , by sacred geometry attribution , that she is a Living goddess . But it was not a living goddess I saw last at her ninth ceremony. . It was a frightened woman who talked of the reptilian hegemony as if it were an indefatigable foe who seemed to know her every move and foiled her time and again . I tried to convince her that this was because she was using the mind they had lent her but her face grew darker and more suspicious . The whole narrative of the template ceremonies and attendant post hypnotic entrainment NLP modality serves to Illustrate the eternal problem of the 'Q' and 'M' forms of any teaching , in which every insight subtly mutates into its enantiomorphic terratomorph.This is all avoided by dosing subjects with EC2C, revising the genomes that code for chronic and endemic stupidity , revealing things as they are with irreducible clarity . Our masters are, on average , 5 times more intelligent than us, thus using our (their) 'intelligence' is of no use whatsoever. It is not through the AI facsimile of the original stellar radiance light language source codes called 'intelligence ' that these bonds are broken , but by the splendour ,love , grace and genius of Source. As Juliet Carter has not apprised her followers of the existence of the primordial etheric parasite (PEEP)she can only be serving it.Also - the connection of these circuits must occur simultaneously , not by piecemeal increments - that's why we have kundalini - so it is the sahaj of the event - it's effortlessness , it's spontaneity , which is the hallmark of light body activation - which by the way is not the monopoly of grandiose women wanting to repackage their best acid trips for mass consumption . An Australian taught her English - now an Australian is telling her to shut up .

Tuesday, 16 August 2016


The prospect of a recombinant DNA 'DIY' kit whereby the user can 'grow' whatever hormones and chemicals needed for his/her psychic development using CRISPR plasmids and autodesk molecular revision CAD software together with either compliant micro-organisms or their own stem cells is on the horizon and indeeed within the reach of everyone . The Mother has authorized it. The legalities are being ironed out, the kits are ready to be rolled out, the next leap in human consciousness about to occur. However the problems of the 'ludic element' and PEEP remain, and for this reason I advise people to plow through my posts , technical though they may seem because the underlying principles must be grasped.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016


The correct reaction equation for the synthesis of ATP via ADP, glycolysis, the Krebs cycle and the NAD-mediated electron transfer chain should be written thus:
ATP -> ADP + Phosphate +Energy+ ncg
where the cg (cogiton) is a unit of consciousness and n a number to be determined by experiment. . This I term a cognitive reaction. It implies that conscious ordering is involved, which translates as negative entropy.
If this is the case, then the units of a cogiton would be Joules per Kelvin per Kilogram. If entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system, or the number of available states, then cogitonic units represent the amount of countermanding ‘orderliness’ of a system.
Take a solution of alum salts, for example. As it cools, tetrahedral crystals precipitate out of the solution, giving a ‘read-out’ of the degree of orderliness that the system exhibits – from the chaotic random particles, to the ordered geometric solid. This gives a clue as to how to better define the amount of cogitonic power of a system – its underlying solid geometry. Consciousness may thus have one manifestation that can be ‘measured’. One might have a tetrahedron’s worth or a dodecahedron’s worth, or it may be that truncated Platonic solids lying within others, veil higher implicate orders of consciousness.
It might seem counter-intuitive to equate something as variegated as consciousness with solid geometry, but if we are willing to equate consciousness with ordering power, then we have a way of defining consciousness in a way that quantitative science can deal with.
When atoms are excited by high frequency EM radiation such as UV light, their outer electrons are ‘bumped up’ to a high energy level. As they move back into their original state, they emit an amount of energy equivalent to the difference in these two states, expressed as Planck’s constant by the frequency of light emitted.
This is well known. Yet how can ‘orderliness’ or negative entropy be transmitted?
Consider the sequence of amine groups on a benzene ring. Some might be on the 5th position but absent on the 7th. This occurs in the case of stereo-isomers of a compound. These may be mirror-images of each other.
Now the reaction:
d-methyl amphetamine -> L-methyl amphetamine
is, I postulate, not a chemical reaction at all but a cognitive reaction involving the re-ordering of the amine groups on a benzene ring.

Likewise, the reaction:
l-Rhodopsin A -> d - Rhodopsin A
transforms a left handed isomer (same formula,different structure) of the molecule to its right handed form.
These may seem abstract notions but they in fact lie at the heart of the mechanism of vision.

Rhodopsin-A in the retina changes from its cis-form to trans-form when hit by light. This involves a conscious re-ordering and hence, by our postulated theory, a cogiton must be involved. Thus, the molecule has ‘stored’ an amount of consciousness along with the photonic energy. As the molecule changes back to its original state, it emits both the cogiton (the ordering power) along with the light quanta, which travels along the neural pathway to the occipital cortex by way of the following vibration:
Cogiton ->eidolon -> cogiton -> eidolon
This process I call cognition. The cogiton forms the eidolon, which collapses, releasing cogitons which in turn form eidolons that may or may not replicate the preceding eidolon depending on the ‘holding’ geometry. In the visual cortex, this cogiton/eidolon vibration is swift enough for us to perceive continuity from moment to moment. However if this process is interrupted, we can see that in fact we are creating space/time ourselves, or at least consciousness is, and the ‘software’ that is performing this miracle lies behind and beyond space/time and that furthermore, this ‘software’ is proprietorial and hence not normally user-changeable.
Subjects who have taken the cognition-disrupter di-isopropyl-5-methoxytryptamine report a delay in the process, as if time and space are suspended. They also often report a stern rebuke from proprietorial ‘owners’ of the software!! (For those with no access to research chemicals, a similar effect can be induced using pranayama or breath control techniques)
In this space they also report seeing spectral entities and other forms that seem to exist in the interstices of space-time nodes or rather at right angles and phase-shifted to it. Interestingly, this is what happens to light after it strikes a mirror. The eidolon, being constructed out of right-handed cogitons, collapses only to reform once again. In this way, photons impinging on the retina are ordered, creating both space and time.
This equation - the tensor space time equation -  is simply a boundary condition for human consciousness - but it is no more binding than the  rules of  Go.
Indeed, since space/time is a creation of consciousness then consciousness-source must lie outside space/time. This is not abstract metaphysics – it is a simple syllogism Euclid would have understood.
Seeking the source of consciousness within space/time will therefore, only induce the aforementioned fractal feedback cascade paradox McKenna fell victim to. The search for ultimate answers will involve stepping outside space/time. Yet space/time is the last thing science will give up.
Science has looked at the paradoxes of ignoring consciousness for so long, it becomes second nature, now, to postulate ad hoc theories, such as the old Operon model to explain what is obviously conscious monitoring of process (bio-feedback).
In archaebacteria, discovered fairly recently, it seems that sunlight-sensitive bacteria were converting sunlight to cogitons in order to deliberately move protons across a proton gradient to generate potential energy, again using Rhodopsin-A, around 1500 million years ago.
Quality of cognition is a function of quality of cogitons, and cogitons that have been used to form and re-form eidolons become ‘stale’ and eventually manifest as ‘cogitoxins’. This suggests that, as a whole, anabolic/catabolic reactions remove us further from consciousness source, which, it cannot be avoided, is our Sun. The ease with which cogitoxins can be employed to fashion a seeming-solid eidolon is behind the fabrication of the simulacra we now inhabit, and why the production and re-circulation of cogitoxins is encouraged. The consumption of the waste-product ethanol releases cogitoxins directly into the instrument of human awareness (the tantra), sustaining cogitoxic worlds and chimeras of goading torment. This feeds, the ‘right-angled' (orthogonal), ‘phase-differenced’ (polarized) world-line which is an artefact of duality-consciousness or eidolon-worship.

This is why traditionally , evil is said to inhabit a 'mirror world '- a realm 'rendered ' using left handed reused cogitons , which incidentally is the true meaning of the oroborous snake swallowing it's own tail.

It is clear that aging is no more than a deficiency in the ‘ordering-power’ of circulated consciousness, which can therefore be replenished in a number of ways, including ashtanga sun-gazing or consumption of high-cogitonic content substances. ‘Ambrosia’ – the food of the Gods, is a word coming from a root which means immortality. Stinson received a Nobel prize for work in this field. Where one uncovers Sun-Gods throughout world Mythology one also discovers their death and sacrifice in order to preserve the illusory chthonic world rendered with cogitoxins.
Note how this formation and decay process which propagates the eidolon is the fractal holomorph of the Sun-God sacrifice cults. This is the recipe for the seeding of one dying cogitoxic-rendered world with those of another, so in this way we have the source, then the infiltration –eg: Kabbalah the source, Talmud the infiltration, Yeshuah the source, church doctrine the infiltration etc.

The Armana period of c.1300 B.C. was brief but brought a gloriously humane Pharaoh to Egypt – Akhenaten – keeper of the Aten – the golden disc. Alas, his son became a warrior-king and re-instituted the worship of Amun. The moon-god priests urged him to change his name form Tut-ankh-aten to Tut-ankh-amun and smashed all trace of his sun-worshipiping monotheistic father. All this of course to keep us trapped in space/time and dependent on the priests that govern its ritualistic displays.

from : 'This Mortal  Coil'

The orange flame consumes.
The violet flame purifies.
The host of EL - let them all be numbered.
I do not add or subtract.
I return.

Saturday, 6 August 2016


"Our Universities award 'mortar boards' to their successful candidates, announcing that they have 'squared the circle' - i.e. brought the sinuous elusiveness of nature under the rulership of linearity, which is actually what these institutions worship - the Kaaba or cube of cogitoxically rendered space/time (artificial holographic reality) that is, in fact, our prison.
If the Muslim faithful want to perform their tawaf around a Platonic solid, let it be the penatgonal dodecahedron - the crucible of consciousness and veil of the sublime Shekinah."

From: 'McKenna's Machine Elves'

Wednesday, 3 August 2016


"The corrective to Beast-mind privileging of cyber-linguistics over source consciousness might begin with a re-write of our understanding of the fundamentals of bio-chemistry.
Take for example, the process of the phosphorylation of ADP to form ATP, the source of energy within the cell.
ADP + Phosphate + Energy <=> ATP
This reaction is essential for all processes within the cell, from photosynthesis and protein and lipid synthesis to lysomatic digestion. Yet no chemist can make this reaction occur in vitro, under normal pressures, temperature and concentrations. This reaction, as written, is the fantasy of organic chemists who can only guess at or insinuate the complex sequence of events leading to the creation of one molecule of ATP.
ADP (Adenine di-phosphate) is built up from amino acids assembled in mitochondria by the process of dehydration synthesis. Think of a bunch of Lego blocks being put together by a child prodigy to make toy tractors at the rate of 1000 toy tractors a second and this gives some idea of what is going on in just one pore of one fragment of membrane within an organelle following orders sent from the nucleus of a cell.
The construction of a protein requires the transcription of DNA to mRNA at precise replication fork points. The creation of long chains of proteins and enzymes requires the orchestration of hundreds of ribosomes, themselves containing complex strips of proteins called transfer RNA. The amount produced is in turn regulated by a next level of control monitoring factors such as isotonic pH levels outside the cell wall as well as the proton gradient across it which changes from instant to instant.
The above reaction equation is no more ‘simply’ a chemical reaction than is the writing of a Shakespeare sonnet. It can be characterized neither as a chemical reaction nor even as a photo-electric reaction. It is a cognitive reaction, mediated by a consciously aware feedback mechanism originating in the nucleus or ‘brain’ of the cell. From 20 available amino acids (laevo or left-handed versions), it assembles keratin for hair and nails; hormones, enzymes, skin – and has an inbuilt mechanism to allow for variation within genomes, such as skin pigment or bio-luminescence, that may be useful, and, if deemed so by the cellular/genetic governance, become separate phenotypes. Note that this does not require a natural selection process as the prime driver of genetic adaption since these processes are monitored by exquisite conscious feedback mechanisms that rely on chance permutations but not necessarily ones that confer survival advantages sifted through thousands of generations. Darwinism is an outdated mechanistic theory belonging to the 19th century. The key to genetic novelty lies in the cell. Evolution begins and ends there. The cell is the supreme chemist. It makes the most gifted molecular bio-engineer look like a bumbling amateur. Here, for example, is the anti-codon sequence for tRNA uptake that codes for methylethlyamphetamine:
These combine the two sets of amino acids phenylalanine and alanine.
But I have omitted the codons for the required deaminase, a complex enzyme. Whatever ‘Breaking Bad’ wants you to believe about making meth, forget it. The cell’s chemical plant uses the phenotype method – rapid, precise, clean, odourless and 100% pure, with the added advantage of needing no smelly pre-cursors or dangerous by-products. This is how hormones, steroids and designer psychotropic drugs are manufactured in case you didn’t already know this. The utilisation of microbes to synthesize drugs is nothing new: the micro-organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been used over millennia to metabolize sugar to ethanol. Yes, we drink the waste product of a fungus and regard it a great drug! How primitive we humans are. I’m convinced that BAUER and PFIZER have attempted to use nano-technology to mimic the microbe’s unique abilities, but the results have not been as expected in the case of some substances produced by living cells.
Why is this so? The answer should be clear from what I’ve outlined already. Consciousness. This is the missing vital ingredient. In vitro chemistry does not replicate the units of consciousness that go into its cell-synthesised equivalent.
This is a hard lesson for scientists, who keep trying, even in the face of quantum paradoxes, to subtract consciousness from their equations. You push it out one door; it enters from another, so why not embrace it? Why not study it? Why not formulate theories about its operation? Why not attempt to discover the laws governing its gestation and manifestation? Where is the true science of consciousness and why has it been withheld from us? "

from 'This Mortal Coil'

Monday, 1 August 2016


Two crew members of Voyager are beamed to the surface of the ‘Demon’ planet in search of an energy source. They then become drawn beneath the surface into the depths of the planet. Exact copies of their DNA are made and hence they appear with their clones, via the agency of ‘mirror-blood’ which endows a previously instinctive substance with a kind of sentience. The original and its clone co-exist, but the original remains dormant while the clones thrive - but only in the atmosphere of the planet. Such is the ‘mirror-bloods’ craving for human DNA, that Voyager herself is drawn down below the surface of the ‘Demon’ planet. This trope follows, with remarkable accuracy, the actual process whereby human cell subdivision creates a corresponding subdivision, in consciousness to produce the ‘mirror-self’ mental body, which gradually takes over the mental body of its host using fractal holomorphic processes and entrainment. Only a very small adjustment to the story-line of the ‘Demon’ Voyager episode is required to spell out the truth. We are then but a hairs breath from the myth of Persephone, Orpheus, Osiris, Narcissus, ad inf.
What are these myths and stories trying to tell us? The answers and interpretations are all limited. Why then can it not be spelt out explicitly using scientific concepts and language. The answer lies in a central fact of current human ontology. Most of us are using a mind lent to us by the hive - the Beast Mind. This Beast Mind follows its own agenda to ensure that it remains undiscovered. The Beast Mind can never be fully apprehended using Beast Mind. Those paradigms are not available to most of us and can only be hinted at using story and myth. Only God Mind perceives IADOMAD, or the ‘undefiled knowledge’.
Did the ‘Annunaki’ descend from the skies to perform genetic experiments on nascent humans? Are humans a simian/reptile hybrid? Is the moon, a ‘neurogenic transmitter’ performing psychotropic manipulations on us? Do highly intelligent reptiles run the planet?
Those who believe they have definitive answers to these questions are simply miring themselves in higher order dualities and become, therefore, the play things of those controlling the distribution of information, disinformation, myth and story-telling. Stephen Hawking has famously said that he pursued physics in order to understand the mind of God. This remark betrays a deep paradox - would not Hawking be better off using God-Mind to understand the mind of God.
The beginning of all understanding is the rejection of Beast-Mind, with all its allurements, its glamour, its fascinations, its nuanced cleverness, its slaying power, its thought-executing fires…from ‘This Mortal Coil’ (sci-fi mythology: Voyager)