I had a dream last
night. A man was seated at a table with a book next to him. the book was
called 'The Law of All'. He was making bookmarks from strips of paper.
One showed a field in winter, full of cabbages and bare trees to one
side. Another showed a tall conifer with a stalk next to it with a bulb
that was the head of a snake. Yet another showed a weather vane with 64
blades. One depicted a ghostly figure outstretched that cast a shadow
over a barren field. A watch appeared on another - its hand bent like a
Dali print. He had a stack of these bookmarks so I asked him if he
was making a bookmark for every page because it was such an important
book. No, he said. he wanted people to look at the bookmarks, because
the real story is there. He handed me a bookmark in the form of a
theatre ticket - to a show called 'Kabbalah is Forever,'- admit One.
Stay with me, I'm getting there. Firstly - the Bible. What is it?
Well, the first section is just the Jewish Torah. The second section is
the forcing of revelation to fit a priestly provenance. (Shoving a
seagull into a boot). The NIV and KJV versions we think of as 'The
Bible' , are simply translations from Latin and Greek sources ,
mostly, paying little attention to the original Hebrew signifiers that
are its foundation. This means that modern translations are four or
five times removed from the original source but the semiotic
challenges don't end there and multiply when you consider that the
Hebrew text does not supply vowels and hence a given sentence can
support multiple meanings simultaneously, even when mirror-reflected.
For example, Berashith ('In the beginning' ) can also be read as Bera
Shith ('He created the six'). Furthermore, each word has a numerical
equivalent (Gematria), so that, in a sense , if two expressions are
given two different transliterations they are considered 'equal' or
significantly connected.... so if you think of the Hebrew as an
equation in physics in which so many variables all add up to zero, then
as long as all the variables add to zero, they can all be considered
'solutions' to the semiotic conundrum. In his work of arch villainy and
sublime arrogance- 'The Book of Thoth' - Crowley states that
everything in the Hebrew sephirotic attributions immediately generates
its opposite, therefore as long as the composite Gematria adds to
zero, then everything is permitted. In addition, each Hebrew letter
can form a kind of acrostic, which enfolds yet another layer of
meaning. This process is known as notariqon, and is used by rabbis to
decipher the true meaning of God hidden in an otherwise straightforward
text. The early scribes and priests were, therefore, among the first
deconstructionist sophists , if you like, conjuring up whatever
meanings seemed expedient. In our own era, it has become fashionable
to scan the Bible for evidence of ancient alien genetic
experimentation - not an entirely unsupportable idea. Finally, and
most centrally for this article, is the concept that the Hebrew text
is actually coded Kabbalah. According to the Zohar - the Ur text for
Kabbalistic study - the Bible can be understood ONLY by applying
Kabbalistic principles.
In any case, and whatever your 'faith',
the notion that the Bible is the inerrant word of God is looking more
and more like the uninformed absolutism of a prevailing dominator
culture that has coopted an Ur text for its own purposes. As many
minds there are, and as many magical systems that exist, that is how
many ways the Hebrew source text can be interpreted. So what I propose
to do is unpack the Hebrew text a little for you, in order to
demonstrate the myth of a patriarchal male sky god cult that invented
monotheism, and to give you some intellectual ammunition against the
religious imperialists of the Abrahamanic religions - those who
preach against the Gaian stewardship of the divine shakti.
Let's start at the beginning, a very good place to start(you'll just have to imagine the Hebrew characters ).:
BRASHhith BRA ALHIM Ath HShMIM VATH HARTZ - Berashith Ben Elohim Ath Hashamaim Vaath Haaretz:
'In the beginning the Elohim created the substance of the heavens and the substance of the earth.'
The word Elohim is a plural form of the feminine singular ALH - Eloh,
by adding IM to the word. but inasmuch as IM is usually the termination
of the masculine plural, it gives the word ELOHIM the sense of a female
potency united to a masculine idea, and thereby capable of producing
Now to me this is a revelation as it sets up feminine
gods as the generative principle. So much for ecclesiastical
patriarchy. But there is more going on here. The very word RVCh, Ruach,
Spirit, is feminine. The Sepher Yetzirah (Book of Formation/Splendour -
a Kabbalahistic text) states :' AChTh RVCh ALHIM ChIIM' Achath
(feminine, not Achad, masculine) Ruach Elohim Chiim:"One is She, the
spirit of the Elohim of Life."
So the Ruach Quodosh, the Holy Spirit, is female, as well as its immanent manifestation, the Shekinah, or sheath of Spirit.
It's looking like we have a matriarchal Biblical source predating the Abrahamanic patriarchal one.
However the matter (from mater(mother)) is way more subtle and complex.
'Substance' refers to the material world - the world of Assiah.
Kabbalah posits four worlds or emanations of the Divine, each flowing
into and out of one another, each with a degree of receptivity and
transmissiveness. The highest is Atziloth, the Archetypal World - the
illimitable and indefinable, the Soul of the great Absolute. The Being
seated here is AIN - the Ancient concealed One, the unmanifest Absolute,
also called the 'negatively existent One.'
Male and female are
conjoined as potentialities only. Yes, God is an androgyne in case you
didn't know. The next world of emanation is Briah, the world of Creation
of perfect balance, with all potencies 'equiponderated'.
This is
the connecting link between Macroprospus, the archetypal being and
Microprosopus, the material manifestation - between the supernal Adam
and the inferior Adam or Quod Inferious. This corresponds to the IH of
the Tetragrammaton, IHVH (Yod Heh Vau Heh), which shows the kernel of
the generational process which proceeds from father - mother - daughter
- son back to father again. Jehovah or Yahweh are simply names that
have gematric equivalence and are a mere gesture towards the original
utterance of the Name, which transcends the attributes given it by the
Judaic histories.
The next world is Ruach form, Yetzirah, the world
of formation, the Mind and reasoning power of
Definition/limitation/deduction and conclusion. This is analogous to the
letter V (Vau), in IHVH - the bride of Macroprosopus, the lesser
countenance. Lastly there is Assiah - the material world, the
realization and completion of all things - Nephesh, the fourth form or
vessel of the Ruach.
It corresponds to the letter H of the
Tetragrammaton. What is important about this is that the Tetragrammaton
forms a fractal holomorph. What that means is that it reflects, not only
the four worlds but every conformation and operation between its
elements is scaleable - that is - the structure is encoded within
itself. For example, the human form embodies the four elements of IHVH
on the head (Yod), the upper body and arms (Heh), the torso (Vau) and
the legs (the second Heh). Also, the human cell has this structure and
it also obeys the operational conformations of the equi-ponderated
Sephira in its nucleus/cytoplasmic membrane/mitochondrial/cell wall
The subject of fractal holomorphism is too huge to go into
here, but it is the key to understanding interlocking organic systems
and decoding the kabbalah or rather translating it into modern
Back to the Bible. English translations from the Latin
via the Greek state that 'God' created the heavens and the Earth, but
clearly this is not what the Hebrew is telling us.
if the Hebrew
intended to convey the meaning of the Supreme Being creating the world,
it would have the term Tetragrammaton, IHVH -Jehovah, or Yahweh (the
pronunciation of IHVH is known to only a few, according to the Book of
Concealed Mysteries.)
If the text wished to present a truly
monotheistic stance, it would have used : AIN - the absolute unmanifest
or concealed Ancient of Days (the negatively existent One). Yet it does
not. It clearly states that a group of female potencies created the
SUBSTANCE of the heavens and of the earth. The secret here is in the
correct interpretation of Vaath Haaretz, which places this act of
manifestation squarely in the Asiatic realm (the world of Assiah or
formation of the Nephesch vessel), which may also feed into the notion
of creation being a product of demi-urges or secondary creator gods,
perhaps even the fabled Annunarki). The meaning is that creation in
Yetzirah manifests in Assiah. The material world therefore, is the
product of demiurgic intelligences whose job it is to 'set the stage'
for the infusion of the living Nephesh. The text continues, in Genesis i
20: 'Let the waters bring forth the reptile of a living soul'. This
seems to be saying that the demiurges used some form of reptile to begin
the creation of the Earthly Adam, which is separate from the supernal
Adam, an archetype belonging to QUOD SUPERIOUS.
In any case, we are
clearly in he Asiatic realm, OVLM HO-ShIH, Olahm Ha-Asia, the world of
action, called also the world of shells OVLM HQLIPVTh, Olahm Ha-Qlipoth,
which is the world of matter, made up of the grosser elements of the
other three, or the concatenation of the Malkuth Sephira of the three
higher worlds. In it also the abode of the evil spirits called QLIPOTH,
Qlipoth - material shells.
Now, BRAShITH, Berashith - "in the
beginning", may also be read, (by notariqon), BRA ShITh, Bera Shith -
"He created the six." The sense is: the six emanations of microprosopus
- benignity, His right arm, severity, His left arm, beauty as His body,
victory as His right leg, glory as left leg, and foundation as the
genitalia. There is also the unfolding of the six spheres which form the
flower of life. Upon this depend all things which are below - the
Queen of the lesser Countenance.
The creation of a man occurs in
what seems to me to be two steps - firstly, the basic 'blueprint' -
generic man, 46 chromosomes conceived from the world conceived from
the world of formation -Elohim said :"let us make man." (Genesis i:26).
Where it is not written HADM, Ha-Adam - - "This man", but Adam, man,
simply, as a kind of fractal holomorph or Platonic ideal, equiponderated
in perfected Sephira in Briah, not Asiah.
When it comes to
creating a specific man, made of the substance of Earth, the term used
is IVH Elohim; "VIITZR IHVH ALHIM ATh HADAM, Va-Yeyetzer Tetragrammaton
Elohim Ath Ha - Adam."
'And Tetragrammaton Elohim formed the substance of a man from the refined elements of earth. (Genesis ii 7)
This is the first mention of 'Jehovah' or 'God' or the Tetragrammaton
in the Bible - some 300 lines into it. But the Tetragrammaton actually
embodies the Atzilothian realm of the supreme first cause and quickening
intelligence that is itself enclosing the generative principle (The
Yod and the first Heh). Yet coupled with ALHIM-Elohim - it suggests
female and male potencies yoked to a common purpose.
It continues : "VIHI HADM LNPSh ChIH, Va-Yehi Ha-Adam el-Nephesh Chiah"..."And the Adam was formed into a living Nephesh."
Not 'living being' as the NIV has it, but a vessel that has been
inspirited - given the water of life, not just the material subsystem,
but a mind and soul.
This was accomplished by both the ELOHIM and IHVH or Jehovah.
So the Hebrew makes it clear that the entities responsible for creating
the substance of existence are not the same ones that breathed life
into it. The analogy in Sanskrit would be the difference between
prakriti and chitta.
Throughout the English translations of the
Bible, can be found many shocking simplifications of sophisticated
concepts. Take, for example, the phrase 'son of God'. Does this 'God'
refer to the Tetragrammaton, the Elohim, AIN - the Ancient Holy One, or
does it merely mean the sons of Macroprosopus - from Quod Inferious
(possibly genetic modulations of the original Nephesh by meddling
In Genesis the term is Thonogim - sons of Adam, (son of
Man), referring perhaps to previous botched attempts to create life in
the image of the supernal Adam.
Indeed, Genesis vi6 states: "And Tetragrammaton repented He had formed Adam in the Earth"
The phrase "Adam Hareetz - Adam in the Earth implies there is an Adam
on and above the earth. Recall that each "Heh" in the Tetragrammaton can
represent a different world.
Genesis goes on to say : "I will
destroy the Adam whom I have created from off the face of HADMH,
Ha-Adamah, the Earth" . This the Zohar takes to mean the non-supernal
Adam, the Adam created using the earthly elements (DNA), and not Adam
Kaedmon, the archetypal Adam.
So who is it who wants to destroy
Adam? Tetragrammaton or Elohim, IHVH ALHIM? the English version of the
Bible makes no distinction.
There is a promise to restrict the life
of Man to 120 years because the 'Sons of God' (Annunaki,Prometheans?)
had been fooling around with the help. But even here there are two types
of cock-ups - another involving Giants:"There were HNPILIM Ha-Nephelim,
BARTZ, Be-Aretz, in the Earth."
But the NIV clearly states they
were ON the Earth. What else has been radically altered in the NIV and
the KJV in order to conform to some simplistic Sunday school cosmology?
There is even some confusion among the Israelites in Exodus xvii 7 as to just which 'God' Moses is talking about.
The English translation simply says that the Israelites asked Moses
if God was amongst them, whereas in fact the Hebrew original states that
they asked -' Who is in our midst - the Tetragrammaton or Ain(the
ancient concealed One)?' They know it's not Baal anymore, or Ashtoreth,
but they demand clarity on which God has sided with them. The ancient
concealed one is I suppose what most people think of when the term
'God' is mentioned - a kind of an absentee landlord - remote,
unapproachable, capricious in his favours. But Yahweh(the rural
peasants idea of Tetragrammaton) is something different - he belongs to
Assiah - the realm of manifestation and the real politic of this rather
marginal people whose 'empire' never amounted to much but who never let
go of the idea that worldly power would come to them eventually, as
long as they followed the deal cut with the warrior god Yahweh and his
demands for blood and the stench of burning bodies. This is important
because as Lomas and Knight have shown in their excellent work on the
Hiram Key , many of these Babylonian/Sumerian/Semitic tribal deities
were believed to be effective only within certain regions - and this
included, in the early phases of the Diaspora, Yahweh himself. The
feeling in Exodus is that the wandering in the wilderness has caused
confusion as to the sphere of influence held by Yahweh...the distinction
is important even today. The conjunction of Mercury and Venus that
occurred in 7 B.C.(the commonly accepted date of Christ's birth)
produced an extremely bright heavenly body that might easily be confused
with a star(this happens every forty years); and this made the astral
Levite priests sanguine that their Messiah had come. But of course ,
their idea of the warrior saviour King was at odds with Christ's prime
message of Love and forgiveness. So their astrological predictions were
cosmically correct (cognate to the peshers inserted in the Biblical
texts to make biography conform to prophesy), but not in the sense of
fulfilling their limited tactical political aims. This I call the
Macbeth syndrome , where a future is presaged that appeals to the
vanity of the supplicant, but which also contains a parallel ambivalent
implicit message foreshadowing the ultimate defeat of all egotistic
and worldly ambitions that usurp divine (astrally ordained -"written
in the stars") cosmic order. Lomas and Knight demonstrate , in their
work 'The Book of Hiram', that the astral priests were custodians of
the Shekinah - whose influence was tracked by the periodic helical
pre-dawn rising of Venus - and regarded astronomical auspiciousness
as an essential prerequisite to the successful wielding of supreme
Kingly power, and furthermore that the early Israelite Kings were
fanatical about securing it.
So much for the vaunted 'monotheism' of Judaism, which vanishes on closer textual analysis of the primary source material.
Moses, in Exodus is figuratively pulling out his hair at the stupidity
of his flock, to the point where he calls the place they're camped
'the Quarrel'.
But we can understand the Israelite confusion - even
the Book of Concealed Mysteries makes a distinction between 'The
Tetragrammaton in the midst of us and the ancient of days'
The book
of Concealed Mysteries (from the Zohar) avers that the distinction is
both Microprosopus who is called AIN appears only from the point of view
of the Yetzirah.
In the teaching of Rav Yeyeva the Elder, we are
to call; Microprospus (the lower Archetypal Adam) AThH, Atah, Thou; but
the most Holy Ancient One who is concealed, HVA - Hoe - He.
Do try and keep up.
And I know there's a missing Monty Python sketch there somewhere but
there are still a couple of good reasons to study the Hebrew of the
Torah closely, because it contains the atavistic fossils of pre-cyber
linguistic misappropriation of the original light source code. Encoded
there are hints of several attempts to create a balanced expression of
the Ancient concealed one on Earth - botched and restarted. Our
analysis, using Kabbalistic concepts, of the English Biblical texts has
verified that they have been altered and the data corrupted,
Is it
the 'M' tort of a 'Q' source, the Q source being Kabbalah presumably, or
is it? Has the Kabbalah itself been infiltrated and corrupted? There is
evidence, too, of this, but it remains the only quasi-scientific
analysis of consciousness as it operates in the living cell.
from 'This Mortal Coil'
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