Have you ever wondered, and I know you
have, why ants kind of feel each other up with their antennae when they
bump into each other before they move on? Well, every ant carries with
it the chemical residue of its explorations, held in a sac called a
'crop'. This crop is the property of the collective, not the individual
ant. This exchange of pheromones actually is a form of intricate
communication. Ever wondered why women seem attracted to you one day,
but not the next? It's almost certainly because of your scent. It
betrays everything about you at a sub or rather infra verbal level.
Biology is destiny. So there.
Thursday, 29 September 2016
Wednesday, 14 September 2016

A man is walking his four year old child though a meadow. The sun streams down on them, the breeze shifts the petals of the lilies and sunflowers as a wasp winds its way through the flora, it’s wings shimmering. The man instructs the child to count the petals on a sunflower to show they are a Fibonacci number. A willow sends forth his subtle fragrance. Ants move along its roots, holding aphids. A small starling feeds it’s brood in a nest, a dung beetle moves a particle of dung along. A field of potatoes lies ahead of them. But what is really going on here, in a world where 90% of life forms are actually one celled organisms? Firstly, The man, like all men, is crawling with parasites – his toes harbour the fungus candida albicans, his hair follicles are replete with democlex filliculirum – spider mites...herpes simplex , like 90% of the adult population, lurks in his nerve endings, lying dormant but ready to sprout. His small intestine is alive with trillions of bacteria, which have convinced his body it needs to synthesize vitamin B12. If any of these escaped outside the viscera, he would be dead in hours. Let’s move along to the wasp – it’s carrying a caterpillar it has paralyzed with a parasite co-opted to induce a torpor that keeps the caterpillar alive whilst the larvae are implanted in it ,to provide food . The larvae eat the insect from the inside, and somehow know not to devour the vital organs in order to keep it alive as long as possible. Nature’s snack fridge. The willow has leaves which are producing terpenes to defend itself against caterpillars but it’s a losing battle because ants are inducing tumours in its leaves called galls, using biochemical genetic engineering techniques evolved over millennia... but one of the ants has itself been attacked by a brain - eating fungi that now controls its mind, compelling it to climb up a branch where a fruiting body sprouts out of its head. Meanwhile a katydid has launched an all –out attack on the beetle, spraying a mixture of hot acid and pheromone to confuse, awe and madden the creature. However of all the creatures in this slyvan scene the most successful is the beetle, due in part to its genetic adaptability ,of which more species exist than can be catalogued....however the most parasitised creature in this charming Mormon pamphlet illustration of God’s magnanimity is the bird, host to fleas, lice, mosquitoes, leeches, ticks, parasitic worms as well as protozoa that attack blood corpuscles, is a habitat for more freeloaders even than Man, playing out the dynamic equilibrium of nature –struggling to maintain balance between life and its parasitic legions, which strive to thrive without quite killing its host – even as it expends energy feeding its chicks, one of them is an interloper – a cuckoo bird has placed one of it’s own in the starling nest. Something similar has happened to the Man, but he is not yet aware - he harbours an etheric parasite lurking in enteric plexus, controlling his actions in order to perpetuate its life cycle. It is the ego terratomorph, the Beast-Mind minion that squats and tells the Man he needs it. It brings a slave paradigm to his life, which will eventually bring death.
The little boy is scratching his head –already the arthropods which will be his constant companion through life are hatching in his follicles, and he has been bitten by a mite which will give him lyme disease, and ,if the resident nematodes escape from his throat to the body proper - necrotising fasciitis which will eat his flesh and weaken his heart.
It is an ecosystem sustained by ceaseless, merciless, ongoing , remorseless warfare, parasitism and infestation from the bromeliads in the upper branches to the fungal threads invading the potato crop, installing blight.. To add to the imperfection, the petals, as it turns out, do not add up to a Fibonacci number, but are one off.
The boy shrieks in pain. Someone has left their star tetrahedron jewellery in the potato crop in an attempt to cure it of the blight by focusing love rays from the Sun, but it has now penetrated the child’s foot and already millions of microbes are swarming over the wound, to meet up with all the endoparasites that await it in the child’s gut and muscle tissue – schistomes, sporozoa, flagellae, worm cysts. Everywhere the brilliant work of Nature is mocked, its inventions copied and turned against the inventor. Ha-Adama – Adam of the Earth ,welcome to Nature in the raw, to Life on Earth, to the cycle of death life and survival.... have a nice day.
from 'McKenna's Machine Elves'

A man is walking his four year old child though a meadow. The sun streams down on them, the breeze shifts the petals of the lilies and sunflowers as a wasp winds its way through the flora, it’s wings shimmering. The man instructs the child to count the petals on a sunflower to show they are a Fibonacci number. A willow sends forth his subtle fragrance. Ants move along its roots, holding aphids. A small starling feeds it’s brood in a nest, a dung beetle moves a particle of dung along. A field of potatoes lies ahead of them. But what is really going on here, in a world where 90% of life forms are actually one celled organisms? Firstly, The man, like all men, is crawling with parasites – his toes harbour the fungus candida albicans, his hair follicles are replete with democlex filliculirum – spider mites...herpes simplex , like 90% of the adult population, lurks in his nerve endings, lying dormant but ready to sprout. His small intestine is alive with trillions of bacteria, which have convinced his body it needs to synthesize vitamin B12. If any of these escaped outside the viscera, he would be dead in hours. Let’s move along to the wasp – it’s carrying a caterpillar it has paralyzed with a parasite co-opted to induce a torpor that keeps the caterpillar alive whilst the larvae are implanted in it ,to provide food . The larvae eat the insect from the inside, and somehow know not to devour the vital organs in order to keep it alive as long as possible. Nature’s snack fridge. The willow has leaves which are producing terpenes to defend itself against caterpillars but it’s a losing battle because ants are inducing tumours in its leaves called galls, using biochemical genetic engineering techniques evolved over millennia... but one of the ants has itself been attacked by a brain - eating fungi that now controls its mind, compelling it to climb up a branch where a fruiting body sprouts out of its head. Meanwhile a katydid has launched an all –out attack on the beetle, spraying a mixture of hot acid and pheromone to confuse, awe and madden the creature. However of all the creatures in this slyvan scene the most successful is the beetle, due in part to its genetic adaptability ,of which more species exist than can be catalogued....however the most parasitised creature in this charming Mormon pamphlet illustration of God’s magnanimity is the bird, host to fleas, lice, mosquitoes, leeches, ticks, parasitic worms as well as protozoa that attack blood corpuscles, is a habitat for more freeloaders even than Man, playing out the dynamic equilibrium of nature –struggling to maintain balance between life and its parasitic legions, which strive to thrive without quite killing its host – even as it expends energy feeding its chicks, one of them is an interloper – a cuckoo bird has placed one of it’s own in the starling nest. Something similar has happened to the Man, but he is not yet aware - he harbours an etheric parasite lurking in enteric plexus, controlling his actions in order to perpetuate its life cycle. It is the ego terratomorph, the Beast-Mind minion that squats and tells the Man he needs it. It brings a slave paradigm to his life, which will eventually bring death.
The little boy is scratching his head –already the arthropods which will be his constant companion through life are hatching in his follicles, and he has been bitten by a mite which will give him lyme disease, and ,if the resident nematodes escape from his throat to the body proper - necrotising fasciitis which will eat his flesh and weaken his heart.
It is an ecosystem sustained by ceaseless, merciless, ongoing , remorseless warfare, parasitism and infestation from the bromeliads in the upper branches to the fungal threads invading the potato crop, installing blight.. To add to the imperfection, the petals, as it turns out, do not add up to a Fibonacci number, but are one off.
The boy shrieks in pain. Someone has left their star tetrahedron jewellery in the potato crop in an attempt to cure it of the blight by focusing love rays from the Sun, but it has now penetrated the child’s foot and already millions of microbes are swarming over the wound, to meet up with all the endoparasites that await it in the child’s gut and muscle tissue – schistomes, sporozoa, flagellae, worm cysts. Everywhere the brilliant work of Nature is mocked, its inventions copied and turned against the inventor. Ha-Adama – Adam of the Earth ,welcome to Nature in the raw, to Life on Earth, to the cycle of death life and survival.... have a nice day.
from 'McKenna's Machine Elves'
Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Yes I said and I saw how many were eaten from the inside and how their poisons seemed their deliverance, and how their illusions led them to love their captors and relish their pain and a tiny bird spoke to me, startlingly, told me to kneel down and ask the Holy Mother for forgiveness, ask her to take me back yes I said yes I will yes. "
from: 'McKenna's Machine Elves'
Thursday, 1 September 2016
"The ‘sub-lunar’ consciousness cycle is thus:
Cogiton -> Eidolon -> cogiton -> Eidolon
This vibration from unmanifest to definition and back again creates movement through the psi field. If the Eidolon does not form, pure consciousness modulates as a wave through the psi field as:
Non-being-> being -> non-being
which is the driver for:
emptiness -> bliss -> emptiness :
the solutions to the primordial wave equation which has only one boundary condition – that there is only the one consciousness, creating nodes:
Being ->consciousness -> Bliss
Pure consciousness, detached from the entrapments of the chimeric, cogitoxic-rendered simulacrum, will induce pure cognition – the ‘proprietorial’ software will be over-ridden, and we at last become aware of our true state – that we inhabit a glorious fractal cathedral flooded with bliss-filled intelligence."
from : "McKenna's Machine Elves"
"The ‘sub-lunar’ consciousness cycle is thus:
Cogiton -> Eidolon -> cogiton -> Eidolon
This vibration from unmanifest to definition and back again creates movement through the psi field. If the Eidolon does not form, pure consciousness modulates as a wave through the psi field as:
Non-being-> being -> non-being
which is the driver for:
emptiness -> bliss -> emptiness :
the solutions to the primordial wave equation which has only one boundary condition – that there is only the one consciousness, creating nodes:
Being ->consciousness -> Bliss
Pure consciousness, detached from the entrapments of the chimeric, cogitoxic-rendered simulacrum, will induce pure cognition – the ‘proprietorial’ software will be over-ridden, and we at last become aware of our true state – that we inhabit a glorious fractal cathedral flooded with bliss-filled intelligence."
from : "McKenna's Machine Elves"
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