"The principles of soteriological jurisprudence dictate that the
enslaved must be made aware of their true condition in order to preserve
free will, or at least the illusion of free will. Yet the codicil – the
‘fine print’ - does not specify the mode of instruction – it might
just as truly come from the chance remark of a beggar or a woman dressed
in a cheap print frock singing ethereal icaros in the Peruvian night
to a chorus of Cambo frogs. Insights might be delivered
much by bag-ladies or during a kitsch sci-fi series as in the soft
pre-dawn helical rising of Venus…an ibis standing on one leg in a
meadow... a blind Tiresias or unsung Cassandra or a poverty-stricken
iteration of William Blake languishing in a debtor’s prison. It probably
won’t appear as the packaged product that flies off the shelves… ‘The
Secret’, or the latest Dan Brown or Paulo Coelho. It might be as clear
as the sign above an exit door I once saw on a bus to downtown L.A. -
‘Espere Luz’ , it glowed –‘Wait for the light’, and I did. The pleroma
cannot use the debased apparatus and signifiers of the ‘orthonormal’
cyber-world. Instead it speaks in glimpses, glyphs, tableaus and
silences – in the framed face of a red haired woman, her face upturned,
flanked by sullen faces on a train that pulled alongside mine on the way
to Heathrow to take a plane to nowhere and the metro map read like a
Kabbalah revealing my location – lower quadrant, belly of the beast,
East Cheam. You’re here, don’t you want to be home, once again, outside
ignorance, outside the cube, it spoke. Yes. Aren’t you tired of all
this nonsense? Yes. Can’t you see you’re playing a three shell game the
house always wins? Yes. Do you know how much your mother loves you and
grieves for you? Yes. And I felt a flutter near my ear but I could see
nothing. Don’t you feel what you gave up? Yes. Won’t you renounce your
covenant with the Beast-world whose Prince is Death?
Yes I said and
I saw how many were eaten from the inside and how their poisons seemed
their deliverance, and how their illusions led them to love their
captors and relish their pain and a tiny bird spoke to me, startlingly,
told me to kneel down and ask the Holy Mother for forgiveness, ask her
to take me back yes I said yes I will yes. "
from: 'McKenna's Machine Elves'
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