Monday, 18 December 2017

It has crossed my desk just now and I don't want to start a panic but it seems we may be in for a huge CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) within the next few days.
Do not be alarmed It is merely a scam to manipulate Crypto prices. Saw it before when the Rothchilds pulled a swifty with false reports of Napoleon's victory at Waterloo. They cleaned up all the central banks for a song....but I have not bought any Crypto tonight..not because of the scare (any EMP would of course wipe out the entire value of crypto instantly as it is held in computer algorithms and volatile memory)....but because I could not verify my account in time...that's ok....Well, my friends...goodnight ...and Cheryl Beatty, wherever you are - I'm sorry I hurt you, sorry about the baby you sorry..and Janice - I should have gone to Vancouver with you to live with the baby but alas, we all make terrible mistakes in youth we must forgive ourselves...can you forgive me?...anyone who I have hurt or damaged in any way, please accept my apologies and too Sharee...I know I made a few gaffs there with you...what can I say? I'm an oaf...and my sons - sorry I couldn't be with yoiu when you need me...if I hurt your feelings, please release the pan and forgive...don't worry, Julian, it was a fun ride for a time, but all good things must end...the crypto was eating human sweat equity at an alarming rate..this is Gaias correction...not that I'm saying anything will happen...but....anything can happen..good night and stay safe..

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