Revisionist light worker
Cameron Day , (among others ), claims that moving towards the so called
‘tunnel of light ‘ after death is in fact an archontic trap designed to
recycle souls back to the control matrix or ‘sub lunar ‘ realm.How much truth is there to this claim?
Is the ‘tunnel of light ‘ just a lure like the flame that attracts moths to their doom?
Yes and no.
The sun itself IS in fact the portal through which souls must travel ... the sun god himself has proclaimed:
‘I am the way the truth and the light... none shall come to the father but by me’
This is the asservation that confirms the path that should be taken by the liberated light body.(Merkaba)
However as in most other things of importance, this portal has a deceptive counterfeit - in this case the moon, which is able to mimic the sun portal due to its power to reflect the Sun’s light.
Because it reflects sunlight, it is instrumental in the creation of the mirror world or simulacrum we inhabit , along with the allotropic isomers of DNA that entrap us.
Do humans really believe it is mere coincidence that the suns apparent size exactly matches that of the moon?
In the etheric realm they become easily conflated.
It is this deception which is the danger.
So how do we distinguish the etheric sun from the etheric moon after we drop the body?
I have answered this in another post.
But the first thing we should do now , whilst we are embodied, is to stop worshipping the moon and all it’s vibrational manifestations, such as money magic and dualistic thinking.
It’s interesting to note that Queen Elizabeth I was often portrayed as the moon goddess in paintings - at the prompting of her astrologer/mage John Dee , who was the first in the modern era to open the moon portal for the intrusion of powerful entities - some responsible for the fledgling Empire’s naval victories, most notably the destruction of the Spanish Armada via the invocation of Habirio , the third quadrant elemental ‘El ‘ god , of which Ariel from Shakespeare’s ‘Tempest’ is a reflection .
The truth that the Archontic nexus wants to hide is that ol’ Sol is in fact the local source of consciousness in our system, through the streaming of ‘packets ‘ of ordering units called cogitons.
These are recycled on earth but are not replenished owing to the current short circuiting function of the Saturn/Moon matrix.
The suns cogitons are converted into cogitoxins, used to maintain the virtual world sustained by the lend/ lease wetware of Beast Mind.
Return to the sun is a return to source therefore and ‘zeros out’ the cogitoxins.
If you want to translate this into ‘ your soul is redeemed through the sun of the father ‘ , go ahead - many narratives are holomorphically equivalent to different levels of understanding.
Just remember- if the tunnel of light you travel towards is not lighting up anything else- it’s the counterfeit moon portal .
Thank you for your time.