Saturday, 28 April 2018


The principle of holomorphism is quite useful. It used to be dubbed the ‘as above so below’ principle but in the post long count era where everyone now has a PhD in quantum physics (‘in the future everyone will be a genius for 15 minutes’), the concept needs to be sexed up.
Let’s look at this principle in action.
Take for example the battery farm slave unit economy , in which everyone is born into unrepayable debt , ratified by their birth certificate.
Are you angry yet ?
According to holomorphism, this must have its exact analogy in the etheric realm and sure enough yes it does.
It’s called the great karma con.
The idea is magnificently simple and massively effective- a soul , stripped of its memories, is tricked into consenting to an incarnation in a world ruled by dualism that naturally accrues layers of defilement sin and separation.
This must all be repaid, declare the beings who know the rules and how to skirt them.
The Cabal, or the ‘turds of Karma’ promise eventual redemption via subscription to a belief system which usually amounts to worship of the oppressor.
Thus this spiritual Stockholm syndrome generates endless amounts of unrepayable karmic debt.
The best estimates from analysis of the Vedic texts is that this adds up to 5.7 trillion soul - years or kalpa.
Are you angry yet ?
Added to this debt are the lend/ lease obligations attached to allowing access to the Beast hive Mind, which is nothing more than a debased re-gifting of the divine no -strings -attached -be -a -co- creator -with -God GODMIND.
So here we have yet again the recurrent theme of your owners stealing something from you that is your birthright and then selling it back to you or rather leasing it back to you , creating more debt in the process.
Just as a Mughal landowner in Rajasthan will squeeze his serfs out of their last rupiah and ounce of energy, so our overlords drain us and contrive to make us repay karma they themselves have induced through their installed malware.
Are you angry yet ?
Make no mistake , the feudal system is alive and well , although in the west it is covered in a patina of seeming free will.
Do not be deceived .
Under the lend lease agreement of Beast Mind , you are enslaved- for as long as you are using the incorporated Hive Mind, which is a long long time as life , for many , is literally unthinkable without it .
Are you angry yet ?
So here I was working away at my facial animation code one day and I noticed that my gaming laptop sported the logo of a dragon.
I asked myself - who am I really working for and to what end ?
When I die, my work no doubt is passed on to another who will help make the simulacrum even more convincing.
How do I know if he who follows is a wise man or a fool?
Then I saw all was vanity and vexation of spirit.
Occult mockery works at all levels.
Are you angry yet ?
If you aren’t angry yet you are a battery farm dunderhead debt slave with spiritual Stockholm syndrome.
I got rid of my laptop but this was mere tokenism.
In order to be free , one has to ditch everything my dears.
Every God Damn thing.., everything damned by God.

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