Every being has the I AM sovereignty , but
they also possess the WE ARE integration . Nothing that is currently in
play is uniting us in equality and
oneness. What in this world is not working is because of separation .
True transformation isn't about spouting high spiritual concepts in
thoughts and words . That is the reflex of the Beast mind - it is
parroting and robotic . It's prescriptions are stolen from genuine human
experience and visionary revelation then re - deployed as stealth
cladding for the injection of more duality and separation into the
projected false light encoded reality matrix, which is entirely a
creation of the Beast and Luciferian creator mimicry. All religions,
saviour cults and spiritual belief systems lie within this matrix and
so inevitably derive from separation consciousness , which is a
Luciferian invention. Thus they can never lead away from it.
Live the I AM WE ARE in your behaviours and leave the Beast mind at the doors of perception.
Shutter it. The Beast mind in all it's preening cleverness is programmed to compare and analyse , which feeds the
me /you separation .
The Sovereign integration process will be offered at the Eluthereon -
an initiation temple whose name derives from the Greek word for
freedom.. It will feature a hierophant , a catechism and a cleansing
There will be an anteroom , where the supplicant will
quietly commune with him/herself and be encouraged to express rage and
anger for the many mortal lives wasted in service to the imposter
Demiurge despot of blood bonds , guilt , shame and false redemption
and for all the suffering undergone in service to the Beast. Here all
wrongful acts commited whilst under the abrogation of free will and
enacted via the control and influence of the Beast hive mind and it's
Golem agent will be forgiven and disposed of . The supplicant will then
be led to the Kylix Flame room where she will replace her clothes with a
simple white robe . She will then place into the Kylix jar some
personal items to which she is most attached and which most represent
the self serving delusive life she is about to leave behind , and she
will then consign them to the flame . One last time , she will be asked
if she wants the removal of the hive mind installation . She will then
be led to the vomitorium and given an elixir to purge the foreign
installation from the enteric system . Led to the recovery room , SI
singers will raise the vibration for her to receive the I AM WE ARE
Human 3SI original blueprint , At this time the Golem hive mind
transducer , which also functions as a trans - dimensional mark of
ownership of the Beast , will be removed and floated down a stream ,
after which she will be granted presence with the Mother, the Gaian
planetary consciousness creatrix to whom she then gives the oath of
Beast - mind renunciation . The supplicant then kneels and expresses
gratitude for her Deliverance from perpetual servitude . She then
breathes in through the left nostril , saying : 'I AM' .then breathes
out through the right sighing : ' WE ARE ' ..
Supinate , the
supplicant again reaffirms her commitment to reject utterly the father
of all duality , separation and deception , the Beast , and to
henceforth see the loving Source in everything , and to humbly carry
out all things necessary to birth the Sovereign Integral original
blueprint human in all it's fullness in this density. An oath is again
made of non -cooperation and non conformity with non-unity Beast mind
commands and all such directives. The Sovereign Integral now declares
that death holds no fear for her and that she would rather die than
form a pact with the Beast. If Gaia is satisfied , supplicant will
receive the god mind endowment . Every graduate of process will receive
a certificate of decommission as an economic slave unit of the Light
Encoded False Reality fiefdom and they will also be given a rebirth
certificate with a new name . The newly minted Soveriegn Integral
Being will then move through the Eluthereon Portal of
multidimensionality into freedom . Anyone at all interested in
undergoing this process please message me and I will place you on a
waiting list and I will later send full details of the SIP program and
future de -commissioning dates as they become available.
share this post with anyone you think understands the need for this
process to get underway quickly . Thank you for your patience .
I bow to all the infinite beings called Humans . Bestialis delendo .
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