In so far as:
1. I have the firm and conscientious belief that my birth certificate,
along with those of many millions, has been traded on global stock
exchanges and futures markets in order to fund an artificial currency
system, in effect causing the bearers of those certificates to become
indentured slave units for the purpose of servicing this debt,
sustaining a system of interlocking hierarchies for the ultimate benefit
of a tiny minority of ruling elites, referred to, for convenience,
collectively, as the Beast.
2. Since every major nation-state of
the modern world is now effectively a corporate owned subsidiary of the
Beast, such as the USA (Rothschilds), it follows that those bodies
primarily serve the interests of their parent companies and, by
extrapolation, the populations they control and tax are also coerced to
comply with the demands and policies of monolithic transnational
corporate networks, as these populations form a part of a nation’s
assets used to generate dividends on reserve bank bond issuance which
in effect leverages a nation’s mandate to regulate and tax it’s people
to service huge deficits. This is equivalent to liquidating the lifetime
taxable earing capacity of every human to offset a futures market
transaction. Thus an individual’s certificate of birth is a negotiable
bond and ipso facto that individual is quite literally born into
3. I assert that this is a contravention of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (1948), Article 1, which states that every
human is born free and also Article 4, which states that no-one shall be
held in slavery and servitude.
4. In essence, a modern nation
state or servant of the Beast furnishes its own mandate to exploit and
plunder the resources and natural treasures of the land under its
control, which includes all the human souls upon it, selling it off as
it sees fit, returning portions of the stolen birthright in the form of
loans, restrictions, dependencies, handouts, subsistence wages,
processed foods, iatrogenic diseases, coping drugs, welfare payments,
war toys, gadgets, bread,circuses, baubles, bangles, beads and more
infrastructures of centralized control and diversion to fabricate the
meretricious glamour of a contrived, simulacra of life that further
insulates the populace from contact with the Gaian biosphere of Earth,
incubating insane Satanic ideas such as money is more important than
Life, “God will punish you”, and matter is prior to consciousness. This
is a poor bargain.
5. I hereby assert that I never agreed to this contract with a sound mind, tacitly or otherwise
6. The Beast, in order to maintain control over populations and in
order to continue exploiting the natural resources of my mother, the
Earth, and also to feed its bloodlust, has created specious dialectical
divisions and many false dichotomies propagating endless wars, perpetual
inequalities, genocide, staged proxy wars, disrupting the natural
organic order with artificially engendered conflict, having the goal of
subjugating the human spirit with a confusion of errant cravings, faux
desires, hatred, ideologies and the futile pursuit of chimeras to
further enslave mankind by means including but not limited to: the
covert and overt psychological manipulation via electronic and print
media, corporate-owned networks of self-legitimized systems of social
engineering - schools, universities, banking, the sickness industry and
those technologies of mind control called film and television, as well
as mass cognitive engineering which make these consensual hallucinations
7. Humanity, having been deprived of a true science of
consciousness, experiences an innate sense of loss and separation from
Source, deriving also from the largely unquestioned acceptance of the
synthetic world projected by the Beast. This psychological vacuum is
filled with many imposter saviour Gods and so-called “Religions” for the
purpose of replacing a real need to commune and connect with an
imperative to worship exteriorized forms of inner Divinity, deferring
interminably the connection with Source, fostering yearnings, delusions,
divisions, sickness of the mind and further separating Humans from
8. The occulted or hidden technologies of consciousness
enable the psychic control of the many by the few,( Archons), concealing
from general scrutiny the existence of genetically engineered
primordial psychic parasites that feed off humanity and are so designed
to prevent or curtail natural spiritual progression from lower emotional
states to higher forms of awareness. This serves the Beast in deceiving
human souls, enforcing endless cycles of birth and rebirth for the
purpose of servicing of debts, material and karmic, extending beyond the
period of a single human life-span.
9. That these primordially
installed psychic parasites constitute also the tokens of ownership of
the human soul, known as the Mark of the Beast.
10. It is my firm,
conscientious, revealed and rational belief that a contracted servant of
the Beast is therefore politically, economically, spiritually,
psychically, physically, intellectually, cognitively and by every other
meaningful measure a slave, to be regarded as a member of a conquered
race – a doomed, disenfranchised, displaced person disconnected from
Source and therefore essentially insane and misdirected.
11. The
Beast, aware that its existence depends on this disconnectedness, crafts
a Babel-Tower of warring religions and ideological fiefdoms to justify
ever more extensive modalities of control and rulership, delegated to
those who have ratified their contract with the Beast in word and deed,
to supply it with the periodic ceremonies of violent combative upheaval
which serve as the modern rites of blood sacrifice.
12. Organised
chaos and regulated hatreds define the dipoles of the counterfeit Beast
Kabbalah that bestows on it a synthetic stability. This duel of
dualities drives the ceaseless see-saw of correction and
counter-correction with every measure taken and measure given. Meanwhile
blood flows freely from the “Mercy-Seat” supplying the Beast with
eternal sustenance.
13. There is no war so wise, no philosophy so
elevated, no science so exact, no thinking so lofty, that cannot be
converted/perverted/inverted by the action of the Mirror-self parasite
to serve the interests of the Beast. There is no act so vile that cannot
be sanctioned by its imprimatur. There is no act s noble that cannot be
deemed transgressive by its codex.
14. The Beast-dystopia is a
closed system. It supports all sides because it owns all sides. It is
the Inquisition and heretic, the tyranny and the insurgency, the
monarchist and the anarchist, the Devil and the church, the Red Cross on
the white shield. It is Mossad and ISIL, the CIA and Al Qaeda. It is
all 64 squares. This is perhaps how it has the arrogance to call itself
God. As the bible claims, he is Prince of this World. Nothing has
changed – the Beast also owns all the religions and sponsors their
dissemination. The Christ-meme, for example, is now run by the Beast in
inverted form.
15. The Beast Hive-Mind cannot be overcome using the
Beast-Mind. The solution to a problem is never found at the level of
the problem. The only escape from the Beast Hive-Mind parasite and its
constant misappropriations of human thought and endeavour is to stop
using it.
16. Under slavery, using the Beast-Mind, freewill is a
meaningless sham. Under Sovereignty, using the God-Mind, free will is a
meaningful boon. The Sovereign Integral does not preach the Original Sin
of humankind, but rather proclaims its Original Innocence.
I hereby therefore:
1. Rescind and reject all covenants with the Beast made in a state of
ignorance, wittingly or unwittingly by means of deception and coercion,
implied or explicit. These include agreements to become a slave unit for
the government of the country of my birth which has cooperated with the
Beast in maintaining my separation from Source.
2. Reject the
false identification of the accidents of the shadow-play of biography
and associated documents with my true self which transcends the
arbitrarily drawn boundaries of the driven biological unit and is of
itself a trans-dimensional immortal sovereign in essence yet integral to
the web of organically interconnected manifestations of life.
3. Reject the blandishments of the Beast Mind and embrace the original God - mind.
4. Declare that I have been given the illusion of freedom by being
supplied bogus “choices” that nevertheless all lead to death, madness
and the extinguishing of the soul in the void of forgetfulness.
Declare that it is my firm and conscientious belief that I was enslaved
and deluded and defrauded by malevolent forces inimical to the human
spirit in what amounts to an elaborate Pyramid scheme to enforce the
Beast’s agenda of total control of humanity.
6. Declare that my
mother, the Earth - a conscious and sentient being - is, I believe, in a
state of occupation by such malevolent forces alien to its nature of
love, nurture, creativity, forgiveness, largess and organically
sustained growth via uninterrupted connection to the Galactic core.
7. In such a state of occupancy, all human acts should be deemed either
acts of collaboration with the Beast and its interlocking hierarchies,
systems and agents, or otherwise acts of exigency, or self-discovery by
beings blighted by ignorance acting to thwart or mitigate slave-states
and uncover their real condition and aid Earth in ridding it of the
predatory infestation of the Beast, his legions, his minions and mind.
8. Declare that it is my firm and conscientious decision to recognize
only the authority of Divine Order and to make myself a conduit of
Divine Order and align myself to the conscious, sentient bio-sphere
known variously as Gaia, Sophia, or more simply Mother Earth and I
reject the authority of the hypocritical agents and instruments of the
Beast, it’s dominions and principalities.
9. Declare myself to be a de-commissioned slave unit of the Beast, whose works I reject utterly in all its manifestations.
10. Declare that as I have never agreed to any contract with any
Government, I recognise its power but not its authority over me. My
birth on this planet should not be taken as assent to the disguises and
covert enslavement of humanity.
11. Declare myself to be a
sovereign being. The only contract I have entered into willingly and
with full awareness is that with my original Holy Mother, the Earth, and
that contract requires rejection of all covenants made with the Beast,
its servants and agents.
12. The Sovereign Integral needs no hierarchical system or code of law to establish connection with Divine Realms.
13. The Sovereign Integral does not recognize political boundaries as having any significance.
1. It is my firm and conscientious belief that a slave cannot act
freely or make meaningful choices while being bombarded with manifold
deceptions from birth - Born into ignorance, dying in forgetfulness; it
is beyond the ability of most humans to uncover the truth of their
condition within one lifetime, without the assistance of Divine
2. The only meaningful choice given a human is between
the Beast-Mind and the God-Mind. To choose the Beast-Mind is to choose
slavery and endless cycles of birth and rebirth. To choose the God-Mind
is to choose eternal life and unconditional love. Most humans choose the
3. A mind-controlled slave, such as I was, cannot have wilful intent, true volition or mens rea.
4. I hereby declare myself to be a Sovereign Integral with the
self-appellation,......... I simultaneously reject my slave-name ....... along with all its variants.
5. Driven by implanted
cravings, hypnotized by the dazzling projections of the synthetic
“Reality”, the mind-controlled slave that I was acted out the paradoxes
of its condition - a free being yet constrained by conditioning, a
thinking being yet rewarded only by the entrained bleating of the stock
phrases and ready-made ideas of the fabricated Beast-world, blundering
from one mirage to another - a product of the Earth creatrix, yet taught
to regard the Earth as dead and inert, disconnected, not knowing what
it was that drove it, carrying out the consuming compulsions of the
false ego - the inverted mirror-self. This is not the normal state of
the human soul. This is the result of the acceptance of the Beast-nexus -
an uniformed choice made under the influence of guile, allowing the
operation of the primordially installed Mirror-Self propagated
genetically upon each cell division. It is death. It is bondage. It is a
parasite. It is the source of all duality. It is a thief. When I was a
slave, I thought as a slave, I acted like a slave, I felt like a slave,
but now I push away slavish things.
6. The mirror-self, formerly
known as the human “ego” is actually a perversion of the True Self yet
mistakenly identified with it. Camouflaged perfectly because, draped in
the thoughts and experiences of the host, it has eluded detection for
aeons, but can be felt by its effects. With it, every human experience
and thought is intercepted, absorbed, recorded, inverted then weaponized
and deployed to generate endless division and duality. It steals our
humanity only to sell it back to us in return for access to the Beast
Mind. It is a poor bargain. This process is the same for every human
experience, no matter how lofty, noble, elevated or bliss-filled. They
are all reflected back to the host in inverted caricatures, stamped with
the mocking grimace of the Beast, who hates Earth and humanity. This is
what the infernal parasite offers in return for the human soul - the
great wound of separation, and from its opening pours pride, greed,
lust, anger, shame, guilt, confusion, loss and hatred. This parasite has
also been known as Wetiko virus. Only when the parasite is removed or
starved of the blood it craves, and a conscious choice is made to
embrace the God-Mind and reject the Trojan horse of the Beast-Mind, can a
slave-human be said to be a true human. The parasite is a thief, but
one of the thieves was saved. Only a true human can be free.
7. It
is my firm and conscientious belief that it is the duty of every human
being to seek out the truth of their condition and eliminate those
psychic parasites that prevent re-connection to Source and which
afflicts us all to a greater or lesser degree. The Mark of the Beast
must be removed. BestialisDelendo.
8. It is my firm and
conscientious belief that the Gaian biosphere is the actual Creative
Matrix of terrestrial life and thus all insults, depredations, and
violations upon her are to be resisted and her salient corporeal form
9. The ceremony of invitation of Spirit has been
replaced with the sterile command of Law and the former structures of
Justice, once acting to eradicate evil, now serve rather to regulate and
propagate it. Our former temples have been destroyed or re-purposed to
house the dread instruments of mind-control, the accoutrements of the
Beast the mirror-image inversion of our highest hopes and ideals. The
prime directive during the time of Occupancy of this planet is to
redress that situation with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.
10. I am willing to die rather than conform any longer to the dictates
and directives of the Beast and the unspeakable evil of which it is
capable - evil which extends beyond this physical density.
11. This world and all its denizens are the Grapes of Thoth.
12. I seek refuge in the Mother.