Sunday, 2 October 2016


ok, I admit it. I flew to Shoemaker's phony 'conference' with speakers so self-deluded they'd made power point presentations about themselves to show over brunch. I found the two founders of ayahausca tourism in Iquitos (you know who I'm talking about) to be liars, drunks and charlatans, I saw one Canadian who'd dosed his entire family with toe to trick them there at the behest of the Vine ,they didn't know what they were doing in the Amazonian jungle burning the Kambo and drinking the brew and seeing vampire bats sitting on their arms...but they were told the 'exo pheromones' of the planet beckoned them self-obsessed American woman wouldn't stop talking shit about her bad daddy and kept projecting her hatred of men onto me and the vine just wasn't helping her in any way...another shaman had raped a German girl while she was under, another wandered around naked, shrieking out the name of the ayahuasquero for help but .... IT'S ALL GOOD BRO....IT'S A FRIGGIN EXO PHEREMONE BUDDY DON'T YOU GET IT? It's what the sex gurus of the 70s called 'kriyas' - bad shit that's necessary to flush out your psychic toxins. What Peru taught me was that it doesn't matter if you're in a tepee, a warung or an aya lodge humans, being human, will fuck each other over and dress it up in the parlance of the era. This is because of PEEP.

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