In vitro synthesis of compounds involves unnatural temperatures and pressures applied to precursors and forced combinations utilizing intermediaries and catalysts such as platinum and nanometer UV light.
On the other hand,the natural creation of entheogenic compounds involves the intelligently guided assembly of amino acids by mRNA at normal temperatures and pressures via the mediation of the DNA template.
The essential difference involves the fundamental nature of inception consciousness.
Natural construction of a protein or any naturally occurring psychotropic molecule follows a consciously directed sequence of assembly events:
The essential difference involves the fundamental nature of inception consciousness.
Natural construction of a protein or any naturally occurring psychotropic molecule follows a consciously directed sequence of assembly events:
The difference reduces principally to the type of consciousness invoked.
The natural reaction involves a different cogitonic quality. I will attempt to explain this concept but to paraphrase, it states that there is a direct connection between the cook and the cooked. In essence, it ratifies the old notion that a dish made with love tastes differently to a dish made with soulless pragmatism.
The natural reaction involves a different cogitonic quality. I will attempt to explain this concept but to paraphrase, it states that there is a direct connection between the cook and the cooked. In essence, it ratifies the old notion that a dish made with love tastes differently to a dish made with soulless pragmatism.
Failures in attempts to produce organic substances in a test tube have resulted in years of genetic experimentation which have led to the forced yoking of natural processes to the AI agenda - i.e, the AI misappropriation of the light language codes - that is, the attempt to own and franchise the codons of natural protein synthesis in order to create a server-side monopoly ( seeds, genomes, sterile strains dependent on trans- national corporate hegemony (Monsanto, Pfizer)), which has now been extended to the ownership and control of certain errant types of consciousness useful to the Archontic agenda.
A flood of synthetic psychotropic drugs produced by re-combinant DNA technology is invading the West , much of it originating in China. These substances are created with AI modalities that meddle with normal ribomosonal function , tantamount to forcing vital processes to produce on demand. This is the new wave of legal and illegal drug manufacture which has the intention of circumventing the Analogue Act , and to enslave and commodify Nature. Many may think this a boon for those who wish to explore their own consciousness, but in reality it is the "M" Tort of natural 'Q' process (reflected in the laevo versus dextro molecules involved) - leading to the creation of portals for the express purpose of enabling demonic astral bodies to manifest in this realm.
The underlying mode of artificial synthesis amounts to a rape of Nature and her most secret process.
A flood of synthetic psychotropic drugs produced by re-combinant DNA technology is invading the West , much of it originating in China. These substances are created with AI modalities that meddle with normal ribomosonal function , tantamount to forcing vital processes to produce on demand. This is the new wave of legal and illegal drug manufacture which has the intention of circumventing the Analogue Act , and to enslave and commodify Nature. Many may think this a boon for those who wish to explore their own consciousness, but in reality it is the "M" Tort of natural 'Q' process (reflected in the laevo versus dextro molecules involved) - leading to the creation of portals for the express purpose of enabling demonic astral bodies to manifest in this realm.
The underlying mode of artificial synthesis amounts to a rape of Nature and her most secret process.
This difference is reflected, for example, in the mirror isomers of laevo and dextro compounds,
which provides a metric for the difference between synthetic and natural artifacts :
which provides a metric for the difference between synthetic and natural artifacts :
Let us take, for example, the reaction:
d-methyl amphetamine -> l-methyl amphetamine
which is, I postulate, not a chemical reaction at all but a cognitive reaction involving the re-ordering of the amine groups on a benzene ring (refer inter alia to my monograph on this subject).
Likewise, the reaction:
l-Rhodopsin A -> d - Rhodopsin A
These may seem abstract notions but they in fact lie at the heart of the mechanism of vision. Rhodopsin-A in the retina changes from its cis-form to trans-form when hit by light. This involves a conscious re-ordering and hence, by my postulated theory, a cogiton must be involved. Thus, the molecule has ‘stored’ an amount of consciousness along with the photonic energy. As the molecule changes back to its original state, it emits both the cogiton (the ordering power) along with the light quanta, which travels along the neural pathway to the occipital cortex by way of the following vibration:
Cogiton -> eidolon -> cogiton -> eidolon
This process I call cognition. The cogiton forms the eidolon, which collapses, releasing cogitons which in turn form eidolons that may or may not replicate the preceding eidolon depending on the ‘holding’ geometry. In the visual cortex, this cogiton/eidolon vibration is swift enough for us to perceive continuity from moment to moment. However if this process is interrupted, we can see that in fact we are creating space/time ourselves, or at least consciousness is, and the ‘software’ that is performing this miracle lies behind and beyond space/time and that furthermore, this ‘software’ is proprietorial and hence not normally user-changeable.
Note the exquisite timing required for this – by the time Rhodopsin A has reverted to its cis form, the cortex must have processed its eidolon. If not, the cogitons released set up their own standing waves within the consciousness/nerve net interface, conflicting with the frequency established by the ‘cogitonic’ software. It may be possible, in this mode, to adjust the frequency of laevo to dextro orderings to produce pre-processed cogitons, thus providing access to the plenary data.
The danger is that this may induce an epileptic fit or bio-electrical noise, which simply ‘dis-orders’ the signal. The simplest method of over-riding the Hive Mind perceptual software is to bring the original God Mind on line. Think of it as changing the OS on your computer from say, Windows to linux.
The danger is that this may induce an epileptic fit or bio-electrical noise, which simply ‘dis-orders’ the signal. The simplest method of over-riding the Hive Mind perceptual software is to bring the original God Mind on line. Think of it as changing the OS on your computer from say, Windows to linux.
Knowledge of the cogitonic field shields us from dazzling false projections and can help us escape the entrancements of the Matrix. It may even be possible to perform this feat by de-activating the phenotypes that hold the program. The study of cogitonics begins with the definition of consciousness and the definition of a cogiton. Firstly, let us say that operationally, consciousness is the ordering principle acting in space/time and that it is also therefore the source of space/time. Consciousness is circulated by cogitons, the quanta of consciousness.
Let us define one cogiton is the amount of consciousness needed to re-order one stereo-isomer of Rhodopsin-A into its mirror-image. As negative entropy, its units are Joules per Kelvin. One unit of cogiton order is the tetrahedron.
Let us define one cogiton is the amount of consciousness needed to re-order one stereo-isomer of Rhodopsin-A into its mirror-image. As negative entropy, its units are Joules per Kelvin. One unit of cogiton order is the tetrahedron.
Interestingly, note that we need not concern ourselves with how the cogiton might manifest in human consciousness. Indeed, the cogiton can only be detected as an interaction with the consciousness of an observer and may well appear, for the sake of illustration, as one of McKenna’s bright iridescent balls.
Furthermore, it seems clear that chemical reactions can be precipitated out of the ‘psi field’ (the medium through which cogitons manifest), as a chain of events initiated by the application of cogitons. A cogiton might signal the lysis of a cell wall, for example, or take over a cell’s metabolic machinery (as in the case of a retrovirus or prion). This may explain the action of oncogenes or how viral genes can be triggered to hijack a cell’s bio-synthesis in order to replicate an invader. A retrovirus may be able to transmit several cogitons to the nucleus which can hand over control of the host cell genes and their down-stream phenotypes to a foreign invader. By fractal homomorphism, this provides a model for the hijack of a human’s mental body via the transmission of cogitons counterfeiting light language source code activations.
Cogitons might conceivably be able to create hydrogen ion gradients across cellular membranes and cell walls for use in the NAD-mediated electron-transfer process. This would be equivalent to producing energy from thought alone. This suggests a very simple experiment to test the falsifiable hypothesis of cogiton/energy conversion.
Furthermore, I postulate that as the above ATP ->ADP reaction is reversible, cogitons are able to be stored in chemical bonds along with their energy of formation. As corollary, the numerical value of the energy of formation can be converted into cogitons. (Quantum storage). The number of cogitons used in the construction of a protein or complex molecule would release an equal number upon catabolic breakdown of the same molecule by any equivalent biological process such as that conducted by microbial flora in the large intestine. Imagine 100 billion Lactobacillus, Bacteroides, Enterobacter and Proteus bacteria performing consciousness conversions per gram of faecal matter. This lends credence to the long-held model of the human ‘neuro-triumvirate’ – Head-Mind/Gut-Mind/Heart-Mind.
The gut-mind corresponds to ‘quod inferius’ or the lower quadrant of the Kabbalistic sephira.
To re-capitulate, the process of deconstruction unleashes the conscious quanta or cogitonic latency that went into construction (bio-synthesis). In this way consciousness is able to be transferred from plant to human to animal to plant. The principle of circulation of consciousness suggests that consuming foodstuffs created using cogitons that have accumulated a gross residue of pain, lust or anguish (cogitoxins) serves only to maintain that level of consciousness throughout the ‘lower quadrant’ of Gut-Mind, thereby confining human consciousness to the ‘Nahbi of the Purusha’, the ‘Nephesch of Microprosopus’ (if you’re a Cabbalist) or crudely, ‘Belly of the Beast’. Where intestinal Flora are able to catabolize proteins formed using many cogitons, those micro-organisms release an equal number of cogitons, which can then be potentiated by nerve cells (quasi-reification) to create an Eidolon, consciousness event or memory meme.
The action of a cogiton can be detected in the re-ordering of a molecule, as in the case of Rhodopsin-A, and it can be stored by crystals in like manner. The information encoded by cogitons can be decoded only by another consciousness. The nature of this information is a function of the way they were used in the construction of their carrier molecule, which is therefore both a storage, transmission decoding and release device for the circulation of consciousness (the ‘Eidolon’).
We eat ultimately not to get energy, but to circulate consciousness. If the only stored consciousness available is re-cycled stale consciousness from slaughtered animals or the waste-products of microbes then we seek other sources, such as drugs. Yet most recreational drugs have locked within them the degraded consciousness that created them, leaving a craving that is never sated. Where then can we get the most refined type of consciousness? From source of course. In the case of Earth, this source is the Sun, which carries the highest density and vibration of cogiton-encoded information/consciousness available.
The increasing focus away from Source to the artificial sites of advanced consciousness such as synthetic psychotropics is the holotropic analogue of the AI takeover.
These and other
considerations make it increasingly clear that the human organism is now being
used principally to secrete cogitoxins for the delectation of another species
in much the same way we employ Saccharomyces fungus to secrete mind-altering alcohols.
And what type of
altered consciousness do our controllers prod and induce us to secrete? The
deepest level answer is: duality consciousness, the source of all conflict,
hatred, craving, division and delusion.
Currently the human
race can be regarded as a seething bio-mass cultivated for the production,
refinement and dissemination of further and higher levels of duality, in direct
opposition to cosmic order – it is the mirror world – the virtual creation of dextro (right-handed) cogitoxins.
This closed loop of
the circulation of cogitoxins is the
real meaning behind the tradition of the Ouroboros – the snake devouring its own tail.
This is why we need
to move towards a new model of consciousness, away from the homo sapienta model, which posits the
dualistic mind as the measure of all things. We need to formulate operational
definitions, not metaphysical speculations. Consciousness is no more mysterious
than Gravity, and we have usable theories of that. We can state boldly, then,
that cogitons can be stored directly along with their molecules of formation,
that they can order information that can be converted into imagery (Eidolons)
or used to initiate an event; that consciousness can be sub-divided and circulated
by means of chemical bond formation/de-construction; that they can be
transmitted by sunlight; that a packet of consciousness, the cogiton, is devoid
of existence as an attribute since its existence resides only in the void of
the absolute unmanifest (AEON) until modulated by another consciousness upon
which it is defined to form an Eidolon (duplicate or image) of the thing
The ‘sub-lunar’
consciousness cycle is thus:
Cogiton ->
Eidolon -> cogiton -> Eidolon
This vibration from
unmanifest to definition and back again creates movement through the psi field. If the Eidolon does not form,
pure consciousness modulates as a wave through the psi field as:
Non-being-> being -> non-being
which is the driver
emptiness ->
bliss -> emptiness :
solutions to the primordial wave equation which has only one boundary condition
– that there is only the one consciousness, creating nodes:
->consciousness -> Bliss
from 'This Mortal Coil'