idea that one experience of a non -dual state, one Samadhi, one
encounter with Source presages our spiritual liberation is of course a
fallacy. Alan Watts, the great western writer/zen master/enthoegenic
ingester died a hopeless sclerotic alcoholic - Choygam Trungpa,
Buddhist monk and author of the classic ‘Cutting through Spiritual
materialism’ was a known reprobate, drunk and sex pest - Adi Da Samraj
, avatar, the subject of an elaborate Alex Grey painting , and of
whose work Ken Wilber said: ‘The Dawn Horse Testament is the most
ecstatic, most profound, most complete, most radical, and most
comprehensive single spiritual text ever to be penned ‘..., was known
for his sexual dissolution and exploitation - notorious for dropping
hot ash onto young girls he was anal raping, telling them it was
kundalini and they were being blessed, died at the age of 66 after a
coke/cock fest....Leonard Cohen’s rishi became embroiled in a sex
scandal, and was known to be of the Trungpa school of monkish
self-indulgence... Indian guru and mystic Osho advocated the use of
ecstasy and degenerated into a libertine sex guru pandering to crude
western ideas of sexual liberation, was murdered by his poisonous
first lieutenant, Ma Anand Sheela....Muktanada, heir to a long line
of shaktipat practitioners, nearly killed me using bhutavidya....the
advocates and founders of ayahuasca tourism in Iquitos are known drunks
charlatans and brujas on whom the vine no longer has any effect. We
can take this line of enquiry to the highest levels...if we read the
scriptures carefully, we can discern that Jesus himself struggled with
his own doppelganger in the wilderness, which he called Satan, but was
actually his Mirror self, full of egotistic messianic aspirations
contrary to his message of love and forgiveness. It was , in fact, this
doppelganger which was to became the kernel of the modern anti
-Christ... I could extend this list but you are getting my drift. What
is going on here? The answer is very simple....the operation and
interference of the foreign installation, the primordial enteric etheric
parasite, normally invisible but perceived through its effects, which
takes the finest stuff of human endeavour and performs an
enantiomorphic (mirror allotrope) conversion .This is the toxification
of human consciousness which occurs right through the aethyrs, bardos
and most of the higher states available to humankind... the Mirror
Self, whose function is to prevent liberation or moksha, will never
allow humans to permanently escape samsaric delusion. The higher one
goes, the stronger and more tenacious it’s operation, because it adapts
to confront , with equal and opposite force , all attempts to eliminate
it. The prevailing idea that enlightenment is some kind of
consciousness download that we can attain via the action of drugs,
meditation, plant medicine, licking the sonoran desert toad , galactic
activation or indulging in tantric sex is of course doomed because we
are fallen angels to be freed , not risen apes to be upgraded. The
task is to eliminate the toxic parasite that presides over our fall,
not feed it the nectar of our higher consciousness. The time has
come to disclose it, to expose its operation, and deploy techniques of
extraction. This requires activating certain phenotypes in human DNA.
It requires higher technologies beyond those we are currently
from "This Mortal Coil'
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