A standard textbook on Microbiology used when I was at Uni a long time ago was written in 1983 by Tortora, Funke and Case. After explaining the DNA synthesis of 1000 nucleotides per second in E.coli at 37 degrees Celsius, the text offers:
“At first glance this process seems improbable, yet it is understood to be a process governed by chemical principles only, not requiring unknown forces or events”
This statement is a bald-faced lie. Not an admission of ignorance or partial understanding. A lie. And known to be a lie. Do they examine perpetual motion machines in thermodynamics? No. Then why do strange chimeras such as machines that spontaneously assemble themselves still exist in Microbiology courses?
The answer is political, not scientific, and leads us to the greatest scandal in scientific history – the suppression of the science of consciousness.
Why is a science of consciousness so necessary? (Note this is not the same animal as Psychology or the behavioural sciences as I explain in my next post.) Isn’t it enough for philosophers to pontificate ad libetum on the nature of noumenal worlds?
Well no, actually, it isn’t. As the study of comedy is too serious a subject to leave to comics, so, too, the study of consciousness is too important to leave to ‘thinkers’.
Apart from anything else, consciousness is not a frail ‘reed’ that exists only on some tiny fragment in an otherwise wildly unfavourable universe of extremes – on the contrary, the visible universe is, quite literally, constructed out of consciousness, and a sub-division of consciousness is the genesis of space-time itself. Secondly, there is the small matter of co-extension and universality – the ‘inconvenient truth’ that there is in fact only one consciousness, of which every other kind is a modulation or sub-division (as I have shown elsewhere). If this were not the case, all the products of the big bang would have torn themselves apart long ago. Our masters have strenuously resisted all efforts to make these facts well-known and generally accepted, for these concepts have the power to ‘draw the drapes’ on the ‘Great Oz’ psychic manipulations that have been going on for millennia. Mankind has been beset by the primary infestation controlling thought and cognition for so long – misery, death, violence, exploitation, mendacity are now considered part of ‘human nature’, the greatest calumny of all, resulting in the current wholesale ownership of the human soul via the ‘lease-back’ system, whereby the software of space/time materiality is lent to the subject in return for enslavement to the ‘Great Work’. More of this in my next post. The ‘great work’ is a satanic inversion of the original plan to suffuse the denser realms with love/bliss/Chaitanya.
Just as our musical scales are founded on a tone a few Hz from natural, so this physical realm is rendered using a slightly out of phase type of consciousness that makes possible the creation of ‘orthonormal’ worlds which co-exist at ‘right-angles’ and ‘phase-shifted’ (mirrored) to the realms created directly from source consciousness (the plenum). If you can conceive of the degree of intelligence involved in this piece of legerdemain, you can grasp the magnitude of the problem facing us all. What is important to understand at this point is that the human birthright – god consciousness, has been intercepted, hacked, re-packaged and ‘sold’ back to its owner – in a debased and degraded form, in much the same way as the ‘social contract’ takes away our freedom and free-will only to sell it back to us in the form of credit/debt, subsistence wages , processed foods, coping drugs, conceptual nets, false categories, divisive ideologies, war toys, baubles, bangles, beads and a proliferation of infantilizing diversions we are made to crave.
Having postulated that there is only one God (a half-truth, cleverly rolled out to quash any rival take-over bids), consciousness arbitrageurs put forward their own candidate often formless, sometimes gaudy, propped up by a kind of augmented non-reality, nevertheless tricked out with anthropomorphic attributes, qualities, moods, usually with an unaccountable need for blood, demanding that strange thing, atonement – for sins if has itself engendered, to further affirm its written regime of vassalage. In this way the priests of the ‘one consciousness’ flourish.
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