Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Dear Leo,
As someone who has had exposure to DMT and 5-MeO-DMT for many years, I want to respectfully point out you are wrong about 5-MeO-DMT being a magic pill to enlightenment.
That state that 5-MeO puts you into, is a temporary state. That state is the state which yogis and meditators try to reach through meditation alone, and even for them, it is a temporary state. YET, the meditators are more likely to be able to maintain more awakened states for longer periods of time, which is what they are doing through the beingness within meditation.
As far as “Enlightenment” goes, who cares? The word “shibboleth” comes to mind, it is really an outmoded concept which has lost its meaning and worth. I do believe in more expanded or activated states, but see that most people are not grounded or responsible to ground and integrate these into their everyday life. They have too much “stuff” on their plate which is inhibitive, and too much to learn about operating their monkey suit, that “enlightenment” is besides the point.
I do think 5-MeO is a useful experience and I do think it can help people, but this blast is not sustainable, as you say in the video, it is not something people keep reaching back for. I have come to feel that low dose 5-MeO from plant sources is the way forward in terms of 5-MeO-DMT, just as Changa is more integrateble than the NN, DMT blast. In this way, more intricate and intregratable conscious healing work can occur.
Also, it comes back to personal cosmology perhaps, the way I see human reality is, we are in possession of the tool which is ourselves, which is being missed or unused, and so are not working (because we not using IT). I think 5-MeO-DMT can help people to wake up (or like I say activate), but at the end of the day, activation is probably more of a species wide event, rather than just the attainment of individuals. This is what was communicated to the first time I smoked 15mg of synthetic 5-MeO-DMT.
5 Meo DMT - Learn about the most powerful psychedelic in the world and how it can be used to radically raise your consciousness. The Ultimate…
Christian Aichert I agree with Julian Palmer and what he says about enlightenment and the intake of some shamanic medicine. The true sense of the word guru means "one who brings light into the darkness.

The trip with 5MeO- is the visit to a state of consciousness th
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Shanti Deva
Shanti Deva Very interesting thread!
Anjo Jurema
Anjo Jurema All which you learn, you have to be able to ground in this realm. Without meditation you would not manage to ground your experiences, they will forever be a taste of heaven and would vanish. Meditation and body work, tend to be a good ground...
Rafael Lancelotta
Rafael Lancelotta Well said as always, Julian. I appreciate particularly your mention of changa and low dose DMT/5-MeO-DMT experiences for easier integration. Doing the legwork after an experience is as important if not moreso than the experience itself. Meditation and/or unitive spiritual practice are essential to carrying out what has been learned into the community at large.
Richard King
Richard King Julian is right in the sense that the egoic/localised/separate 'me'/''you' does not attain Unity Consciousness but in the state of Unity there is an awareness of the small self as one would expect (otherwise it would not be Unity of course!.) Regretful...See More
Kenneth Vuisting
Kenneth Vuisting It may take years to truly integrate profound breakthroughs
Haven't met a lot people who are really into doing the groundwork
Ritamba Allen
Elena Nezhinsky
Elena Nezhinsky Thank you for posting this. My experience comes from years of vipassana meditation and revelation in one of the long retreats some years ago after which the seeking for enlightenment completely seized.

I see misconceptions about the peak states, what
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Neroli Makim
Neroli Makim Just FUCK YES Elena!!! and fuck yes to the other commentators on this thread too - a whole lot of yes :) <3 <3 <3
Alexis Walters
Alexis Walters Totally agree. I enjoyed Leo's video and honestly look forward to seeing his documentation of how regular dives into the abyss using 5MeO will effect the expansion of his consciousness, mostly out of shear curiosity. But that is not a path I intend to ...See More
John Fenton
John Fenton Awesome thread guys, so incredibly helpful and insightful. Love your point Elena about how most people reduce this incredible experience/opportunity to change 'how we think' (about life) rather than 'what we think'.

I shall definitely be consciously taking that awareness into the next retreat and suggesting to others that they to do the same.
...See More
Penelope Whitworth
Penelope Whitworth Julian, where you say, "low dose 5-MeO from plant sources is the way forward in terms of 5-MeO-DMT," can you be more specific?
Jai Watson
Jai Watson Before toad, carry water chop wood. After toad, carry water chop wood 😄
Jai Watson
Jai Watson Also I agree that it's not a magic pill and like Alexis Walters having years of significant meditation experience with deep experiences of temporary non dual and samadhic states still did not prepare me for the complete defrag of my entire known realit...See More
Justin Khronos
Justin Khronos Foget about enlightenment, gold stars and black belts. ;)
Tanja Phoenix
Tanja Phoenix For some it is temporary, for others not....for myself, it has opened something very deep and lasting...enlightenment is a start with no end....and how that goes for each of us depends on the level of consciousness we start out on when first experienci...See More
River Jameson
River Jameson All of this depends on the person, their commitment and intention, and the life and consciousness of them before and after. There is no generalization about 5-MeO-DMT. Because who I already was, what I choose daily and the integrative practices I have ...See More
Juan Hops Alzate
Juan Hops Alzate Substances do have a very important room to help us navigate life in this "monkey suit"; I do believe , however, that some substances can have a more lasting effect in life when they're done in a more sacred ceremonial way... Like a sacrament more than...See More
Danny Carter
Ritamba Allen
Ritamba Allen Beautiful to see so many intelligent insights here, re the search for 'enlightenment', the search for spiritual experience, or peak experience, the ego-food side-effects. By its fruits we shall know this medicine… interesting times! <3
Danny Carter
Danny Carter As I wrote on Julian Palmer thread, I'm glad to be the rubics cube head climbing the mountain.
Mats Öhrnell
Mats Öhrnell What I come to think of is that we (Self, observing consciousness etc) are all caught in this form, in this evolutionary process. One characteristic of this process is "transcend and include" (from ken wilber i think). This seems to be a never ending ...See More
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth The problem, Julian, is ignorance concerning the nature of consciousness. There exist psychic parasites that feed off numinous states , and are capable of enzymatically converting them to their toxic enantiomorphs, generating higher and subtler levels of duality in opposition to cosmic order.
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth I've been in the infinite perspective vortex and I saw Zaphod Belbebox . I asked him what he was doing here and he just shrugged and said - I dunno - it's your trip.
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth Why does no one ask what the toad gets out of this transaction? See:
Grapes O Thoth
Penelope Whitworth
Penelope Whitworth Yeah, but he's talking about synthetic, not toad.
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth Yes - I've written a paper about the synthetic/organic dichotomy....some surprising things turn up especially in relation to how so-called 'synthetic' drugs are actually 'grown' by organisms that have had their phenotypes engineered...things are not as clear cut as we would like them to be....
Penelope Whitworth Can you explain more, Grapes O Thoth?
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth I'm preparing a blog but for the time being if you go to my timeline, there are posts I made a few days ago - quotes from the paper: 'McKenna's Machine Elves'. In this paper I show that it's possible to hijack the metabolic machinery of cells in ...See More
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth I've been told to shut up
Penelope Whitworth
Penelope Whitworth Who's telling you to shut up? OK, so I didn't understand at least half of your post above, Grapes, but the quote from the Machine Elves was really intriguing. If you're OK with not shutting up and can explain the second half of your post above in simpler terms, I would be very interested.
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth Ok Not sure what isn't clear, but essentially what I'm saying is that if we postulate that chemical reactions are not just collisions with atoms and their outer electron structure, but also interactions between their etheric bodies (yes, even molecule...See More
Penelope Whitworth
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth It will rip away all your illusions leaving you standing in your own naked truth with irreducible clarity...that your light body location is inside a soaring fractal cathedral saturated with bliss-filled intelligences sweeping you with will see your present condition as a counterfeit life...your real one awaits you...
Penelope Whitworth
Penelope Whitworth How is it different than 5-MeO-DMT?
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth For homework, I'd like you to examine the lives , eras and deaths of three 'magic bullet for enlightenment' gurus : Timothy Leary, Terrence McKenna and Bill Hicks. Then look at the decline and fall of the Mayans. For extra credit, write a 500 word essay on this quote : 'And Faustus, knowing everything, could now be tempted with non -dual states'. (Mephistopheles)
Penelope Whitworth
Penelope Whitworth I'm not interested in "homework," Grapes O Thoth, but if you'd like to answer my question, I'd like that.
Grapes O Thoth
Richard King
Richard King Charles Fort used to say: "We are somebody's property." This is great stuff indeed!!! Where do I sign?
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth Where do you sign? Glad you asked:
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth But only after you read:
‘The truth that sets you free will firstly re-enact the drama of your enslavement .’ -           This…|By Grapes O Thoth