Thursday, 25 May 2017

German author Norman Ohler claims in his new book 'Blitzed', that not only was Hitler given methamphetamine/vitamin injections to sustain his rage as well as induce artificial euphoria, but that Wehrmacht soldiers were given powerful concoctions to sustain them on the Eastern front during the Kursk campaign, many committing suicide from the come-down from  being on daily (35 mg) doses of this drug. Not only that, Ohler claims that methamphetamine 'lollies' were freely manufactured and distributed to the populace in the form known as 'Pervitin' (I'm not making this up)
Those who follow my posts should refer to my discussion of the collective Beast/Hive mind activated by ingestion of this substance, a being I dub 'Methistopheles'.
(see 'This Mortal Coil' below from my blog)
This process continues today, with Chinese made psychoto-mimetics gradually flooding the West inducing mass psychosis.
Note the damning review by the establishment organ 'The Guardian'...this , for me, is the imprimatur of it's accuracy.

Ohler’s book claims not only that German soldiers and civilians commonly used methamphetamine, but that Hitler was a drug addict
Look at the lines below. Do they appear horizontal to you? Well, in another timeline they were!! OMG it's true - right before our eyes we see the Mandela effect is now affecting our vision!! I think we all must have died and been replaced by different time- line versions in which the lines seem parallel. What is happening??
OMG this is so spooky. Please, Greys, Elvin spirits, save us all! Where is John Lash when you need him, to analyze all this stuff?
Is it a message from Divine Sophia? What is she trying to tell us?? That we can't see straight now? What does it all mean?? Is everyone else experiencing this radical shift in perceptions? Why don't people protest at CERN with pitchforks and axes shouting "Shut it down, shut it down!! this is the devil's work!!" Get a load of this - even the Bible talks about the MANDELA EFFECT! (Now called Mandelbrot effect in another time line).
"In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."
(Proverbs 3:6)
The Bible warned us about CERN!!
Oh no, even as I looked at this quote it changed! It now reads:
This is so spooky! What can we believe now? God Help us!
The CERN Maneuver..

This effect I bagged as another psy- ops spotted a few months ago with the release of very questionable disinformation concerning CERN experiments which were allowed to bank up as dross behind some 'Enquirer' type headlines meant to bring any criticism or analysis of CERN into the penumbra of fringe lunacies.
This is in the tradition of tactics designed to marginalize or ridicule any valid critiques by associating them with ratbag fringe. I called this Maneuver.. the CERN Maneuver.Any mention of CERN now evokes chuckles of all kinds of conspiracy theories. Which is what CERN seems to welcome and encourage.
Which makes me wonder what it is they ARE covering up.
Note: Spokesmen for CERN can easily dismiss this myth about 'the god(actually the 'god-damn') particle -- but they choose not to - they actively promote and invite wild speculations about CERN and it's real purpose....why? They release bizarre footage of their opening ceremonies. Why? I would imagine that the best way to hide the truth is amid a flurry of unbridled speculation- the CERN maneuver. What we have is the deliberate crafting of the CERN mytho-poesis , with it's very own gods and avatars to whom this most expensive loom is dedicated as temple and altar. One couldn't have expected the dedication of a particle accelerator to proceed along such ancient Juno/Apis lines. Does no one see this as all rather startling? No? Par for the course? Ok.
This is now dovetailing into the 'Mandela Effect' psy-op. with which it is cognate and conjugate.
The problem here is to disentangle the myriad threads of good Science, bad science, pseudo science and Gothic Science, which is the mass vulgarization, if you like ,of Science..
A good example is the deliberate misunderstanding by the popular press attributed to the term 'relative' during Einstein's time, and the current vulgarization of concepts from quantum mechanics such as entanglement., now...
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Col. Kurtz
Col. Kurtz They worship alien monoliths. :)
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· Reply · May 22 at 7:53pm
Col. Kurtz
Col. Kurtz PS: Check out the Doctor Who episode S10E06 entitled "Extremis", starring Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor, for some wholesome CERN fun.
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· Reply ·
· May 22 at 7:57pm
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth ok...upload ze link
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· Reply · May 22 at 8:19pm
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth The equation on the rock looks like the Lagrangian ...a solution to Schrodinger's wave equation...but it collapses the Fourier transforms in might say it is the equivalent of the famous cat...
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· Reply ·
· May 22 at 8:22pm
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth I am open to correction on this interpretation as it is 35 years since my last tensor calculus class
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· Reply ·
· May 22 at 8:25pm
Col. Kurtz
Col. Kurtz Grapes O Thoth Professor Jonathan Richard Ellis, of King's College, London, wearing his "Standard Model" t-shirt:
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· Reply · May 22 at 8:48pm
Col. Kurtz
Col. Kurtz See also: "CERN mug summarizes Standard Model, but is off by a factor of 2"
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· Reply · May 22 at 8:49pm · Edited
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth Ok...I was totally wrong -it's an equation from quantum chromo dynamics, ..couldn't be wronger actually
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· Reply ·
· May 22 at 8:51pm · Edited
Col. Kurtz
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· Reply · May 22 at 8:53pm
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth But it's still a Lagrangian....and it amounts to a rather ugly exercise in sub atomic book keeping. The elegance of the original idea of minimizing the energy integral is gone...
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· Reply · May 22 at 8:57pm
Lee Robinson
Lee Robinson people that put that shit on mugs n shirts got the design wrong? Aye??
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· Reply · May 22 at 8:58pm
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth not exactly wrong...out by a factor of two, which, in Physics speak...par for the course...let's just add a factor to compensate...this is why I left the field....ugly book keeping
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· Reply ·
· May 22 at 9:00pm
Col. Kurtz
Col. Kurtz Lee Robinson it's not like it was carved in granite. ;)
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· Reply ·
· May 22 at 9:03pm
Lee Robinson
Lee Robinson Col. Kurtz So they 'd be okay drinking coffee from it but not have it on their grave-stone?🤔
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· Reply ·
· May 22 at 9:20pm
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth I think the point that col kurz was making is that the equation engraved on the granite is actually wrong because it invokes the Hermitian conjugate twice, thus making it in error by a factor of 2
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· Reply ·
· May 22 at 9:46pm
Lee Robinson
Lee Robinson Grapes O Thoth hmmm... when I count how many beers I've had and I'm out by a factor of 2, I am not overly concerned. Thus I shall remove myself from said conversation
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· Reply ·
· May 22 at 10:01pm
Col. Kurtz
Col. Kurtz Lee Robinson
The procedure in quantum field theory by which divergent parts of a calculation, leading to…
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· Reply · Remove Preview · May 22 at 10:04pm
Lee Robinson
Lee Robinson Col. Kurtz ermm.. thanks. I stand removed. 🤕
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· Reply · May 22 at 10:08pm
Col. Kurtz
Col. Kurtz Lee Robinson Well, I was suggesting you "renormalise" your beer count. :)
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· Reply · May 22 at 10:09pm
Lee Robinson
Lee Robinson Col. Kurtz Ha! I thought I had suggested that I had already done so.. Cheers!!
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· Reply ·
· May 22 at 10:11pm
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth Col. Kurtz ...there is only one way out - to embrace all infinities so that infinity becomes the new norm...
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· Reply ·
· May 22 at 11:02pm
Lee Robinson
Lee Robinson Grapes O Thoth toad in the water supply?
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· Reply ·
· May 22 at 11:05pm
Col. Kurtz
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· Reply ·
· May 22 at 11:35pm · Edited
Milivoj Micich
Milivoj Micich Our vapid ways with credulity are starting to Con-Cern me.
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· Reply ·
· May 22 at 8:04pm
Lee Robinson
Lee Robinson Now

What we must do in order to banish the baleful effect of this whole concept from our lives, is re-name it...for what it is...
Yes, the average US DEBT-SLAVE UNIT is an idiot, let's face it. He's kept uninformed and malleable. It believes whatever its owners want it to believe
In the 90.s he probably confused all the pomp and half-understood ceremony that accompanied Mandela's release from prison after decades of incarceration, with his funeral. Why? because the average US citizen IS AN IGNORANT MORON, or rather, to be fair, that is what his owners want him to be, unless he is slated for 'MANAGEMENT', after which we could call him 'AN UPGRADED IGNORANT MORON', who has the upper clearance to dictate to his lower sub humans what to think, how to react, how to feel in such a way as to preserve the illusion of his essential powerlessness This is necessary if the Archons are to maintain CONTROL over humanity. So - let's not call it the 'dumbing down effect.'...let's make it someone's ELSE'S fault that you're a spoon fed idiot. Let's convince you that it is in fact the FAULT OF ANOTHER TIME LINE VERSION OF YOURSELF.!! Let's call it the MANDELA EFFECT!!
So, actually what the so -called effect states is that your true self has been substituted with a more obedient, pliant, stupider and more ignorant version...WHICH IS IN FACT THE CASE!
Can you not see the stupendous genius of this maneuver?
It is telling you the truth whilst preserving the illusion of choice but of course you will always choose that which gives you the least amount of freedom.
So why do you complain when shown the consequences of your own stupidity? The Dumb Down effect ensures that there will always be a group of pliant mind -controlled slaves to do their biding. Time and time again they demonstrate how incredibly gullible and stupid we can be.
The Mandela Effect PSy-ops demonstrates that at any point it is possible to hijack human consciousness and make it conform to whatever mold is appropriate at the time. IF we want consensus to invade Iraq, we can dial in the precise quanta of human pliancy needed for this.
Is a higher level of stupidity required? No problem, we can engineer the precise amount of stupidity required., We can even -- you'll love this one - we can even calibrate their stupidity now.
REALLY? Sure.!!.We have huge psychometric data that indicates the people are at a level now, where we can have them believe anything - even that their lives have been taken over by alternate time line versions of themselves.
Sure - we even gave it a name before it's viral release the other year...The Mandela Effect, named after a good example of mass ignorance and stupidity.. Hahahha
Management will love this one - we repackage their own stupidity and ignorance as an 'effect '....hahahahahaahh
soon we can sell them the remedy - hahahaha and sell them on the idea that it's not THEM who are being gulled, but STUPIDER versions of themselves and that the only memories we can trust now are the .ones uploaded to the cloud
So what I suggest, and what I am going to implement over the coming months, is to replace, in all search engines, 'The Mandela Effect' with 'The Dumb-Down effect.', so people will finally get the message that they are pawns in this game, not players. FOR GOD"S SAKE WAKE UP!