The CERN Maneuver..
This effect I bagged as another psy- ops spotted a few months ago with the release of very questionable disinformation concerning CERN experiments which were allowed to bank up as dross behind some 'Enquirer' type headlines meant to bring any criticism or analysis of CERN into the penumbra of fringe lunacies.
This is in the tradition of tactics designed to marginalize or ridicule any valid critiques by associating them with ratbag fringe. I called this Maneuver.. the CERN Maneuver.Any mention of CERN now evokes chuckles of all kinds of conspiracy theories. Which is what CERN seems to welcome and encourage.
Which makes me wonder what it is they ARE covering up.
Note: Spokesmen for CERN can easily dismiss this myth about 'the god(actually the 'god-damn') particle -- but they choose not to - they actively promote and invite wild speculations about CERN and it's real purpose....why? They release bizarre footage of their opening ceremonies. Why? I would imagine that the best way to hide the truth is amid a flurry of unbridled speculation- the CERN maneuver. What we have is the deliberate crafting of the CERN mytho-poesis , with it's very own gods and avatars to whom this most expensive loom is dedicated as temple and altar. One couldn't have expected the dedication of a particle accelerator to proceed along such ancient Juno/Apis lines. Does no one see this as all rather startling? No? Par for the course? Ok.
This is now dovetailing into the 'Mandela Effect' psy-op. with which it is cognate and conjugate.
The problem here is to disentangle the myriad threads of good Science, bad science, pseudo science and Gothic Science, which is the mass vulgarization, if you like ,of Science..
A good example is the deliberate misunderstanding by the popular press attributed to the term 'relative' during Einstein's time, and the current vulgarization of concepts from quantum mechanics such as entanglement., now...
This effect I bagged as another psy- ops spotted a few months ago with the release of very questionable disinformation concerning CERN experiments which were allowed to bank up as dross behind some 'Enquirer' type headlines meant to bring any criticism or analysis of CERN into the penumbra of fringe lunacies.
This is in the tradition of tactics designed to marginalize or ridicule any valid critiques by associating them with ratbag fringe. I called this Maneuver.. the CERN Maneuver.Any mention of CERN now evokes chuckles of all kinds of conspiracy theories. Which is what CERN seems to welcome and encourage.
Which makes me wonder what it is they ARE covering up.
Note: Spokesmen for CERN can easily dismiss this myth about 'the god(actually the 'god-damn') particle -- but they choose not to - they actively promote and invite wild speculations about CERN and it's real purpose....why? They release bizarre footage of their opening ceremonies. Why? I would imagine that the best way to hide the truth is amid a flurry of unbridled speculation- the CERN maneuver. What we have is the deliberate crafting of the CERN mytho-poesis , with it's very own gods and avatars to whom this most expensive loom is dedicated as temple and altar. One couldn't have expected the dedication of a particle accelerator to proceed along such ancient Juno/Apis lines. Does no one see this as all rather startling? No? Par for the course? Ok.
This is now dovetailing into the 'Mandela Effect' psy-op. with which it is cognate and conjugate.
The problem here is to disentangle the myriad threads of good Science, bad science, pseudo science and Gothic Science, which is the mass vulgarization, if you like ,of Science..
A good example is the deliberate misunderstanding by the popular press attributed to the term 'relative' during Einstein's time, and the current vulgarization of concepts from quantum mechanics such as entanglement., now...
Col. Kurtz PS:
Check out the Doctor Who episode S10E06 entitled "Extremis", starring
Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor, for some wholesome CERN fun.
Grapes O Thoth ok...upload ze link
Grapes O Thoth The
equation on the rock looks like the Lagrangian ...a solution to
Schrodinger's wave equation...but it collapses the Fourier transforms in might say it is the equivalent of the famous cat...
Grapes O Thoth I am open to correction on this interpretation as it is 35 years since my last tensor calculus class
Col. Kurtz Grapes O Thoth Professor Jonathan Richard Ellis, of King's College, London, wearing his "Standard Model" t-shirt:
Col. Kurtz See also: "CERN mug summarizes Standard Model, but is off by a factor of 2"
Grapes O Thoth Ok...I was totally wrong -it's an equation from quantum chromo dynamics, ..couldn't be wronger actually
Grapes O Thoth But
it's still a Lagrangian....and it amounts to a rather ugly exercise in
sub atomic book keeping. The elegance of the original idea of
minimizing the energy integral is gone...
Lee Robinson people that put that shit on mugs n shirts got the design wrong? Aye??
Grapes O Thoth not
exactly wrong...out by a factor of two, which, in Physics speak...par
for the course...let's just add a factor to compensate...this is why I
left the field....ugly book keeping
Col. Kurtz Lee Robinson it's not like it was carved in granite.

Lee Robinson Col. Kurtz So they 'd be okay drinking coffee from it but not have it on their grave-stone?

Grapes O Thoth I
think the point that col kurz was making is that the equation engraved
on the granite is actually wrong because it invokes the Hermitian
conjugate twice, thus making it in error by a factor of 2
Lee Robinson Grapes O Thoth
hmmm... when I count how many beers I've had and I'm out by a factor of
2, I am not overly concerned. Thus I shall remove myself from said
Col. Kurtz Lee Robinson
The procedure in quantum field theory by which divergent parts of a calculation, leading to…
Lee Robinson Col. Kurtz ermm.. thanks. I stand removed.

Col. Kurtz Lee Robinson Well, I was suggesting you "renormalise" your beer count.

Lee Robinson Col. Kurtz Ha! I thought I had suggested that I had already done so.. Cheers!!
Grapes O Thoth Col. Kurtz ...there is only one way out - to embrace all infinities so that infinity becomes the new norm...
Lee Robinson Grapes O Thoth toad in the water supply?
Col. Kurtz Grapes O Thoth John Horton Conway's "Surreal Numbers":

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Milivoj Micich Our vapid ways with credulity are starting to Con-Cern me.
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