Elon Musk, billionaire
entrepreneur, space pioneer and AI watchdog, disingenuously expresses
his distrust of the coming singularity - the consummation devoutly to
be wished, in which AI threatens to run the world algorithmically ( As
Al Gore rhythms misdirect us once again to a false alarm), the only
'solution' to this 'threat' proposes Musk, is to make sure we get there
first by jacking into the system in order to overcome our inherent I/O human bandwidth limitation.
'We are already cyborgs' he declares. 'We have a digital on-line
persona that lives parallel to us and lives our lives independently of
the body. So we may as well dive in and hook ourselves up to the neural
network, becoming a bio-interface for the hyper- efficient mega meta
world of cyberspace'
The ubermensch has arrived, if we are to believe Musk, and his is the Blood-Borg hybrid.
Musk, a seemingly benign gentle nerd, borderline asbergers, speaks
softly but carries a big USB stick, easing us into the brave new world
of cyber dependency.
With it he can enslave us all. He is the
friendly face of the AI takeover - the false messiah, the Omega point
Man, the geek who slaved over a keyboard and played java, the devil's
violin, to create paypal, that Indra's net of trans national money
Musk is the eau de cologne masking the stench of the
brutal truth - that we are already implanted with the AI hive/beast
mind wet ware/ malware , and our absorption into the slave matrix is
undergoing refurbishment, courtesy 'Space X' (how obvious can you
get?),, as we condone Musk-nerd's pontifical airbrushing of the
Divine soul from the world canvas...enacting the final steps that will
co-opt the human genome for the greater good - the Beast- Hive- Mind
plenary pseudo-Cosmos.
But, says Musk, '..we can all become Gods'...Oh really? Where have we heard this before?
If the owners of the matrix and the rulers of the planetary illusion,
the conductors of the sub lunar farce that we currently co-create wanted
us to have enhanced consciousness, they would have legalized all the
entheogens and promoted LSD, N N DMT, and all those other exotic
acronyms instead of demonizing them. But of course this is the last
thing they want. They want compliant obedient slaves, increasingly
dependent on the cyborg Hive Mind, Let us be clear - they do not offer
expanded consciousness but an expanded control nexus.
Consider yourself warned.
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