I spotted Dr Jack Charles Allocca on the market stage Friday morning. He was wearing a cheap print dress.
I asked him why he was wearing a dress and he replied that it was just because it was easy to throw on in the morning. This occurred to me as an inspired response, and I toyed with the idea of calling my paper on the science of consciousness 'cheap print dress theory', to denote its ad hoc nature.
Dr.Alloca chatted with a goth couple while I watched the dance floor dissolve into an exquisite painting by Ruebens.
The floor throbbed with the movements of people who looked..well...not quite real, more like charismatic movie stars. It seemed to me to be choreographed for my benefit, with perfect CGI characters.
One man posed with his head on his biceps, which seemed impossibly huge. His arm had a script tattoo on it that read 'Creation' in elvish..the frame of head arm and chest looked, on it's own , like a a hyper realist expressionist painting composed by Raphael...the man looked up. His face was Shiva's face ...his mustache glistened and then he smiled at me, as if he was aware how inhumanly beautiful he was.
In that moment I understood everything . Everything made sense and there was nothing that didn't make sense,
Two girls who looked liked librarians for Tlon and orbits tertious held up a sign . One side read ' welcome to this moment'. The other side read :'tribal yet futuristic .'
The throng danced...A man on a motorized couch whizzed by., I wondered why so many super models were here......I walked off into the gazebo next door and saw a woman with beautiful red hair ....she had a strange earthy coloring ..I asked her where she was from...she said Israel.Well, I said, Netanyahu isn't your fault...'Lots of things aren't my fault', came the reply, and, looking into her eyes, instantly I forgave Israel everything ...Two women over 7 feet tall danced on the patch in front of me , their heads bobbed above the canopy of dust ..one was tawny, the other white....The black girl bent down and held out her lips for Dr Allocca to kiss..which he did...
During the elemental temple chanting, a crack of lightening was heard...soon after, a woman entered and told us there was a fire and we should chant for rain...the rain soon came and doused the fire...later, walking over the hill which led to south camp, a rainbow appeared which shot straight up vertically,unlike any other rainbow I've seen...I sat in the Holy Cow Chai tent and chatted to a girl who was sketching intricate patterns on her napkin. She told me she was an intern at Pzizer, that she had never been to a doof before, and that she could not take MDMA because she was on medication for depression. I told her Pzizer had got E's banned because they couldn't own the patent for it, and that perhaps she should throw away her meds. She told me she had packed her air mattress but not the pump and that she had to sleep on the ground. She invited herself back to my van. Walking back to my camp on Saturday afternoon I saw a girl wearing beautifully drawn tribal make up , a white wig and a white one piece bathing suit eating an egg and bacon roll.. 'You've peaked too soon', I said..'You should have saved it for tonight.''But I'm starving and this roll is yummy' she replied..."I was referring to the costume "...
"Oh, I've got plenty more where that came from.....A journalist who gave a talk on demonization of drugs sat next to me. She had written a book called 'Women of Substances'...we chatted about the use of MDMA to repair blackhawk helicopter pilots who had burned out so they could go out and commit more atrocities in the field..it was just sound economics given that it costs a million bucks to train one...as we talked on, I told her of my theory of the existence of the spirit of Ice users get in touch with which I call Methistopheles ,,,She pulls out her smart phone and types in everything I've said....I make a mental note never talk to a journalist,
A talk on festival culture makes the claim that the same organizational principles involved in creating a festival can be used to make refugee camps or disaster relief centers funded by bit coin donations to the suppliers...
Over at south camp, the pink party is in full swing,full of women who are channeling their inner porn star, their rears bobbing like bum bouquets but later I realize that the pron star look is all the thing, and that every girl is doing it, on every stage every night...the dance wize team tow a canister of water around which has a label reading -"Her costume is an expression, not an invitation"...
They hand out lolly pops to the girls in the shape of hearts....front of stage,the bass is so powerful it vibrates my aorta.
Nearly a mile away, it rattles the door of my van....At another chai tent at night, I am seated with a Frenchman,a melanated girl from Edinburgh, and a biggish girl from Manchester.
This is God's plenty...the spry dance and the elders prate...it all seems to work somehow..is it the MDMA? How is this possible? My designated driver, Jack Charles Alloca and I leave the festival but the police catch up to us.
He tests positive for Amphetamine even tho it was 3 days since he dropped.. A thin faint line comes up in the oral fluid assay, and we have to park the van and trudge back to the festival in the rain. Jack says to the older cop - 'How does this impair my driving'..the cop snarls..'How do you know ? Are you a doctor'? 'Yes' ,he says...'I am'.
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