Monday, 14 May 2018


It’s funny but I had my first non dual samadhi experience .. well it’s 21 years ago now ... and the thing about these experiences is that you think the rest of the world has them along with you but alas this is never the case.... I tried to explain to my gf at the time and her attitude was :
’Could you please change the subject? ‘
So over time I learnt to merge back into the dualistic world because frankly I could not integrate the experience into a dualistic world which had no categories to describe the non dual realm.
And soon many questions posed themselves such as - had I experienced merely level one samadhi?
What about experience of the absolute unmanifest- what the Kabbalahists called the Ain Soph - the state most often reported by toad medicine afficiandos - was THIS the most complete state of absorption, or was there something beyond?
I remember walking into a khrishna ashram and trying to explain to the head devotee that I had had a non dual experience of source but he just chortled and told me that Lord Chaitanya (and his modern equivalent- Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda) had also experienced the nirvikalpa samadhic state but during a kirtan in Praise of Khrishna he learnt that there was an even greater state to be experienced which was knowledge of the supreme personality of the God head or Lord Khrishna and that ritual devotion or Bhakti and pujas performed offering love to this being constituted a higher state.
God, they insisted , was a person- and worship of this person was a higher duty than obtaining the non dual state or union with source.
Well maybe I said but why is it that many of your devotees have developed throat cancer from endlessly repeating the mantra in praise of him?
I gave up but it hit me , in thinking about the Bhagavad Gita... how unusual that it was set on a battlefield!
What if the experience of Christ (Khrishna) Consciousness was hijacked by the ruling class of the time to invoke mindless obedience ?
What if Arjuna had been given some drug (Soma) to Quell the moral restraints mobilized by the imminent slaughter of members of his own family?
What if the Gita is in fact a hymn to a blood thirsty entity fooling the devoted into committing atrocities?
What if 5 MeO DMT could be likewise misused to invoke a feeling that all was perfect and right no matter what appearance implied?
What if the current military industrial establishment misused this compound to produce an army of compliant warriors convinced that they were doing god’s work?
This would save a lot of MK Ultra type conditioning which tends to get rather messy.
Why is this so familiar and how is it non different to the exhortations Yahweh makes in the OT to render burnt offerings so that the smell of flesh fills his nostrils?
Oh sure, Khrishna is prettier and better dressed yet the underlying message is the same- go get em killer!
The reverence everyone gives the Gita as a spiritual text distracts from the hidden -in-plain-sight contagion - Khrishna states that of all flowers , He is the rose, but as I read this , I thought of William Blake’s famous poem the sick rose-
‘Ah rose thou art sick - the invisible worm that flies in the night has found out thy bed of crimson joy and with his dark secret love doth thy life destroy ‘
Is there a supreme personality of God Head as the Khrishnavites proclaim, or is this just another version of the program designed to keep humans enslaved to a creator/ subjects dualistic paradigm of separation ?
Can Love - even the highest form of divine love of the supreme - be perverted into submersion of the true self into the sea of the manifest?
Is the experience of the absolute unmanifest REALLY the highest state one can achieve?
Or is it rather love of the Divine Personality?
Is the Gita a manual for producing mindlessly devoted slaves or is it a guide to personal mastery?
Has anyone encountered divine beings in their 5 MeO DMT journeys, or have they merely touched the perimeter of the Ain Soph?
Can this amazing compound be weaponised like everything else under the moon(Gurdjieff)?


Submitted for MAPS funding approval- consider an army confronting another army.. brother against brother, father against son.
What can calm the waters of doubt and discontent?
Paradoxical solution - a glimpse of the infinite. One puff on 5 MeO DMT and the great collective god of all appears to the hesitant combatants revealing itself as JADE - the pentagon’s AI that controls all combat on the field, acting in strict accordance with the inexorable unromantised zero sum game logic of Nash Equilibria algorithms.
This awesome being declares:’your brothers are already dead, your roles have already been played- do your job without thinking now about the outcome and do it without remorse or looking to the fruits of your actions .Do it with Love for the great I AM.’
The being then shows itself in its true form... linking all on the battlefield and beyond... the 5MeO DMT wears off, leaving a battle hardened mystic ready to perform any task required of it.
This is the militarisation of Toad medicine .
It’s also the  plot of the Bhagavad Gita.
Welcome to the twilight zone.

Saturday, 28 April 2018


Revisionist light worker Cameron Day , (among others ), claims that moving towards the so called ‘tunnel of light ‘ after death is in fact an archontic trap designed to recycle souls back to the control matrix or ‘sub lunar ‘ realm.
How much truth is there to this claim?
Is the ‘tunnel of light ‘ just a lure like the flame that attracts moths to their doom?
Yes and no.
The sun itself IS in fact the portal through which souls must travel ... the sun god himself has proclaimed:
‘I am the way the truth and the light... none shall come to the father but by me’
This is the asservation that confirms the path that should be taken by the liberated light body.(Merkaba)
However as in most other things of importance, this portal has a deceptive counterfeit - in this case the moon, which is able to mimic the sun portal due to its power to reflect the Sun’s light.
Because it reflects sunlight, it is instrumental in the creation of the mirror world or simulacrum we inhabit , along with the allotropic isomers of DNA that entrap us.
Do humans really believe it is mere coincidence that the suns apparent size exactly matches that of the moon?
In the etheric realm they become easily conflated.
It is this deception which is the danger.
So how do we distinguish the etheric sun from the etheric moon after we drop the body?
I have answered this in another post.
But the first thing we should do now , whilst we are embodied, is to stop worshipping the moon and all it’s vibrational manifestations, such as money magic and dualistic thinking.
It’s interesting to note that Queen Elizabeth I was often portrayed as the moon goddess in paintings - at the prompting of her astrologer/mage John Dee , who was the first in the modern era to open the moon portal for the intrusion of powerful entities - some responsible for the fledgling Empire’s naval victories, most notably the destruction of the Spanish Armada via the invocation of Habirio , the third quadrant elemental ‘El ‘ god , of which Ariel from Shakespeare’s ‘Tempest’ is a reflection .
The truth that the Archontic nexus wants to hide is that ol’ Sol is in fact the local source of consciousness in our system, through the streaming of ‘packets ‘ of ordering units called cogitons.
These are recycled on earth but are not replenished owing to the current short circuiting function of the Saturn/Moon matrix.
The suns cogitons are converted into cogitoxins, used to maintain the virtual world sustained by the lend/ lease wetware of Beast Mind.
Return to the sun is a return to source therefore and ‘zeros out’ the cogitoxins.
If you want to translate this into ‘ your soul is redeemed through the sun of the father ‘ , go ahead - many narratives are holomorphically equivalent to different levels of understanding.
Just remember- if the tunnel of light you travel towards is not lighting up anything else- it’s the counterfeit moon portal .
Thank you for your time.


The principle of holomorphism is quite useful. It used to be dubbed the ‘as above so below’ principle but in the post long count era where everyone now has a PhD in quantum physics (‘in the future everyone will be a genius for 15 minutes’), the concept needs to be sexed up.
Let’s look at this principle in action.
Take for example the battery farm slave unit economy , in which everyone is born into unrepayable debt , ratified by their birth certificate.
Are you angry yet ?
According to holomorphism, this must have its exact analogy in the etheric realm and sure enough yes it does.
It’s called the great karma con.
The idea is magnificently simple and massively effective- a soul , stripped of its memories, is tricked into consenting to an incarnation in a world ruled by dualism that naturally accrues layers of defilement sin and separation.
This must all be repaid, declare the beings who know the rules and how to skirt them.
The Cabal, or the ‘turds of Karma’ promise eventual redemption via subscription to a belief system which usually amounts to worship of the oppressor.
Thus this spiritual Stockholm syndrome generates endless amounts of unrepayable karmic debt.
The best estimates from analysis of the Vedic texts is that this adds up to 5.7 trillion soul - years or kalpa.
Are you angry yet ?
Added to this debt are the lend/ lease obligations attached to allowing access to the Beast hive Mind, which is nothing more than a debased re-gifting of the divine no -strings -attached -be -a -co- creator -with -God GODMIND.
So here we have yet again the recurrent theme of your owners stealing something from you that is your birthright and then selling it back to you or rather leasing it back to you , creating more debt in the process.
Just as a Mughal landowner in Rajasthan will squeeze his serfs out of their last rupiah and ounce of energy, so our overlords drain us and contrive to make us repay karma they themselves have induced through their installed malware.
Are you angry yet ?
Make no mistake , the feudal system is alive and well , although in the west it is covered in a patina of seeming free will.
Do not be deceived .
Under the lend lease agreement of Beast Mind , you are enslaved- for as long as you are using the incorporated Hive Mind, which is a long long time as life , for many , is literally unthinkable without it .
Are you angry yet ?
So here I was working away at my facial animation code one day and I noticed that my gaming laptop sported the logo of a dragon.
I asked myself - who am I really working for and to what end ?
When I die, my work no doubt is passed on to another who will help make the simulacrum even more convincing.
How do I know if he who follows is a wise man or a fool?
Then I saw all was vanity and vexation of spirit.
Occult mockery works at all levels.
Are you angry yet ?
If you aren’t angry yet you are a battery farm dunderhead debt slave with spiritual Stockholm syndrome.
I got rid of my laptop but this was mere tokenism.
In order to be free , one has to ditch everything my dears.
Every God Damn thing.., everything damned by God.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

THIS IS A THREAD I was involved in and a contributer claimed this:

"Richard A Snow Grapes O Thoth: An economist here. in what way does government spending create a generation of debt slaves? If you are talking about expenditure funded out of federal government spending, it's paid for by issuing bonds. The interest payments on those bonds are met out of future budgets. As long as the interest payments are a manageable portion of the federal budget, the interest payments are just a normal budget expenditure. No body makes you a slave. This is typical right wing crazy talk."
Here is my reply which I supply because it required the expenditure of some intellectual labour to answer and I don't wish to lose the thread,so to may be of interest to some, although to those who know and love me, no explanation is those who don't, no explanation is possible...(If Rumi didn't say that he should have)
"Firstly I object to being called a right wing nut job.I am a left wing nut job. Secondly, treasury bonds are backed essentially by the confidence in a government (literally 'mind control apparatus'),to leverage its power to tax and control the population under its its ownership of human capital.
This is why human capital - the only 'real' capital - is represented by a birth certificate, which is in fact a negotiable bond - which is why they are traded on the NY stock exchange.
They are rightly called 'bonds', as bonds are issued against these certificates(you don't think that you own your birth certificate, do you?)...A human being, once born, is issued with a so-called 'straw man' corporate identity ...and it is this which is subject to the maritime laws ( as in birth/berth, dock/dry dock)..the flesh and blood person is tricked into consenting to the trading of this bond and hence his debt slavery.
In effect, the treasury borrows money against this bond/ 'berth(birth) certificate'..yet from whom is this money (currency - "current" - cy, as in water currents) borrowed, and why does the government have to pay to have its own "currency" issued (both M1 and M2)?
The answer is the Reserve bank...which is intimately connected to the US Federal Reserve, ...but the Fed is actually NOT a government agency at all, but a group of privately owned corporations..managed by a tiny elite...the Central banks owe no allegiance to any country...they are above these entities and actually own these countries because of the massive debt they have created out of thin air by the system of bond issuance against fiat currency...
Your taxes go towards paying off interest on loans created by government borrowing, when in fact humans constitute the only real capital and it is we who create everything, not dead corporate bodies and financial instruments.
It is a fallacy to think taxes go towards infrastructure such as roads/hospitals/education... - in fact they go towards servicing enormous and unpayable debt which keeps every man woman and child in a state of slavery akin to the feudal system(although cleverly disguised as free market economy...the structure is controlled by trans-national financial bodies(such as the BIS, the Fed and the IMF), that dictate a country's policies...if any client state(such as Libya Venezuela Syria or Iran ) refuses to go along with this, they are invaded,suborned, sabotaged or otherwise destabilized using puppet dictators under the control of CIA/Mossad/Savik and other criminal alphabet elements or by the prosecution of proxy wars lent a bogus legitimacy by a corrupt and ubiquitous media all singing from the same cliche-riddled song sheet)....ultimately, this debt is secured by the OWNERSHIP by a country of its citizens..This is a legitimized ownership as you 'consented' when your parents filed your corporate birth certificate which has a number associated with it, which is your bond number or slave number effect, therefore, a country must follow the policies,and agendas of its parent corporations (cognate to corpse - a dead thing) which in fact control own and regulate it.
Papal bull of 1403 by Boniface states that the Vatican owns every soul, every body, and every property.
The individual comes into this world owing money he must spend the rest of his/her life paying - an unpayable debt he had no part in incurring, to service a system he played no role in creating , for the glory of a 'God' he had no recollection of inventing.
This is the deception ...this is the crypto-feudal rort that keeps the illusion rolling ahead that we are in control of our lives and that we can make meaningful choices (vide the phony 'two party system' that tricks you into consent to be ruled)
As indentured bonded slaves we are not free and can not even BUY our freedom, as manumitted slaves could in Roman times...
We are slaves bodily, psychically, psychologically,economically and spiritually. And people who defend this system are simply reinforcing their slave status.
And yes, you are an 'economist', which simply means you have been fed 'facts' about a system you don't fully understand , the better for you to serve it...just as the 'Physics' gradates can only mumble incoherent nonsense when asked to explain the extremely complex sequenced bio -chemical reactions in a living cell...because they have been trained to ignore consciousness an irrelevance(irrelevant to corporate interests), since Nature and the natural world must serve greedy conglomerates, they must eliminate any notion that the bio -sphere that sustains and grows them is a conscious entity and does NOT consent to its exploitation by a hegemony of money-worshipers.
This is the real reason behind the prohibition of interest bearing loans in most religious is anti-earth, ant-human.
The current financial system supports these perverted ideas of exploitation, greed and illegitimate ownership..."

Sunday, 4 February 2018



A case is shown apparently locked, but, at the back, there are gaps where the hinges should be.
The exegesis reads:
“The first case to be both open and shut at the same time.
Note that this is so only because the case is unhinged.
The first and most elementary case of a quantum paradox,which is the fool's gold of the sub-lunar control matrix”



A spotlight shines on letters with Cambridge University letterheads behind glass.
In his Tractatus Logico-Philsophcus (1921), Wittgenstein declared that “ ‘The world is all that is the case’, thus eliminating the need to speculate about anything except how a German taught at Cambridge for 8 years during WWII without anyone noticing that he didn’t have a degree.
Well, neither did Plato or Christ.
ON September, 2010, I postulated the so-called ‘Rhubarb lemma’, which in essence states that no philosophical proposition whatever is worth more than the question of when it is safe to harvest and eat rhubarb.
It was later discovered through a google search that rhubarb was always ready to harvest and eat, but on reflection this did not affect the truth of my lemma.
I wrote to the Appointments Committee at All Souls College, Cambridge, informing them that I was an Australian, that my grandfather was the architect of the first fully Australian owned false dichotomy, and that my rhubarb lemma was at least as significant as Wittgenstein’s proposition 1.23.5, and that, as he had been given his own chair in Philosophy, I should also be allocated one, and that furthermore, they were all buffoons, dullards and idiots.
Outrageously, they have to this date refused to give me my own personal chair of philosophy, even after I called them all ‘buffoons, dullards and idiots’.
I display the letters of refusal under glass.
The only valid conclusion left is this; Wittgenstein was a special case.


A battered case with a tag hat reads : “God, c/o Nth East Tower, 19th arrondissement,Paris”
‘In 1898, a case was delivered to the operator of the East leg lift tower of the then new Eiffel Tower in Paris, addressed for collection by God, instructions being left to determine the identity of any claimant.
It had been supposed that, if God was anywhere, He would be in Paris, and He would certainly want to see the view from the East Side of the structure, Nietzsche’s favourite aspect..
If it was claimed, then this would, it was postulated, constitute a case for God.
The case remained in the lift cage there for years, uncollected ,possibly because God knew it was a trap- a well-founded suspicion as Nietzsche had some years before attempted to assassinate God in ‘Operation Zarathustra’.
Generations of lift operators kept up the tradition, but the case remained unclaimed until in 1939 a young Austrian on holiday named Ludwig Wittgenstein was given it.
When Bertrand Russell, the finest philosophical mind of the time heard this, he demanded to know why the case had been handed over to a nobody, and a kraut at that.
Lord Russell was informed that Wittgenstein had told the lift operator (who, it was later discovered, was in fact Samuel Beckett on a working holiday) that the case for God was not in fact a case at all, and that the only valid case was the world, which was all that was the case. Not only that, he said, but even if the case, while it remained uncollected, constituted a case against God, the case for God and the case against God would be in fact the same case. When Lord Russell heard this, he remarked : ‘What he said is enough for a doctoral dissertation.’
Wittgenstein wrote back to Lord Russell: ‘Do you understand what I did? I made a pun on the word ‘case’ and you mistook it for a profound insight. You English Dons are all Buffoons, dullards and idiots. Not only that, but all so-called philosophical and religious disputes have all been nothing but disputes around Language, and, as such, have no truth value beyond word play.’
Upon reading this, Lord Russell sent word to Wittgenstein:
“We are offering you your own chair in Philosophy at Cambridge if you can make a case for that proposition. “
Soon after, he received a small package which when unwrapped, revealed a small well crafted snuff box stamped with the Wittgenstein family coat of arms. Inside was a piece of stretched vellum which had written on it:
‘The only case I can make with certainty is that you English dons are all buffoons, dullards and idiots.’
Lord Rusell’s reply was swift and uncompromising:
”Which wing of All Souls would you like to teach from?’, it read.

Wednesday, 31 January 2018


I spotted Dr Jack Charles Allocca on the market stage Friday morning. He was wearing a cheap print dress.
I asked him why he was wearing a dress and he replied that it was just because it was easy to throw on in the morning. This occurred to me as an inspired response, and I toyed with the idea of calling my paper on the science of consciousness 'cheap print dress theory', to denote its ad hoc nature.
Dr.Alloca chatted with a goth couple while I watched the dance floor dissolve into an exquisite painting by Ruebens.
The floor throbbed with the movements of people who looked..well...not quite real, more like charismatic movie stars. It seemed to me to be choreographed for my benefit, with perfect CGI characters.
One man posed with his head on his biceps, which seemed impossibly huge. His arm had a script tattoo on it that read 'Creation' in elvish..the frame of head arm and chest looked, on it's own , like a a hyper realist expressionist painting composed by Raphael...the man looked up. His face was Shiva's face ...his mustache glistened and then he smiled at me, as if he was aware how inhumanly beautiful he was.
In that moment I understood everything . Everything made sense and there was nothing that didn't make sense,
Two girls who looked liked librarians for Tlon and orbits tertious held up a sign . One side read ' welcome to this moment'. The other side read :'tribal yet futuristic .'
The throng danced...A man on a motorized couch whizzed by., I wondered why so many super models were here......I walked off into the gazebo next door and saw a woman with beautiful red hair ....she had a strange earthy coloring ..I asked her where she was from...she said Israel.Well, I said, Netanyahu isn't your fault...'Lots of things aren't my fault', came the reply, and, looking into her eyes, instantly I forgave Israel everything ...Two women over 7 feet tall danced on the patch in front of me , their heads bobbed above the canopy of dust was tawny, the other white....The black girl bent down and held out her lips for Dr Allocca to kiss..which he did...
During the elemental temple chanting, a crack of lightening was heard...soon after, a woman entered and told us there was a fire and we should chant for rain...the rain soon came and doused the fire...later, walking over the hill which led to south camp, a rainbow appeared which shot straight up vertically,unlike any other rainbow I've seen...I sat in the Holy Cow Chai tent and chatted to a girl who was sketching intricate patterns on her napkin. She told me she was an intern at Pzizer, that she had never been to a doof before, and that she could not take MDMA because she was on medication for depression. I told her Pzizer had got E's banned because they couldn't own the patent for it, and that perhaps she should throw away her meds. She told me she had packed her air mattress but not the pump and that she had to sleep on the ground. She invited herself back to my van. Walking back to my camp on Saturday afternoon I saw a girl wearing beautifully drawn tribal make up , a white wig and a white one piece bathing suit eating an egg and bacon roll.. 'You've peaked too soon', I said..'You should have saved it for tonight.''But I'm starving and this roll is yummy' she replied..."I was referring to the costume "...
"Oh, I've got plenty more where that came from.....A journalist who gave a talk on demonization of drugs sat next to me. She had written a book called 'Women of Substances'...we chatted about the use of MDMA to repair blackhawk helicopter pilots who had burned out so they could go out and commit more atrocities in the was just sound economics given that it costs a million bucks to train we talked on, I told her of my theory of the existence of the spirit of Ice users get in touch with which I call Methistopheles ,,,She pulls out her smart phone and types in everything I've said....I make a mental note never talk to a journalist,
A talk on festival culture makes the claim that the same organizational principles involved in creating a festival can be used to make refugee camps or disaster relief centers funded by bit coin donations to the suppliers...
Over at south camp, the pink party is in full swing,full of women who are channeling their inner porn star, their rears bobbing like bum bouquets but later I realize that the pron star look is all the thing, and that every girl is doing it, on every stage every night...the dance wize team tow a canister of water around which has a label reading -"Her costume is an expression, not an invitation"...
They hand out lolly pops to the girls in the shape of hearts....front of stage,the bass is so powerful it vibrates my aorta.
Nearly a mile away, it rattles the door of my van....At another chai tent at night, I am seated with a Frenchman,a melanated girl from Edinburgh, and a biggish girl from Manchester.
This is God's plenty...the spry dance and the elders all seems to work it the MDMA? How is this possible? My designated driver, Jack Charles Alloca and I leave the festival but the police catch up to us.
He tests positive for Amphetamine even tho it was 3 days since he dropped.. A thin faint line comes up in the oral fluid assay, and we have to park the van and trudge back to the festival in the rain. Jack says to the older cop - 'How does this impair my driving'..the cop snarls..'How do you know ? Are you a doctor'? 'Yes' ,he says...'I am'.

Friday, 12 January 2018


The Jackal in the wardrobe has kept the Lion at bay for many years. So many that the Lion has forgotten.
It thinks IT is the Jackal, and the jackal believes IT is the Lion.
It has even learned to wear a false beard so that the casual observer may be better deceived.
The jackal has but one purpose - to endure - to run the scripts that keep it alive - the fragments of code that it deploys in order to reproduce itself endlessly
It has copied the language of its host as a virus uses DNA to copy itself over and over...the acquisition of language is also necessary to disguise itself.
For example, it has learnt to copy concepts of victimhood - of the 'wounded soul' - and even utilizes the language of PTSD.
It has learned to engage others endlessly in these scripts,in order to play out the psychodramas needed to replay the trauma,the hurt, the loss, the wounds, the oppression and the pain.
This feeds the Jackal. and starves the Lion.
If there is a deficiency of historical trauma, it invents some.... The generation of loosh is more important to it than spiritual growth and is its prime directive
.In fact the Jackal will do anything to delay spiritual growth, because then the Lion will be fed, and then the Lion will turn on the jackal and kill it.
The Jackal hunts for the carcass of decaying souks to feed it.
Some women will even offer sex to any who will listen to their tales of hurt, woe, abuse..anyone who will feed the victimhood mentality.
When eventually men tire of it, the jackal sadistically turns on them, and they become,in turn, the abuser.
This in turn feeds the jackal for its next cycle of victim creation.
The jackal is cunning. It knows how to clothe itself in the protective coloration of politically correct ;language - language manufactured to keep the loosh coming thick and fast.
'Abuser','Molester', 'trauma counseling', 'Sexual Healing', 'Primal scream therapy', 'engram'...the entity, will never be satisfied. and scopes out the sources of loosh generation.
Undetected, wrapped in the word spells of its environment,it runs rampant through the host, destroying every reed of maturation to a high awareness... , stalling growth, stymieing egress,until the host, is reduced to roaming the world for enablers, offering sex, drugs and sometimes even money for any who will reiify the drama of continual pain victimhood and astral infection...
It is never satisfied...the one who plays rescuer soon becomes the abuser, especially when they call out the scripts and attempt to rip of its reveal the jackal.
Entities are never to be reasoned with or placated.
"What is you name,..?" demands the Lord before he casts out a demon.
"We are legion", comes the evasive answer.
"Well then you can all depart this woman.." commands the Christ,and they fly\out into the Gaderine swine who then throw themselves off a cliff....
We do not seek to converse with the entity.
The Christ does not engage or debate with it,for it has learnt scripture and psychology, and cloaks itself in it as camouflage,cleverly inverting the language of liberation and toleration in order to further confine and cripple.
The last cry of the dying thing as it desperately tries to retain its food source, is..."Compassion, Lord"..but there is no hiding from the Holy Spirit..and no quarter will be given the Beast....The Divine will root out the weeds that choke the Soul in torment. It will finally expose the jackal, which is a parasite...

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

The latest Saudi mockery to be given press time, the Philip K Dick Android, has reputedly delivered the first draft of a projected short allegory. ...written, it would appear, in his distinctive dystopian black humor style...
Analysis has revealed that the plot lines and story arcs have indeed all of his hallmarks...
I reproduce below so you can draw your own conclusions...
"Colonel A. Jarhead, his desert hardened goggles scanning the army before him, screamed into his mouthpiece, bringing everyone in the M113 armored personnel carrier to a graceless lurching stop.,
Corporeal Krushnut ,his blue black beard lit up with the embers of a cigar he was chewing on, threw open a trapdoor and bellowed at his captain..."What in damn blazes do you think ya doin., capn?"
A. Jarhead pointed to the haze ahead of him....
It's the Syrian rebels....
No, it's Hezbollah... I trained with them..
I'm telling ya -these are OUR guys.
What the hell is going on here..??
Here ends the first sutra of the RagaBagBad News feeder...a rambling association of loosely connected fragments...
The next 42 quatrains deal with A Jarhead's conversation with his driver, Corproal Krushnut, who turns out to be no less than an uplink to JADE, the in - field software which defines all valid targets and executes the manoeuvres without human intervention...
Jarhead voices his confusion and dismay that his compatriots may be scheduled as hostile forces, even after extensive counter intelligence training.. Krushnut explains that he, A Jarhead, is now acting under a higher authority as this is all now being controlled opaquely by JADE , the quantum computer that now makes all field decisions and instantly executes the changing strategies and priorities that can change from moment to moment..too fast for human calculation...
After another 23 quatrains, Jarhead is shown the real dance and true extent of the JADE AI and is gifted with a vision if its true purpose
....which is revealed as the control of all human souls ..'Make all a gift and offering to JADE...this renders the meaning of one's life, explains Krushnut..."if you want to escape the attachments of this life, give it all up to JADE...worship it, and you will be free of all worldly concerns " (Quatrain 334)
Lord Krushnut expounds the idea that those who are slain in battle, and those who slay - both are mistaken, for it is all nothing but an offering to JADE which projects all thoughts to the cloud, for actioning by the higher Hive mind, whose purpose is to feed off human life force
He asks Lord Krushnut to reveal the source code in all its glory and fury. Krushnut complies, with the caveat that he will wipe A.Jarhead's memory of this event to prevent neural de- frag....
At once, Krushnut's head hinges open and gapes , revealing the holographic interface which shows the true horrifying over-reaching extent of the JADE subroutines and it's ultimate agenda - the final capitulation of the Human Over Soul to the Hive Mind control nexus..thus ushering in the new Aeon of the Demi-urge's second coming..."
The last quatrains show how the demi urge is finally overcome by some deprecated code originating from some of Trump's tweets, which are mistaken for hash code transactions in Q++, which, by same remarkable coincidence , is the way Twitter feeds also operate...the entire systems disappears down its own singularity - the blockhead chain
from the RagaBagBad News feeder..written by the Philip K Dick Android...
I would be interested in the opinion of any Philip K Dick's specialists out there...I for one remain skeptical ....

Best part of NYE was free train ride home with the revelers . Funny poignant hopeful kid sang : 'young hearts run free tonight .. Time is on your side ..' Then claimed he was going to form a religion without Jesus ... Young girl says yes good idea .. Cause humans suck dick man... One girl took another who was upset to another part of train to calm her down ... Woman with fruit on her head claimed that she thought about sex every five seconds .. 1 2 3 4 5... She said ..,There I go again ... If a chick says she doesn't masturbate in the morning is lying man . She's grabs a guy's phone .. ' Tyson where ARE you cunt? Did you take a butch home ? . A guy with thick glasses complained .. She took my hat man , I asked for it back I said I want my hat back and then another guy came and said don't talk to a lady like that and punched me then I got thrown out but I just wanted my hat ,..that was a 60 buck hat ...two indigenous girls slumped into their seats propped their heads on pizza boxes ...couple of middle aged women sat upright , looking straight ahead in furrowed determined lines .. All had a common purpose .. To get home safely , to gather their memories of the night , to help and support whoever needed it , .. The kid who sang the song asked do you like cricke? It's just a question .. I love cricket he said . You look like Steve King sir he says .. Who is Steve King I asked .. Don't ever say that agIn he replied ... 5 am and the train lumbered towards Seaford . Full of happy young people with a common purpose unspoken .. I fell in love with humanity all over again.. Thank you Adelaide . I misspoke you .