Monday, 20 April 2015
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
For some reason - i think I told myself research - on Monday morning
decided to fly to Sydney to get my hug from Amma on Monday night .
already I hadn't slept for 2 days. cost me $500 all up with
fares,airport parking fees, had to sleep in park while I waited...some
things you can't put a price on...
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
Monday, 13 April 2015
Saturday, 11 April 2015
I have in many posts tried again and again to make clear the inevitable frustration felt by any human being who is attempting transcendence. . It is caused by the constant primordial informer and saboteur that most of us carry around with us , placed there around 8 thousand years ago by the usurpers of human free will. (Although we did a good job of allowing it to happen. ) The primordial enteric entity , also known as the foreign installation as described by Carlos Castenda, also the Golem of gothic Kabbalah , is the pseudo - symbiot that perplexes the intellect , frustrates the soul's longing and derails our spiritual evolution . The situation is that now, we must either rid ourselves of it or become a useless byproduct of the next great species annihilation . However , there exists today people whose genes and subtle bodies do not carry this infection because they predate the invasion and somehow escaped the soul incursion .and genetic meddling . These people , wrongly dubbed'stone age' , possessed the clarity and connection that made them immune from the deceptions and beguilements of the beast . Perhaps it was their resistance to genetic splicing , or maybe it was their love of Gaia or Sophia. In any case , genocide was deemed a more efficient approach than absorption . In the 15 and 16 th century alone, 110 million were slaughtered in the name of the El and their imposter God. The same policy was carried out by the European colonists in Australia and the Americas. But a few of these special groups remain. These are the pure genetic elite , uninfected by the Golem and untainted by genetic teratology . A very few , but their core is intact, their resolve is firm,
their love of the Mother is constant .If there were to be a mass extinction , their genes would be spared because the Mother protects her most beloved first . Among these peoples are the Australian aborigines. If you want some idea of what humanity was like before the infection , before the parasite took hold , go and live among their authentic communities and talk with their elders . You might find that they possess the only knowledge worth preserving . You might rediscover a kind of love and connection with this planet you never dreamt could exist - you might come away from such encounters believing that yes, it is they who will inherit the Earth. The fact that Abbott is actively trying to destroy these communities , tells me that his handlers know what a danger these communities represent to the hegemony of the soulless twisted hive mind plan for the infection of all humanity . Yet if the phrase means anything , it is these peoples who will inherit the Earth, because only they can take the imprimatur of the Gaian sanction , because the rest of us harbour the core of the eternal thwarting impulse deep within our minds and bodies .
'...I am sorry I have made Man, because he is the dwelling place of He who has fallen ..,'
'(The first cry of the Aethyrs , John Dee , 1610).
I have in many posts tried again and again to make clear the inevitable frustration felt by any human being who is attempting transcendence. . It is caused by the constant primordial informer and saboteur that most of us carry around with us , placed there around 8 thousand years ago by the usurpers of human free will. (Although we did a good job of allowing it to happen. ) The primordial enteric entity , also known as the foreign installation as described by Carlos Castenda, also the Golem of gothic Kabbalah , is the pseudo - symbiot that perplexes the intellect , frustrates the soul's longing and derails our spiritual evolution . The situation is that now, we must either rid ourselves of it or become a useless byproduct of the next great species annihilation . However , there exists today people whose genes and subtle bodies do not carry this infection because they predate the invasion and somehow escaped the soul incursion .and genetic meddling . These people , wrongly dubbed'stone age' , possessed the clarity and connection that made them immune from the deceptions and beguilements of the beast . Perhaps it was their resistance to genetic splicing , or maybe it was their love of Gaia or Sophia. In any case , genocide was deemed a more efficient approach than absorption . In the 15 and 16 th century alone, 110 million were slaughtered in the name of the El and their imposter God. The same policy was carried out by the European colonists in Australia and the Americas. But a few of these special groups remain. These are the pure genetic elite , uninfected by the Golem and untainted by genetic teratology . A very few , but their core is intact, their resolve is firm,
their love of the Mother is constant .If there were to be a mass extinction , their genes would be spared because the Mother protects her most beloved first . Among these peoples are the Australian aborigines. If you want some idea of what humanity was like before the infection , before the parasite took hold , go and live among their authentic communities and talk with their elders . You might find that they possess the only knowledge worth preserving . You might rediscover a kind of love and connection with this planet you never dreamt could exist - you might come away from such encounters believing that yes, it is they who will inherit the Earth. The fact that Abbott is actively trying to destroy these communities , tells me that his handlers know what a danger these communities represent to the hegemony of the soulless twisted hive mind plan for the infection of all humanity . Yet if the phrase means anything , it is these peoples who will inherit the Earth, because only they can take the imprimatur of the Gaian sanction , because the rest of us harbour the core of the eternal thwarting impulse deep within our minds and bodies .
'...I am sorry I have made Man, because he is the dwelling place of He who has fallen ..,'
'(The first cry of the Aethyrs , John Dee , 1610).
Friday, 10 April 2015
When I arrived at the espiritu rhuo lodge near Iquitos a few years ago , I was first asked by Ricardo Amaringo what it was I was looking for by drinking ayahuasca in ceremony . I told him I wanted Christ Consciousness . True to their word , during a session I was given an image of Myself looking heavenward with a halo around my head and a beatific look. The trouble with this is that this was not the type of Christ consciousness I meant . I meant a non dual state of unification with source that I had once experienced . I was using the term in its technical sense. Instead, The experience given me was a kind of 8 bit mestizo kitsch portrait executed in a somewhat mawkish Latino style that didn't belong to me - it didn't stem from my spiritual development and it was obviously an implant taken from the akashic records that the vine had access to and slotted into my brain in order, I suppose , to flatter me into staying longer at the lodge. I felt as if I'd been duped . Treated like a fool . Did they really think I would fall for this manipulation? Did they think I was a stupid gullible gringo who knew nothing about Bhuta vidya which is the Ayurvedic term for mind control using discarnate entities ? But I let it go and conducted an experiment . I fed Ricardo more 'experiences ' I wanted and sure enough they were dialled up and inserted into my brain like sound bites in an abelton mix.
Well after a while i asked myself why I was bothering . That day I took a light plane to Ecuador and drank with the Indigenous. . The point I'm making is this - when people give their energy to an idol or psychic fabrication using their powers of creative formation (yetzirah) , be it the Buddha, Jesus, Mary,
Quan Yin Shakti or Shiva , they are giving intel to those Luciferian lords of karma who currently run the gates that lead out of this holographic prison , so that when they die ,(sooner rather than later , so they have less time to figure this shit out) , a perfect simulcrum of their most revered divine being - the one most trusted and 'believed in' will appear (this is why the Archons place so much emphasis on belief ) . And if you are in a dualistic state / that is , if you do not understand that this is a fragment of projected chitta - a phantasm you have given life to yourself - if you don't get this fundamental insight , then you will think it is real at the causal level and you will listen to what it says to you , and guess what? it will trick you into reincarnating on Earth yet again to work off the Beasts karma as a scapegoat and be it's slave once again . And in a way you will have deserved it because you still had not learnt the lesson of your essential non dual nature . But non duality is a hard and recondite lesson to gain in only one lifetime , so fewer and fewer people will see through the trick. This , Kiera , is why it is best not to have any idols , real or virtual , in the heavens or below the heavens - on the Earth or beneath it , within your bodhisattvic vessel or on your shelf , next to the vanilla essence .
endogenous and fractal , the lesson is .
When I arrived at the espiritu rhuo lodge near Iquitos a few years ago , I was first asked by Ricardo Amaringo what it was I was looking for by drinking ayahuasca in ceremony . I told him I wanted Christ Consciousness . True to their word , during a session I was given an image of Myself looking heavenward with a halo around my head and a beatific look. The trouble with this is that this was not the type of Christ consciousness I meant . I meant a non dual state of unification with source that I had once experienced . I was using the term in its technical sense. Instead, The experience given me was a kind of 8 bit mestizo kitsch portrait executed in a somewhat mawkish Latino style that didn't belong to me - it didn't stem from my spiritual development and it was obviously an implant taken from the akashic records that the vine had access to and slotted into my brain in order, I suppose , to flatter me into staying longer at the lodge. I felt as if I'd been duped . Treated like a fool . Did they really think I would fall for this manipulation? Did they think I was a stupid gullible gringo who knew nothing about Bhuta vidya which is the Ayurvedic term for mind control using discarnate entities ? But I let it go and conducted an experiment . I fed Ricardo more 'experiences ' I wanted and sure enough they were dialled up and inserted into my brain like sound bites in an abelton mix.
Well after a while i asked myself why I was bothering . That day I took a light plane to Ecuador and drank with the Indigenous. . The point I'm making is this - when people give their energy to an idol or psychic fabrication using their powers of creative formation (yetzirah) , be it the Buddha, Jesus, Mary,
Quan Yin Shakti or Shiva , they are giving intel to those Luciferian lords of karma who currently run the gates that lead out of this holographic prison , so that when they die ,(sooner rather than later , so they have less time to figure this shit out) , a perfect simulcrum of their most revered divine being - the one most trusted and 'believed in' will appear (this is why the Archons place so much emphasis on belief ) . And if you are in a dualistic state / that is , if you do not understand that this is a fragment of projected chitta - a phantasm you have given life to yourself - if you don't get this fundamental insight , then you will think it is real at the causal level and you will listen to what it says to you , and guess what? it will trick you into reincarnating on Earth yet again to work off the Beasts karma as a scapegoat and be it's slave once again . And in a way you will have deserved it because you still had not learnt the lesson of your essential non dual nature . But non duality is a hard and recondite lesson to gain in only one lifetime , so fewer and fewer people will see through the trick. This , Kiera , is why it is best not to have any idols , real or virtual , in the heavens or below the heavens - on the Earth or beneath it , within your bodhisattvic vessel or on your shelf , next to the vanilla essence .
endogenous and fractal , the lesson is .

Thursday, 9 April 2015
The detractors of the Abrahmanic (that which is not brahma?) religions like to imagine perhaps , that the spiritual advice from the Hindu and Buddhist scriptures are the necessary antidote . But what if it is a pincer action designed to get both sides corralled into the same space time 3d trap ? I get so much resistance from these people - especially those who have experienced what you might call super consciousness that it is almost impossible to get through to them that all the concepts they hold dear and true are simply more links in the chain of bondage to the matrix false reality . Shiva , whatever he once represented , is now just another clever guise of Saturn/chronos , creator of time , devouring his own children. I listen to their excuses for the depraved behaviour of these 'gods' and I weep. Likewise Khrishna. Why would any evolved being require devotion adoration and worship ? This is vampiric consciousness at its most subtle and ductile . Why should we partition up our whole ness and disperse it into 'chakra activation '? Now the veil is beginning to be lifted en masse, we need to re examine EVERYTHING.
The detractors of the Abrahmanic (that which is not brahma?) religions like to imagine perhaps , that the spiritual advice from the Hindu and Buddhist scriptures are the necessary antidote . But what if it is a pincer action designed to get both sides corralled into the same space time 3d trap ? I get so much resistance from these people - especially those who have experienced what you might call super consciousness that it is almost impossible to get through to them that all the concepts they hold dear and true are simply more links in the chain of bondage to the matrix false reality . Shiva , whatever he once represented , is now just another clever guise of Saturn/chronos , creator of time , devouring his own children. I listen to their excuses for the depraved behaviour of these 'gods' and I weep. Likewise Khrishna. Why would any evolved being require devotion adoration and worship ? This is vampiric consciousness at its most subtle and ductile . Why should we partition up our whole ness and disperse it into 'chakra activation '? Now the veil is beginning to be lifted en masse, we need to re examine EVERYTHING.
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Monday, 6 April 2015
This is the question Josef Stalin asked when told he should placate the pope. This question betrays an uncharacteristic naivete from Uncle Joe, and his generals must have shifted uneasily on their feet wondering if they should tell the Steel man the reality - that the pope has ALL the divisions. Or, more precisely, those who control the Pope, control every army, and have done so at least since the time of Louis XIV. Those who pay for war back both sides, naturally, but more than that, they create the false ideologies behind the divide and rule strategy. Yes, the pope runs all the divisions - right and left, monarchy and anarchy, the satanists as well as the inquisition,the red shield with the white cross as well as the white shield with the red cross. It's all the same scam...frighten the sheep into the fold where the smiling bearded shepherd with the beautiful flowing brown locks and blue eyes prepares them for...slaughter. - it's all a shadow puppet play enacted for the benefit of the El - who play us like a pinball machines - these are the current rulers of the planet. But now the question these days is more relevant- how many states of consciousness does the 'Pope' (vampiric mind control central) own? The answer may startle some, and perhaps only a handful of people ever to read this will get the significance of what I'm about to say ..., but here it is - all the higher vibrational states of consciousness or degrees of non duality available to the human instrument up to and including nirvikalpa samadhi, have been colonized by the El. There,I've said it. What does this mean exactly? Well, if you accept this - and of course you don't have to - dismiss Grapes O Thoth as a crazy loon if you like (perhaps it's best for your sanity if you tell yourself this) ...but a few facts tumble at once from this like falling stacked dominos ...one is - we have no freedom. Yes, that's right - since we can have any experience implanted in our minds and believe it to be our own thought, since we can be made to perform any action, and yet think it stems from our own volition, since any refined thought we may cherish - any profound feeling of love and belonging, can be given us at will even though we believe it stems from our psyche, then we can not be said to be free at all. What this means is that our sense of autonomy is largely illusory. Although at times the structure may be lifted as a closed experiment - the outcome is certain - we will return to the matrix, after our responses, feelings, decisions have been harvested and filed away in the hive mind - which monstrosity is a caricature of the human collective consciousness. It also means that when we die, we can be given any impression, any emotional state to convince us to return to Earth to have our memories wiped, so that any 'lessons' learnt from the previous life mean nothing, and we repeat the same mistakes over and over so we can continue to work for the Corporate enterprise which has somehow hijacked the story of the humans on earth. How did this happen? It can only be because we have allowed it, or agreed to it. Freedom can not be taken away from humans - it must have been be surrendered. This is the point - we have been tricked into giving away our most treasured moments and highest states to be filed away and used or deployed to continue the deception that we are not in fact slaves, and we do not have upon us the mark of the beast, the eternal parasite that follows us from level to level - from aethyr to aethyr - the soul daemon, the enteric entity - the saboteur and deep cover operative within .
How the F**k did this happen?Any indigo people out there know?
Here it is again for those who haven't yet 'grocked' it -- all the higher vibrational states of consciousness available to the human instrument up to and including the penultimate, have been colonized by the El.
What this means is that every religious system, every spiritual teacher, every 'path to enlightenment' from Zoraster to Ekhart Tolle to the course of Miracles to Tibetan Buddhism to ayahausca circles to psychedelic induced states to sweat lodges, ashtanga, bhakti, hatha, kunadalini yogas to the worship of grinning fat kids ....all the panoply of disciplines techniques vision quests that run to hell and back are all doomed to fail, or are rather meant to fail or are rather engineered to fail, because they have all been appropriated by the same vampiric yawping Empire running the 'preservation of freedom' lie in the Middle east, and hence all systems, religions, political movements, resistance cadres and every other random distributed insights such as broadcast by Russell Brand are all currently sponsored by the corporation, by the El, who dispense what they see fit and withhold what the deem threatening and issue peak experiences like lollies to the goyim only to further their ends and promulgate more confusion and chaos -which makes it increasingly difficult for any human to escape the endless cycles, the hamster wheel of reincarnation, fed by 'work off your karma' bullshit,...trapped forever on a planet run by humans who have sold their humanity to the El, because the El themselves have lost the connection to the heavenly starry dynamo of galactic core , because they are souless evil parasites... like those Jews spared to run Treblinka, spying on the inmates, and reporting every plan or thought to escape....
Once more for those who still don't understand -
all the higher vibrational states of consciousness available to the human instrument up to and including the penultimate, have been colonized by the El. Let's not be namby pamby about this - it's too late for that now - it's nonsense that there are an infinite number of vibrational states of progressive non duality available to the human - there may be an infinity of astral level experiences, but only a finite number of quantum 'states' of vibrational connection and all but one has been taken over by the El.
So forget this nonsense that evil 'can't tolerate higher vibrations' this is what they want you to believe . Forget' love conquers the beast' - another lie sponsored by the Beast, the El.
It's as if, having climbed a Nepalese mountain to enter the cave of Brahma, after years of privation and sacrifice,hoping to enter Nirvana - we crawl inside the cavern to find supreme bliss at last - and a sign saying - brought to you by McDonald's. Only the logo isn't really MacDonalds - it's the hexagram or the saturnine rings of the EL.
Ask yourself how many so called 'religious' or 'spiritual' leaders have told the truth about humanity's plight? ' If they haven't they are either bogus fools who know nothing of significance, or they are on the payroll of the El.
How many divisions has the pope? All of them, Joe - all of them.
This is the question Josef Stalin asked when told he should placate the pope. This question betrays an uncharacteristic naivete from Uncle Joe, and his generals must have shifted uneasily on their feet wondering if they should tell the Steel man the reality - that the pope has ALL the divisions. Or, more precisely, those who control the Pope, control every army, and have done so at least since the time of Louis XIV. Those who pay for war back both sides, naturally, but more than that, they create the false ideologies behind the divide and rule strategy. Yes, the pope runs all the divisions - right and left, monarchy and anarchy, the satanists as well as the inquisition,the red shield with the white cross as well as the white shield with the red cross. It's all the same scam...frighten the sheep into the fold where the smiling bearded shepherd with the beautiful flowing brown locks and blue eyes prepares them for...slaughter. - it's all a shadow puppet play enacted for the benefit of the El - who play us like a pinball machines - these are the current rulers of the planet. But now the question these days is more relevant- how many states of consciousness does the 'Pope' (vampiric mind control central) own? The answer may startle some, and perhaps only a handful of people ever to read this will get the significance of what I'm about to say ..., but here it is - all the higher vibrational states of consciousness or degrees of non duality available to the human instrument up to and including nirvikalpa samadhi, have been colonized by the El. There,I've said it. What does this mean exactly? Well, if you accept this - and of course you don't have to - dismiss Grapes O Thoth as a crazy loon if you like (perhaps it's best for your sanity if you tell yourself this) ...but a few facts tumble at once from this like falling stacked dominos ...one is - we have no freedom. Yes, that's right - since we can have any experience implanted in our minds and believe it to be our own thought, since we can be made to perform any action, and yet think it stems from our own volition, since any refined thought we may cherish - any profound feeling of love and belonging, can be given us at will even though we believe it stems from our psyche, then we can not be said to be free at all. What this means is that our sense of autonomy is largely illusory. Although at times the structure may be lifted as a closed experiment - the outcome is certain - we will return to the matrix, after our responses, feelings, decisions have been harvested and filed away in the hive mind - which monstrosity is a caricature of the human collective consciousness. It also means that when we die, we can be given any impression, any emotional state to convince us to return to Earth to have our memories wiped, so that any 'lessons' learnt from the previous life mean nothing, and we repeat the same mistakes over and over so we can continue to work for the Corporate enterprise which has somehow hijacked the story of the humans on earth. How did this happen? It can only be because we have allowed it, or agreed to it. Freedom can not be taken away from humans - it must have been be surrendered. This is the point - we have been tricked into giving away our most treasured moments and highest states to be filed away and used or deployed to continue the deception that we are not in fact slaves, and we do not have upon us the mark of the beast, the eternal parasite that follows us from level to level - from aethyr to aethyr - the soul daemon, the enteric entity - the saboteur and deep cover operative within .
How the F**k did this happen?Any indigo people out there know?
Here it is again for those who haven't yet 'grocked' it -- all the higher vibrational states of consciousness available to the human instrument up to and including the penultimate, have been colonized by the El.
What this means is that every religious system, every spiritual teacher, every 'path to enlightenment' from Zoraster to Ekhart Tolle to the course of Miracles to Tibetan Buddhism to ayahausca circles to psychedelic induced states to sweat lodges, ashtanga, bhakti, hatha, kunadalini yogas to the worship of grinning fat kids ....all the panoply of disciplines techniques vision quests that run to hell and back are all doomed to fail, or are rather meant to fail or are rather engineered to fail, because they have all been appropriated by the same vampiric yawping Empire running the 'preservation of freedom' lie in the Middle east, and hence all systems, religions, political movements, resistance cadres and every other random distributed insights such as broadcast by Russell Brand are all currently sponsored by the corporation, by the El, who dispense what they see fit and withhold what the deem threatening and issue peak experiences like lollies to the goyim only to further their ends and promulgate more confusion and chaos -which makes it increasingly difficult for any human to escape the endless cycles, the hamster wheel of reincarnation, fed by 'work off your karma' bullshit,...trapped forever on a planet run by humans who have sold their humanity to the El, because the El themselves have lost the connection to the heavenly starry dynamo of galactic core , because they are souless evil parasites... like those Jews spared to run Treblinka, spying on the inmates, and reporting every plan or thought to escape....
Once more for those who still don't understand -
all the higher vibrational states of consciousness available to the human instrument up to and including the penultimate, have been colonized by the El. Let's not be namby pamby about this - it's too late for that now - it's nonsense that there are an infinite number of vibrational states of progressive non duality available to the human - there may be an infinity of astral level experiences, but only a finite number of quantum 'states' of vibrational connection and all but one has been taken over by the El.
So forget this nonsense that evil 'can't tolerate higher vibrations' this is what they want you to believe . Forget' love conquers the beast' - another lie sponsored by the Beast, the El.
It's as if, having climbed a Nepalese mountain to enter the cave of Brahma, after years of privation and sacrifice,hoping to enter Nirvana - we crawl inside the cavern to find supreme bliss at last - and a sign saying - brought to you by McDonald's. Only the logo isn't really MacDonalds - it's the hexagram or the saturnine rings of the EL.
Ask yourself how many so called 'religious' or 'spiritual' leaders have told the truth about humanity's plight? ' If they haven't they are either bogus fools who know nothing of significance, or they are on the payroll of the El.
How many divisions has the pope? All of them, Joe - all of them.
Friday, 3 April 2015
Alarming news is coming in of planet x (Niburu) entering our solar system cloaked by Saturn, with an iron oxide atmosphere that will wreak havoc on the van Allen radiation belts and extinguish most terrestrial life, thus preparing the way for the return of Anu. I have been asked what my opinion is of this intel.
The only answer I can give is this:
Our view of the solar system is an out-picturing of an implanted belief system..It is finite and ephemeral. The Human masterpiece is infinite and trans-dimensional. Remember - if God (Dog by satanic reversal, aka Dogon of the dog star...vide Sirius) didn't exist it would be necessary to invent him, which was done a few thousand years ago. Who reified this phantasm? We did. Look where that got us.
Similarly, if the scenario of aliens launching an attack from Niburu didn't exit, it would be necessary to invent one, because when such seeds are sown in the visceral /neural ganglia (gut) , fed by apprehension , then watered in the astral and given life there, they are only one step away from manifesting on our beloved Earth. This is the real danger.
It has been the MO of all of mankind's catastrophe makers.
Alarming news is coming in of planet x (Niburu) entering our solar system cloaked by Saturn, with an iron oxide atmosphere that will wreak havoc on the van Allen radiation belts and extinguish most terrestrial life, thus preparing the way for the return of Anu. I have been asked what my opinion is of this intel.
The only answer I can give is this:
Our view of the solar system is an out-picturing of an implanted belief system..It is finite and ephemeral. The Human masterpiece is infinite and trans-dimensional. Remember - if God (Dog by satanic reversal, aka Dogon of the dog star...vide Sirius) didn't exist it would be necessary to invent him, which was done a few thousand years ago. Who reified this phantasm? We did. Look where that got us.
Similarly, if the scenario of aliens launching an attack from Niburu didn't exit, it would be necessary to invent one, because when such seeds are sown in the visceral /neural ganglia (gut) , fed by apprehension , then watered in the astral and given life there, they are only one step away from manifesting on our beloved Earth. This is the real danger.
It has been the MO of all of mankind's catastrophe makers.
Alarming news is coming in of Planet X (Niburu) entering the solar system cloaked by Saturn and having an iron oxide atmosphere that will wreak havoc with the van Allen radiation belts and so extinguishing most terrestrial life thus preparing Earth for the return of Anu.
I have been asked for my opinion on this.
My only reply is this;
The solar system is an out- picturing of an implanted cognitive meme. It is finite and ephemeral . The Human masterpiece is infinite and trans dimensional . Remember - if God (Dog by satanic reversal , Dogon of the Dog Star system Sirius, ), didn't exist it would be necessary to invent him and lo! He was. Who reified this phantasm ? We did. Look where that's got us . Similarly , if the scenario of aliens launching an attack from Niburu didn't exist , it would be necessary to invent it. When a belief is taken on by the visceral /neural ganglia (gut), fed by apprehension and fear, watered in the astral realm and given life there , it is only one step to manifesting on our beloved Earth, This is the real danger. It is the MO of all of Mankind's catastrophe designers . Don't believe everything you think .
Alarming news is coming in of Planet X (Niburu) entering the solar system cloaked by Saturn and having an iron oxide atmosphere that will wreak havoc with the van Allen radiation belts and so extinguishing most terrestrial life thus preparing Earth for the return of Anu.
I have been asked for my opinion on this.
My only reply is this;
The solar system is an out- picturing of an implanted cognitive meme. It is finite and ephemeral . The Human masterpiece is infinite and trans dimensional . Remember - if God (Dog by satanic reversal , Dogon of the Dog Star system Sirius, ), didn't exist it would be necessary to invent him and lo! He was. Who reified this phantasm ? We did. Look where that's got us . Similarly , if the scenario of aliens launching an attack from Niburu didn't exist , it would be necessary to invent it. When a belief is taken on by the visceral /neural ganglia (gut), fed by apprehension and fear, watered in the astral realm and given life there , it is only one step to manifesting on our beloved Earth, This is the real danger. It is the MO of all of Mankind's catastrophe designers . Don't believe everything you think .
Listening to Rak Razam's podcast interview with Julian Palmer , I
learnt that he interrupted the ceremony of legendary Shaman Germo to
editorialise his spirit manipulation , his Spanish , exposing the
mestizo ringmaster for what he is - and I must say my respect for
Julian went up a few notches . We need to recognise the guy as a
national treasure . Perhaps a bronze statue at la churro a ... How
refreshing after listening to arch phony A.S.
Please Patronise Rak's podcast and donate !
Please Patronise Rak's podcast and donate !
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
What if children born recently were in fact advanced beings with 12 strand DNA activation that enabled them to download and deploy the codons emitted from the sun as well as the stored information in the Earth's Maha kundalini and moreover they had not been trapped into the karma con of endless cycles of re- incarnation on earth but instead had emerged unpolluted by body-mind fixation from the plenum of galactic core ? Yet what if , instead of being treasured , valued, nurtured and listened to , they were diagnosed as ADHD , drugged and forced to conform to the degenerate hive mind? What if ?
What if children born recently were in fact advanced beings with 12 strand DNA activation that enabled them to download and deploy the codons emitted from the sun as well as the stored information in the Earth's Maha kundalini and moreover they had not been trapped into the karma con of endless cycles of re- incarnation on earth but instead had emerged unpolluted by body-mind fixation from the plenum of galactic core ? Yet what if , instead of being treasured , valued, nurtured and listened to , they were diagnosed as ADHD , drugged and forced to conform to the degenerate hive mind? What if ?
Thursday, 19 March 2015
A recently recognized disorder which stems from the juxtaposition of information and disinformation. Yes, Of course FaceBook is an instrument of surveillance and disinformation. That's why it was created. However, it has other uses. The prevailing Archontic order push the limits in conducting psychological experiments with datasets unknown and undreamt of in history. We are talking around 2 billion real profiles. It is estimated that every FB user is the subject of at least 10 of them every week. Tests of gullibility, mind control hacks, environmental contaminants on the psyche . Cognitive re-mapping - it is a black or blue dress? I regard FB as a battlefield for access to the minds who have successfully hacked the Reality Program or those who are time travellers, looking for others who know what they know....
A recently recognized disorder which stems from the juxtaposition of information and disinformation. Yes, Of course FaceBook is an instrument of surveillance and disinformation. That's why it was created. However, it has other uses. The prevailing Archontic order push the limits in conducting psychological experiments with datasets unknown and undreamt of in history. We are talking around 2 billion real profiles. It is estimated that every FB user is the subject of at least 10 of them every week. Tests of gullibility, mind control hacks, environmental contaminants on the psyche . Cognitive re-mapping - it is a black or blue dress? I regard FB as a battlefield for access to the minds who have successfully hacked the Reality Program or those who are time travellers, looking for others who know what they know....
So, let's assume that everything that you have been taught, or everything that you regard as most obvious, is installed there as a meme because the prevailing order wants it installed. So, start with the most obvious and invert it, then by this reasoning it's going to be closer to the truth. Is the Creator a man? Ok, That means most likely the Creator is a woman. Why do they want us to think God as 'up there'. Ok, that must mean God or the Creator is 'Down here'. So maybe 'God' is actually here on Earth. Hey, maybe it IS the Earth. Bingo! Got a useful result right off the bat. Let's try another. World War One - started by the nasty greedy Germans, right? Well That must mean it was actually started by the British.So let's delve a little deeper - oh - turns out it was - WW1 was a strategy planned by a cabal of four British industrialists lead by Cecil Rhodes who wanted a crippling war with Germany because it was a rival to British Industrial/Imperial hegemony. Galipoli was MEANT to fail as it was a part of the hidden treaty made with Turkey. Wow! This technique is working out. Let's try another. Chakras - everyone knows about them , right? We're supposed to open them , and they all have names and petals and vibratory rates. Ok - that must mean the chakras are meant to closed , and that they must be combined, not separated and symbolized and caught up in falsfifying yantras. Bang - got another useful result. We could go on and on...I invite everyone to join in and make a list of all the ideas they got from their schooling, their upbringing, the shows they watched on TV, the books they read, starting with the most widespread, and then reverse engineer them. Watch the news. Invert everything. If a certain emotion is evoked by a news item, try and feel the opposite. Counter the mind control. That will bring you closer to the truth.
So, let's assume that everything that you have been taught, or everything that you regard as most obvious, is installed there as a meme because the prevailing order wants it installed. So, start with the most obvious and invert it, then by this reasoning it's going to be closer to the truth. Is the Creator a man? Ok, That means most likely the Creator is a woman. Why do they want us to think God as 'up there'. Ok, that must mean God or the Creator is 'Down here'. So maybe 'God' is actually here on Earth. Hey, maybe it IS the Earth. Bingo! Got a useful result right off the bat. Let's try another. World War One - started by the nasty greedy Germans, right? Well That must mean it was actually started by the British.So let's delve a little deeper - oh - turns out it was - WW1 was a strategy planned by a cabal of four British industrialists lead by Cecil Rhodes who wanted a crippling war with Germany because it was a rival to British Industrial/Imperial hegemony. Galipoli was MEANT to fail as it was a part of the hidden treaty made with Turkey. Wow! This technique is working out. Let's try another. Chakras - everyone knows about them , right? We're supposed to open them , and they all have names and petals and vibratory rates. Ok - that must mean the chakras are meant to closed , and that they must be combined, not separated and symbolized and caught up in falsfifying yantras. Bang - got another useful result. We could go on and on...I invite everyone to join in and make a list of all the ideas they got from their schooling, their upbringing, the shows they watched on TV, the books they read, starting with the most widespread, and then reverse engineer them. Watch the news. Invert everything. If a certain emotion is evoked by a news item, try and feel the opposite. Counter the mind control. That will bring you closer to the truth.
Monday, 16 March 2015
Every being has the I AM sovereignty , but they also possess the WE ARE integration . Nothing that is currently in play is uniting us in equality and oneness. What in this world is not working is because of separation . True transformation isn't about spouting high spiritual concepts in thoughts and words . That is the reflex of the Beast mind - it is parroting and robotic . It's prescriptions are stolen from genuine human experience and visionary revelation then re - deployed as stealth cladding for the injection of more duality and separation into the projected false light encoded reality matrix, which is entirely a creation of the Beast and Luciferian creator mimicry. All religions, saviour cults and spiritual belief systems lie within this matrix and so inevitably derive from separation consciousness , which is a Luciferian invention. Thus they can never lead away from it.
Live the I AM WE ARE in your behaviours and leave the Beast mind at the doors of perception.
Shutter it. The Beast mind in all it's preening cleverness is programmed to compare and analyse , which feeds the
me /you separation .
The Sovereign integration process will be offered at the Eluthereon - an initiation temple whose name derives from the Greek word for freedom.. It will feature a hierophant , a catechism and a cleansing ritual.
There will be an anteroom , where the supplicant will quietly commune with him/herself and be encouraged to express rage and anger for the many mortal lives wasted in service to the imposter Demiurge despot of blood bonds , guilt , shame and false redemption and for all the suffering undergone in service to the Beast. Here all wrongful acts commited whilst under the abrogation of free will and enacted via the control and influence of the Beast hive mind and it's Golem agent will be forgiven and disposed of . The supplicant will then be led to the Kylix Flame room where she will replace her clothes with a simple white robe . She will then place into the Kylix jar some personal items to which she is most attached and which most represent the self serving delusive life she is about to leave behind , and she will then consign them to the flame . One last time , she will be asked if she wants the removal of the hive mind installation . She will then be led to the vomitorium and given an elixir to purge the foreign installation from the enteric system . Led to the recovery room , SI singers will raise the vibration for her to receive the I AM WE ARE Human 3SI original blueprint , At this time the Golem hive mind transducer , which also functions as a trans - dimensional mark of ownership of the Beast , will be removed and floated down a stream , after which she will be granted presence with the Mother, the Gaian planetary consciousness creatrix to whom she then gives the oath of Beast - mind renunciation . The supplicant then kneels and expresses gratitude for her Deliverance from perpetual servitude . She then breathes in through the left nostril , saying : 'I AM' .then breathes out through the right sighing : ' WE ARE ' ..
Supinate , the supplicant again reaffirms her commitment to reject utterly the father of all duality , separation and deception , the Beast , and to henceforth see the loving Source in everything , and to humbly carry out all things necessary to birth the Sovereign Integral original blueprint human in all it's fullness in this density. An oath is again made of non -cooperation and non conformity with non-unity Beast mind commands and all such directives. The Sovereign Integral now declares that death holds no fear for her and that she would rather die than form a pact with the Beast. If Gaia is satisfied , supplicant will receive the god mind endowment . Every graduate of process will receive a certificate of decommission as an economic slave unit of the Light Encoded False Reality fiefdom and they will also be given a rebirth certificate with a new name . The newly minted Soveriegn Integral Being will then move through the Eluthereon Portal of multidimensionality into freedom . Anyone at all interested in undergoing this process please message me and I will place you on a waiting list and I will later send full details of the SIP program and future de -commissioning dates as they become available.
Please share this post with anyone you think understands the need for this process to get underway quickly . Thank you for your patience .
I bow to all the infinite beings called Humans . Bestialis delendo .
Every being has the I AM sovereignty , but they also possess the WE ARE integration . Nothing that is currently in play is uniting us in equality and oneness. What in this world is not working is because of separation . True transformation isn't about spouting high spiritual concepts in thoughts and words . That is the reflex of the Beast mind - it is parroting and robotic . It's prescriptions are stolen from genuine human experience and visionary revelation then re - deployed as stealth cladding for the injection of more duality and separation into the projected false light encoded reality matrix, which is entirely a creation of the Beast and Luciferian creator mimicry. All religions, saviour cults and spiritual belief systems lie within this matrix and so inevitably derive from separation consciousness , which is a Luciferian invention. Thus they can never lead away from it.
Live the I AM WE ARE in your behaviours and leave the Beast mind at the doors of perception.
Shutter it. The Beast mind in all it's preening cleverness is programmed to compare and analyse , which feeds the
me /you separation .
The Sovereign integration process will be offered at the Eluthereon - an initiation temple whose name derives from the Greek word for freedom.. It will feature a hierophant , a catechism and a cleansing ritual.
There will be an anteroom , where the supplicant will quietly commune with him/herself and be encouraged to express rage and anger for the many mortal lives wasted in service to the imposter Demiurge despot of blood bonds , guilt , shame and false redemption and for all the suffering undergone in service to the Beast. Here all wrongful acts commited whilst under the abrogation of free will and enacted via the control and influence of the Beast hive mind and it's Golem agent will be forgiven and disposed of . The supplicant will then be led to the Kylix Flame room where she will replace her clothes with a simple white robe . She will then place into the Kylix jar some personal items to which she is most attached and which most represent the self serving delusive life she is about to leave behind , and she will then consign them to the flame . One last time , she will be asked if she wants the removal of the hive mind installation . She will then be led to the vomitorium and given an elixir to purge the foreign installation from the enteric system . Led to the recovery room , SI singers will raise the vibration for her to receive the I AM WE ARE Human 3SI original blueprint , At this time the Golem hive mind transducer , which also functions as a trans - dimensional mark of ownership of the Beast , will be removed and floated down a stream , after which she will be granted presence with the Mother, the Gaian planetary consciousness creatrix to whom she then gives the oath of Beast - mind renunciation . The supplicant then kneels and expresses gratitude for her Deliverance from perpetual servitude . She then breathes in through the left nostril , saying : 'I AM' .then breathes out through the right sighing : ' WE ARE ' ..
Supinate , the supplicant again reaffirms her commitment to reject utterly the father of all duality , separation and deception , the Beast , and to henceforth see the loving Source in everything , and to humbly carry out all things necessary to birth the Sovereign Integral original blueprint human in all it's fullness in this density. An oath is again made of non -cooperation and non conformity with non-unity Beast mind commands and all such directives. The Sovereign Integral now declares that death holds no fear for her and that she would rather die than form a pact with the Beast. If Gaia is satisfied , supplicant will receive the god mind endowment . Every graduate of process will receive a certificate of decommission as an economic slave unit of the Light Encoded False Reality fiefdom and they will also be given a rebirth certificate with a new name . The newly minted Soveriegn Integral Being will then move through the Eluthereon Portal of multidimensionality into freedom . Anyone at all interested in undergoing this process please message me and I will place you on a waiting list and I will later send full details of the SIP program and future de -commissioning dates as they become available.
Please share this post with anyone you think understands the need for this process to get underway quickly . Thank you for your patience .
I bow to all the infinite beings called Humans . Bestialis delendo .
Sunday, 15 March 2015
Ayahuasca is the plant de jour. Film stars feature in movies that involve it , pop stars advocate it's use , singers extoll 'The work '. Major mass media publications run articles about it and Ben stiller gets laughs mentioning it.CNN are favourable , news corp and National Geographic get people to put it on their bucket list . Yet .... I dunno..,, I would feel better somehow if it were being demonized by the corporate run Satan's pecker - gobbling war mongering poison peddling fear breeding brigade and it's affiliates . But that's just me running old sceptical programs of critical intelligence . But what if , my loves , what if , it has been hacked and hijacked like everything else , and it's visionary power is now run by Mind Control Central. Just a thought my loves. Now here's some nice fractal eye candy from our new sponsor
Saturday, 14 March 2015
Someone approached me the other day for help. There was a vanishing point in her field of vision. I told her not to worry. I set to work. In less than 3 hours, I was able to tell her -' Your vanishing point is gone'. She was relieved. Not two hours later she came back saying her vanishing point had returned with a vengeance, and that not only that, as she walked towards the point, it remained exactly in the center of her vision. I then revealed to her that in fact a vanishing point is simply an intellectual ABSTRACTION, and that there is no such thing in fact. It's just useful to suppose such a thing. 'Why is it useful?', she asked.' Correct', I said. 'You are a genius' she declaimed. 'How do you do it?' I demurred modestly - 'First I gave up trying to make sense of everything, then I gave up things themselves, until there was no thing in my thoughts and my thoughts were in no thing.' That will be 20 bitcoins.
Someone approached me the other day for help. There was a vanishing point in her field of vision. I told her not to worry. I set to work. In less than 3 hours, I was able to tell her -' Your vanishing point is gone'. She was relieved. Not two hours later she came back saying her vanishing point had returned with a vengeance, and that not only that, as she walked towards the point, it remained exactly in the center of her vision. I then revealed to her that in fact a vanishing point is simply an intellectual ABSTRACTION, and that there is no such thing in fact. It's just useful to suppose such a thing. 'Why is it useful?', she asked.' Correct', I said. 'You are a genius' she declaimed. 'How do you do it?' I demurred modestly - 'First I gave up trying to make sense of everything, then I gave up things themselves, until there was no thing in my thoughts and my thoughts were in no thing.' That will be 20 bitcoins.
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
This crossed my desk this morning. It's just another story - like so many we have heard and shrugged off and pigeonholed as bad science fiction. We can never really know if it's true, but it somehow rings true to me. I like this particular story for some reason so I'll relate it to you. Have you heard that an event is about to happen, or rather, this event has already happened,(since time is illusory created by limited human consciousness), that will transform us all irrevocably? According to the Akashic records, there will be a kind of singularity in which the mind manipulation cults called religions - those ideologies that are artifacts of separation from source and a manifestation of the hatred of Sophia, Gaia, the Earth Being - will have all their self serving agendas exposed in a single moment when everyone, at the same time, will be given a religious 'experience', each in their own way, which somehow makes clear that Religious experience has been hacked by our overlords, the Lords of time space, and mind. It's not clear exactly, what will transpire ,but something like every single savior cult will have it's own judgement day, it's own 'Restaurant at the end of the Universe' moment. But the judgement ,which all atheists thought was non existent, will in fact occur. Only - and this is the interesting twist - the judgement is not the one expected. More of this later, but let's return to the beginning. The Lords of Karma, the Luciferian forces that currently largely hijack the processes of birth, rebirth, incarnation - those who run the great guilt sin shame and punishment racket and are able to project any given emotional state or vision onto their subjects, the humans, the underlings. the 'goyim', who have been acting under the delusion that karma exists and a judgement awaits the wicked, and that sin is a natural part of being human, that these Beings have become increasingly convinced this event will occur, because, in fact, it has already occurred. They can do this because they have hacked the karmic process by fooling souls into taking on their punishment by trickery, thought projection, mind and guilt manipulation, scapegoating many into taking another birth to abrogate their own karmic burden. In this way, generation after generation of Archon-drones have sold their humanity in the service of Satanic forces, doing what they like - genocide, war, pedophilia,committing all manner of unspeakable crimes , all without consequence because they have made a covenant that states as long as they provide fresh blood, and the stench of fresh burning flesh to the Archons, no harm will come to them, and their alignment with Satan protects them from Divine Justice, because their sector of the solar system is not under the governance of the 'Divine', which itself is an Archon concept. This is because all the power they manifest on Earth, the humans have given them, through the yielding up of their free will and conscience by promises of worldly success, power and wish fulfillment and access to the 'all knowing' hive mind of the Beast. Thus, like a virus that replicates itself using the host, we have allowed this infection to spread. However, like any virus, it fulfills an organic purpose. What is this purpose? Perhaps to eliminate weak 'cells' of the human monads, perhaps to generate useful forms of AI, for it is the non-living entities of the solar system, those with some kind of soulless artificial intelligence who produce technology. Earth and the Sun are the only living things in the solar system. The other planets being artifacts of dead, inorganic artificial intelligence.
( Paradoxically produced by an outpouring from the plenum, the creatrix, the womb of the Great mother at Galactic center, but this is immaterial to our story).
Now, for some time, let us imagine these beings have the technology of consciousnesses and conscience and also time travel; that they can move through time lines and adjust events to suit a projected future. How many of you have encountered a time traveler - a being wandering into their lives who seems to have foreknowledge of events, who follows them about like a shadow? Then possibly you have at your back a time traveler or watcher. In any case, let's get back to the story I want to tell. The covenant between Sophia and Satan provides for a 'sunset clause' - that there will be no karmic payback for misdeeds committed through mind control of humans. However, as it turns out , the Gaian intelligence tricks Satan and has managed to pass judgement on the Luciferian forces. There will be or rather there has already been a judgement. But the judgement is not on those who committed misdeeds under the mind control of Satan, but on those who judge, so that all the saviour cults who condemned the non believer, all these souls were consumed in the fires of obliteration. 'Judge not lest ye be judged' turns out to be the fine print petard on which Lucifer is hoist. How did this happen? I'm less clear on this, but I kept thinking of Portia in 'The Merchant of Venice', who tricks Shylock into defeat by using his own insistence on the letter of the law. It's a brilliant moment, in a play written at the height of Shakespeare's powers. Why do you think he made the lawyer who defeats Shylock a woman? Because the writer of the play was no ordinary human. This being knew about the Gaian consciousnesses which is female, and also about the covenant made by Jewmanity with Yahweh, the demonic demiurge. The judgement is on those who judge others and seek to control others. The judgement is on those who judge. The virus of demonic temptation had a purpose after all - to rid the gene pool of the selfish barren worshipers of technology, false idols and separation from the Mother, our Mother, the Being every religion since Abraham has tried to displace and demonize and now we see why - because She is the true Creator and origin of life in this solar system. She is the true living source and rival to the soulless Borgs who rule the Cthonic underworld. Now we see why she was demonized and marginalized for so long.
Returning to the story, as I said, the Akashic records speak of the Omega point, the singularity, the judgement....whatever you want to call it. Every follower of every religion is given the message that their faith has been implanted by master manipulators of the neural net, and this has enslaved mankind for millennia in a false belief that their deliverance is at hand and is at the disposal of their particular religious practice or belief. The magician's tricks are exposed, the curtain is lifted to expose the wizard moving the levers and handles of the mind/emotion machine, who has tricked creatures into believing they can get mind heart and courage only from an external source. Dorothy returns to Kansas.... well...I digress... in this story I'm telling , the time lords try to forestall their doom by going back in time and manipulating events. They decide that the only way to get people to doubt this revealing vision, to question it's veracity, is by showing how easy it is to create such illusions. Only this particular vision is not the product of the AI wizards, but of Gaia herself. Anyway, the Archons keep running the simulations back and forth, reaching the conclusion that their own mind control techniques must be revealed in order to unleash the nihilists, the skeptics, and in this way the very science of consciousness is disclosed, the depravity of Religious institutions is also exposed, the Archons that pull the strings reveal themselves in a desperate attempt to forestall the Omega point of judgement. Have you heard that chem trails are preparing us for fake' religious vision' projections? Heard that one have you? This is desperate Archon maneuver to get us to doubt what we all experience for ourselves - disclosure and exposure. They are outsmarting themselves because they thrive on confusion. These smart -arses have been tricked by Gaia. Yet none of their ploys has so far worked. The Omega point will still occur, and their most powerful mass dissent and mind control weapon - Religion - will be taken away from them. All their timelines reduce to the same result. See the movie 'Zero Theorem' - it's about this desperate attempt to forestall the inevitable. They are now reduced to deploying Hollywood chimeras to somehow bring forth their vision , their agendas, but this, too, failed. (If you could be bothered, have a look at 'Kingsman' ). If you pay attention, you can see different timelines intersecting, different scenarios played out, different timelines run, and if you are confused, it is because the Archons have become desperately confused themselves, their ploys becoming increasingly transparent. Portia ,or rather Sophia in this version,with her gentle yet powerful intelligence, has tricked the Satanic forces into exposing themselves which hastens their own judgement. For example, Obama claims terrorist are less of a threat than global warming, two hours before he makes an address to the nation on the need to move more troops into Iraq and Syria to fight the ISIS phantasm,the very name transmitting a desperate plea to the Saturn matrix of it's pathetic need to make real what is becoming less likely, as the Omega point approaches of humanity's liberation from the neural mind Maya hypnotic net as mass madness wipes out the betrayers of humanity, and the meek alone are left to inherit the earth..
But remember, it's just a story. (GoTh)
This crossed my desk this morning. It's just another story - like so many we have heard and shrugged off and pigeonholed as bad science fiction. We can never really know if it's true, but it somehow rings true to me. I like this particular story for some reason so I'll relate it to you. Have you heard that an event is about to happen, or rather, this event has already happened,(since time is illusory created by limited human consciousness), that will transform us all irrevocably? According to the Akashic records, there will be a kind of singularity in which the mind manipulation cults called religions - those ideologies that are artifacts of separation from source and a manifestation of the hatred of Sophia, Gaia, the Earth Being - will have all their self serving agendas exposed in a single moment when everyone, at the same time, will be given a religious 'experience', each in their own way, which somehow makes clear that Religious experience has been hacked by our overlords, the Lords of time space, and mind. It's not clear exactly, what will transpire ,but something like every single savior cult will have it's own judgement day, it's own 'Restaurant at the end of the Universe' moment. But the judgement ,which all atheists thought was non existent, will in fact occur. Only - and this is the interesting twist - the judgement is not the one expected. More of this later, but let's return to the beginning. The Lords of Karma, the Luciferian forces that currently largely hijack the processes of birth, rebirth, incarnation - those who run the great guilt sin shame and punishment racket and are able to project any given emotional state or vision onto their subjects, the humans, the underlings. the 'goyim', who have been acting under the delusion that karma exists and a judgement awaits the wicked, and that sin is a natural part of being human, that these Beings have become increasingly convinced this event will occur, because, in fact, it has already occurred. They can do this because they have hacked the karmic process by fooling souls into taking on their punishment by trickery, thought projection, mind and guilt manipulation, scapegoating many into taking another birth to abrogate their own karmic burden. In this way, generation after generation of Archon-drones have sold their humanity in the service of Satanic forces, doing what they like - genocide, war, pedophilia,committing all manner of unspeakable crimes , all without consequence because they have made a covenant that states as long as they provide fresh blood, and the stench of fresh burning flesh to the Archons, no harm will come to them, and their alignment with Satan protects them from Divine Justice, because their sector of the solar system is not under the governance of the 'Divine', which itself is an Archon concept. This is because all the power they manifest on Earth, the humans have given them, through the yielding up of their free will and conscience by promises of worldly success, power and wish fulfillment and access to the 'all knowing' hive mind of the Beast. Thus, like a virus that replicates itself using the host, we have allowed this infection to spread. However, like any virus, it fulfills an organic purpose. What is this purpose? Perhaps to eliminate weak 'cells' of the human monads, perhaps to generate useful forms of AI, for it is the non-living entities of the solar system, those with some kind of soulless artificial intelligence who produce technology. Earth and the Sun are the only living things in the solar system. The other planets being artifacts of dead, inorganic artificial intelligence.
( Paradoxically produced by an outpouring from the plenum, the creatrix, the womb of the Great mother at Galactic center, but this is immaterial to our story).
Now, for some time, let us imagine these beings have the technology of consciousnesses and conscience and also time travel; that they can move through time lines and adjust events to suit a projected future. How many of you have encountered a time traveler - a being wandering into their lives who seems to have foreknowledge of events, who follows them about like a shadow? Then possibly you have at your back a time traveler or watcher. In any case, let's get back to the story I want to tell. The covenant between Sophia and Satan provides for a 'sunset clause' - that there will be no karmic payback for misdeeds committed through mind control of humans. However, as it turns out , the Gaian intelligence tricks Satan and has managed to pass judgement on the Luciferian forces. There will be or rather there has already been a judgement. But the judgement is not on those who committed misdeeds under the mind control of Satan, but on those who judge, so that all the saviour cults who condemned the non believer, all these souls were consumed in the fires of obliteration. 'Judge not lest ye be judged' turns out to be the fine print petard on which Lucifer is hoist. How did this happen? I'm less clear on this, but I kept thinking of Portia in 'The Merchant of Venice', who tricks Shylock into defeat by using his own insistence on the letter of the law. It's a brilliant moment, in a play written at the height of Shakespeare's powers. Why do you think he made the lawyer who defeats Shylock a woman? Because the writer of the play was no ordinary human. This being knew about the Gaian consciousnesses which is female, and also about the covenant made by Jewmanity with Yahweh, the demonic demiurge. The judgement is on those who judge others and seek to control others. The judgement is on those who judge. The virus of demonic temptation had a purpose after all - to rid the gene pool of the selfish barren worshipers of technology, false idols and separation from the Mother, our Mother, the Being every religion since Abraham has tried to displace and demonize and now we see why - because She is the true Creator and origin of life in this solar system. She is the true living source and rival to the soulless Borgs who rule the Cthonic underworld. Now we see why she was demonized and marginalized for so long.
Returning to the story, as I said, the Akashic records speak of the Omega point, the singularity, the judgement....whatever you want to call it. Every follower of every religion is given the message that their faith has been implanted by master manipulators of the neural net, and this has enslaved mankind for millennia in a false belief that their deliverance is at hand and is at the disposal of their particular religious practice or belief. The magician's tricks are exposed, the curtain is lifted to expose the wizard moving the levers and handles of the mind/emotion machine, who has tricked creatures into believing they can get mind heart and courage only from an external source. Dorothy returns to Kansas.... well...I digress... in this story I'm telling , the time lords try to forestall their doom by going back in time and manipulating events. They decide that the only way to get people to doubt this revealing vision, to question it's veracity, is by showing how easy it is to create such illusions. Only this particular vision is not the product of the AI wizards, but of Gaia herself. Anyway, the Archons keep running the simulations back and forth, reaching the conclusion that their own mind control techniques must be revealed in order to unleash the nihilists, the skeptics, and in this way the very science of consciousness is disclosed, the depravity of Religious institutions is also exposed, the Archons that pull the strings reveal themselves in a desperate attempt to forestall the Omega point of judgement. Have you heard that chem trails are preparing us for fake' religious vision' projections? Heard that one have you? This is desperate Archon maneuver to get us to doubt what we all experience for ourselves - disclosure and exposure. They are outsmarting themselves because they thrive on confusion. These smart -arses have been tricked by Gaia. Yet none of their ploys has so far worked. The Omega point will still occur, and their most powerful mass dissent and mind control weapon - Religion - will be taken away from them. All their timelines reduce to the same result. See the movie 'Zero Theorem' - it's about this desperate attempt to forestall the inevitable. They are now reduced to deploying Hollywood chimeras to somehow bring forth their vision , their agendas, but this, too, failed. (If you could be bothered, have a look at 'Kingsman' ). If you pay attention, you can see different timelines intersecting, different scenarios played out, different timelines run, and if you are confused, it is because the Archons have become desperately confused themselves, their ploys becoming increasingly transparent. Portia ,or rather Sophia in this version,with her gentle yet powerful intelligence, has tricked the Satanic forces into exposing themselves which hastens their own judgement. For example, Obama claims terrorist are less of a threat than global warming, two hours before he makes an address to the nation on the need to move more troops into Iraq and Syria to fight the ISIS phantasm,the very name transmitting a desperate plea to the Saturn matrix of it's pathetic need to make real what is becoming less likely, as the Omega point approaches of humanity's liberation from the neural mind Maya hypnotic net as mass madness wipes out the betrayers of humanity, and the meek alone are left to inherit the earth..
But remember, it's just a story. (GoTh)
Monday, 2 March 2015
The revolution will not be televised. Nor will it be a facebook post.
Facebook posts collectively are harvested by the hive mind mutant drone betrayers of humanity in order to generate a higher resolution simulcrum which is able to co -opt , placate and hypnotise human beings at all levels of awareness to give them the illusion of viable revolt against the dominant paradigm. Yet it is only an illusion, merely a fabrication . The monitors stay on, the implants remain, the primordial Gollum , as ever, reports all back to the all-seeing eye. The Swiss banks still operate , the Archons still arc , and we are still being traded on the stock exchange as commodities. What is the solution?
Firstly, I'd like everyone to log out of FB, take their computer or laptop, throw it out of the window and scream - ' I refuse to be a slave unit of the Beast , I refuse to be mind controlled, I am the human masterpiece , a conduit for life eternal , an expression of divine order , the jewel of creation! I want my true mind and heart and soul returned - I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more!'. Then I want you all to rip out your foreign installations , even though this may kill you, Hug a tree and look to the sun.I'll be waiting for you there. Goodbye all and good luck. Bestialis delendo! (GoTh)
The revolution will not be televised. Nor will it be a facebook post.
Facebook posts collectively are harvested by the hive mind mutant drone betrayers of humanity in order to generate a higher resolution simulcrum which is able to co -opt , placate and hypnotise human beings at all levels of awareness to give them the illusion of viable revolt against the dominant paradigm. Yet it is only an illusion, merely a fabrication . The monitors stay on, the implants remain, the primordial Gollum , as ever, reports all back to the all-seeing eye. The Swiss banks still operate , the Archons still arc , and we are still being traded on the stock exchange as commodities. What is the solution?
Firstly, I'd like everyone to log out of FB, take their computer or laptop, throw it out of the window and scream - ' I refuse to be a slave unit of the Beast , I refuse to be mind controlled, I am the human masterpiece , a conduit for life eternal , an expression of divine order , the jewel of creation! I want my true mind and heart and soul returned - I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more!'. Then I want you all to rip out your foreign installations , even though this may kill you, Hug a tree and look to the sun.I'll be waiting for you there. Goodbye all and good luck. Bestialis delendo! (GoTh)
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Grapes O Thoth If only . No there's no death . Just another round of bullshit slavery.
Salini Teri Apodaca You will graduate eventually Grapes, fear not.
Grapes O Thoth Yes
it might have been the prize had it not been hijacked by the foreign
installation. Had it not been polluted by the mind of the Beast.
Grapes O Thoth By
the way just for the sake of accuracy , most of humanity is already
'dead' in the sense we are dead to the world of Spirit , and we have
only he illusion of freedom . WE are merely actors in a drama that has
already played out .
Salini Teri Apodaca Grapes,
you seem to think there is no hope for purifying the mind from it's
"infection" by the Beast. This is actually part of the Beast's
deception. It wants you to think you have no way out so you will submit
to it. In reality, it knows full well that
there is a way out but it will do whatever it can to trick you into
staying enslaved and block your view of that path. When you start your
mental purification process, you will encounter all the illusions(maya),
tricks, deceptions, and pitfalls the Beast has laid out for you to fall
into to prevent you from reaching liberation. But in reality, its the
Beast that is already defeated and dead, not us. It's long ago been
defeated and we are playing out the last scenes of the drama. Once you
conquer the Beast mind, you will see that you are really free and always
have been. Yes, we did get tricked and enslaved here, but it's only
temporary. Our true state is liberation, love, peace and harmony. May I
suggest you try a mental purification process?
Grapes O Thoth Yes everything you say is true . I'm lulling it into false sense of victory . It's a ploy Salini .
Grapes O Thoth Bestialis delendo
Grapes O Thoth If only we could have a lock the gate alliance against Lucifer.
It's not in my power to turn off anyone's hive mind installation with words , sir. Duality is not the same thing as polarity is all I can say but thank you for playing .
I mean no disrespect Loki , but I'm finding it odd that you seem to be speaking for Pixie almost as if you were her minder .
:) I hope she is well and no harm has come to her . I guess she is busy with study . Ave , Bon chance and bestialis delendo ...,
It's not in my power to turn off anyone's hive mind installation with words , sir. Duality is not the same thing as polarity is all I can say but thank you for playing .

I mean no disrespect Loki , but I'm finding it odd that you seem to be speaking for Pixie almost as if you were her minder .

Grapes O Thoth Ok, no wuz. Pleased to make your aquaintance
Thursday, 12 February 2015
1.In plants we trust.
2.Plan.Plant. Planet
3.Tear. terra. Terrance
4.Rake it till you make it
5.The curendero is my shepherd. He guideth me besides still aqua florida
6.Trying to make science out of the aya experience is stuffing an albatross into a boot.
7.Cans of VB and cries of"this paper aint workin' is the merry pranksters set and setting.
8. Rak Razam parked his mind next to Ken Kesey's bus on Big Sur and it's still there.
1.In plants we trust.
2.Plan.Plant. Planet
3.Tear. terra. Terrance
4.Rake it till you make it
5.The curendero is my shepherd. He guideth me besides still aqua florida
6.Trying to make science out of the aya experience is stuffing an albatross into a boot.
7.Cans of VB and cries of"this paper aint workin' is the merry pranksters set and setting.
8. Rak Razam parked his mind next to Ken Kesey's bus on Big Sur and it's still there.
Friday, 6 February 2015
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
The gravest problem facing humanity, among many very grave problems, isn't the patholgical oligarchs intent on war and evisceration of the planet. It's not human greed, or even inhuman greed, it's not the Rothschilds, nor the Jesuits, nor the private ownership of the fed. It's not corrupt politicians who've sucked Satan's cock. It's not reptiles feeding on children, it's not poisoned food, it's not even an asteroid. It's our complete lack of a science and technology of consciousness. Many do not realize that those with this technology don't have to fly around in saucers zapping us with particle weapons. That is laughable. Our overlords enjoy us squabbling over the existence of spirit and the subtle body, leaving us to quacks, charlatans, 'parapsychology' amateurs , phony god-men who have simply borrowed the technology of the Beast, talk of chakras and Kundalini and the flower of Life. Meanwhile they are in possession of consciousness technology which makes them absolute Lords of this sector. With it, they are able to intrude on the human subtle body and possess it at will. DO you think they are concerned with old physical technology they have long since developed and no longer need? We are in the stone age of consciousness studies, left with condescending sneering academics who might deign to look at some parapsychology thesis while the Masters of us have hacked the very processes of incarnation and rebirth itself. What if I told you that everyone, or most,. bear the mark of ownership of the Beast? Yes, this entity is the branding of us all by a companion untermensch that carries over from life to life, short circuiting the drive for the Holy, making sure that we can not evolve or even learn from our errors. A constant food supply is thereby maintained. The Gollum accompanies us and it is because of this thing we are prevented or hindered from entering the higher densities,as is our birth right. It is both an inter-dimensional tracking device and a hallmark of servitude. There can be no progress for us as long as it's there. It MUST be extirpated. it is the deep cover spy, it is the traitor, it is most cunning adversary as it takes all our loftiest thoughts and uses them to keep us in ignorance and death. Did you know many souls have incarnated on this planet under false presences? They were tricked here believing they had a mission to refine The creature's vibrations. What happened is that they became the property of the Beast, given his brand, the R reticulated entity. Each has a name. Call upon this name, and all hell can break loose. The primary duty of every human is to rid her/himself of this evil parasite. Only then can we permanently spirituality evolve. Only then will we start to realize we must catch up with this technology. We are in the stone age. It puts us in the same relation to them as a Gaza strip kid with a peashooter has to a gronk with a machine gun. Wake up please! I am astounded that few seem to care that a parasite is stealing not just their life but their soul. Do not wait for the degree in Consciousness to be offered at your local University. It will never happen. Not as long as suzerainty belongs to those who have graduated from the infancy of awareness. Thank you, and back to the cats.
The gravest problem facing humanity, among many very grave problems, isn't the patholgical oligarchs intent on war and evisceration of the planet. It's not human greed, or even inhuman greed, it's not the Rothschilds, nor the Jesuits, nor the private ownership of the fed. It's not corrupt politicians who've sucked Satan's cock. It's not reptiles feeding on children, it's not poisoned food, it's not even an asteroid. It's our complete lack of a science and technology of consciousness. Many do not realize that those with this technology don't have to fly around in saucers zapping us with particle weapons. That is laughable. Our overlords enjoy us squabbling over the existence of spirit and the subtle body, leaving us to quacks, charlatans, 'parapsychology' amateurs , phony god-men who have simply borrowed the technology of the Beast, talk of chakras and Kundalini and the flower of Life. Meanwhile they are in possession of consciousness technology which makes them absolute Lords of this sector. With it, they are able to intrude on the human subtle body and possess it at will. DO you think they are concerned with old physical technology they have long since developed and no longer need? We are in the stone age of consciousness studies, left with condescending sneering academics who might deign to look at some parapsychology thesis while the Masters of us have hacked the very processes of incarnation and rebirth itself. What if I told you that everyone, or most,. bear the mark of ownership of the Beast? Yes, this entity is the branding of us all by a companion untermensch that carries over from life to life, short circuiting the drive for the Holy, making sure that we can not evolve or even learn from our errors. A constant food supply is thereby maintained. The Gollum accompanies us and it is because of this thing we are prevented or hindered from entering the higher densities,as is our birth right. It is both an inter-dimensional tracking device and a hallmark of servitude. There can be no progress for us as long as it's there. It MUST be extirpated. it is the deep cover spy, it is the traitor, it is most cunning adversary as it takes all our loftiest thoughts and uses them to keep us in ignorance and death. Did you know many souls have incarnated on this planet under false presences? They were tricked here believing they had a mission to refine The creature's vibrations. What happened is that they became the property of the Beast, given his brand, the R reticulated entity. Each has a name. Call upon this name, and all hell can break loose. The primary duty of every human is to rid her/himself of this evil parasite. Only then can we permanently spirituality evolve. Only then will we start to realize we must catch up with this technology. We are in the stone age. It puts us in the same relation to them as a Gaza strip kid with a peashooter has to a gronk with a machine gun. Wake up please! I am astounded that few seem to care that a parasite is stealing not just their life but their soul. Do not wait for the degree in Consciousness to be offered at your local University. It will never happen. Not as long as suzerainty belongs to those who have graduated from the infancy of awareness. Thank you, and back to the cats.
Katharine Abrahams I care!!! What is it???
Salini Teri Apodaca You
are correct Grapes. And it's called the ego. The entire mind must be
surrendered because that is where the parasite roots itself. When the
mind is surrendered, the Holy Spirit can enter and cleanse out the
virus. Only God has the power to do this.
Salini Teri Apodaca We can't think about this, we just do it.
Grapes O Thoth Tell
me what God had allowed the beast to interfere with the natural
birth/rebirth spiritual evolution process ? What his would allow the
hack that forces souls Shaun and aged in to serve the vilest occupation ?
Innocence is being exploited and it's n...See More
Benjamin Cole Yep, we're all beasts of some sort, creatures if you will. What's going to help us on our quest, love or fear?
Grapes O Thoth The god mind
Salini Teri Apodaca The
mind is the seat of the ego, or beast mind, as you call it. Therefore
it must be completely surrendered. Yes, it's been hacked. So turn the
corrupt thing in for good.
Grapes O Thoth Hahahaha now ya talking !
Grapes O Thoth Salini
I'm trying to get rid of all the concepts and language and abstractions
and mind nets that have been cast over us since primary school . Hence I
avoid concepts such as 'ego' 'subconscious '... These are cloaking
devices to jig the mind and trick us
into thinking we have isolated the problem . By naming it , we have
done nothing to understand what the mechanism of mind control is .
That's why I avoid the term 'hypnotism ' . It's all so fluffy and
mañagabke but really this points to a deep symptom of the human psyche
that enables it's manipulation by those who have us the nice fluffy
terms like the subconscious . Actually there is no such thing . There is
only consciousness . Ego is an archon sponsored term given by our
masters. Reject it. It might mean having to entertain seeming
absurdities . we have to understand the mechanisms of this entity to
get rid if it . Calling it the ego makes us think it's part of us .
This is partly true , in the sense that you might have carried a
blastoma in your stomach since birth , I want to throw out all these
useless words and terms and call a spade a spade . Gollum is more
accurate . It has it's own Set of sephira . It's iwn mind. It is
separate . We are it's host . It's not 'us' at all. Is this too radical
an idea ? It's an entity that ultimately answers only to its true
master , the beast . Tho everyone will think of LOTR so be it. This is
closer to the reality .
Jewel Cross I
like to call the "ARCHONS" ankle biters...so as not to puff up their
self importance anymore than necessary....its interesting to be able to
have you articlate this so well Grapes O Thoth...looking forward to the conversations...
Jewel Cross also
interesting is the number of articles i have 'stumbled' across lately
from Channels who have suddenly come to the same conclusion..i will try
and find them...me i'm interested in breaking through the matrix and
beyond all the 'stories' of heaven and hell and reincarnation....and the
new age and ego and all the programs...
Salini Teri Apodaca Thank
you for your clear response grapes. I think we won't agree on all of
this. It appears you are speaking directly from the ego as you speak and
this whole dialogue could also be "archon" inspired, or "beast mind" as
you put it. I have just complete...See More
Grapes O Thoth The
ego is cunning . Agreed . It adapts and mimics our thoughts . Agreed ,
it has to go , agreed, but we all manifest our own expression of the
force that throuhh the green fuse drives the flower , it's calked the
true self . This self, once found , ha...See More
Benjamin Cole The
sky hooks would have us believe that ego is not a dirty word but
perhaps it is. The man who coined the term was a cocaine addicted sex
fiend. Nothing wrong with that but when you start experimenting on
children words & theories become questionable!

Write a reply...
Grapes O Thoth Can you buy Your book in e book form? I'd love to read it . Have you read Levi's work on wetiko virus ? This guy is close .
Grapes O Thoth Jewel
cross - yes I'd like to see what you r cone across . I want to put
together material that will get us out of the same old nod traps . It's
in the ether this stuff , we are being shown stuff. , we should shut up
and listen .
Salini Teri Apodaca My
book will come out on Amazon in the near future. I discuss wetiko in it
and believe that to be an important thing to understand. It's clear to
me that most of the religions, being new age or old school, have not
hit the mark. But when it comes to a...See More
Grapes O Thoth Yes
I spent 20 years following Shri mstaji of Maharashtra and she helped
me get warm and fuzzy but my masculinity was compromised ;$
Salini Teri Apodaca Don't
know her. Ammachi has cleared away a lot of pain and suffering and
opened a path of simple truth for me. It's really about love. As she
often says, Love everyone and see God in everyone, that is all you have
to do. I do my best to do that. I think it's simpler than we realize.
Grapes O Thoth Yes
if we all loved one another this works would be paradise . But many
don't and that's the problem . It seems they if you preach love and
question the system they shut you down . Let's try a different approach
. Let's have a planet that's free of m...See More
Grapes O Thoth The god mind . I don't think the GOF mind will get you far

Salini Teri Apodaca I
don't guru shop. She came to me and saved my life, along with
Anandamayi Ma. I have starved out the archons. And I don't let myself
get to caught up in the drama here anymore, except maybe on Facebook.
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