The gravest problem facing humanity, among many very grave problems, isn't the patholgical oligarchs intent on war and evisceration of the planet. It's not human greed, or even inhuman greed, it's not the Rothschilds, nor the Jesuits, nor the private ownership of the fed. It's not corrupt politicians who've sucked Satan's cock. It's not reptiles feeding on children, it's not poisoned food, it's not even an asteroid. It's our complete lack of a science and technology of consciousness. Many do not realize that those with this technology don't have to fly around in saucers zapping us with particle weapons. That is laughable. Our overlords enjoy us squabbling over the existence of spirit and the subtle body, leaving us to quacks, charlatans, 'parapsychology' amateurs , phony god-men who have simply borrowed the technology of the Beast, talk of chakras and Kundalini and the flower of Life. Meanwhile they are in possession of consciousness technology which makes them absolute Lords of this sector. With it, they are able to intrude on the human subtle body and possess it at will. DO you think they are concerned with old physical technology they have long since developed and no longer need? We are in the stone age of consciousness studies, left with condescending sneering academics who might deign to look at some parapsychology thesis while the Masters of us have hacked the very processes of incarnation and rebirth itself. What if I told you that everyone, or most,. bear the mark of ownership of the Beast? Yes, this entity is the branding of us all by a companion untermensch that carries over from life to life, short circuiting the drive for the Holy, making sure that we can not evolve or even learn from our errors. A constant food supply is thereby maintained. The Gollum accompanies us and it is because of this thing we are prevented or hindered from entering the higher densities,as is our birth right. It is both an inter-dimensional tracking device and a hallmark of servitude. There can be no progress for us as long as it's there. It MUST be extirpated. it is the deep cover spy, it is the traitor, it is most cunning adversary as it takes all our loftiest thoughts and uses them to keep us in ignorance and death. Did you know many souls have incarnated on this planet under false presences? They were tricked here believing they had a mission to refine The creature's vibrations. What happened is that they became the property of the Beast, given his brand, the R reticulated entity. Each has a name. Call upon this name, and all hell can break loose. The primary duty of every human is to rid her/himself of this evil parasite. Only then can we permanently spirituality evolve. Only then will we start to realize we must catch up with this technology. We are in the stone age. It puts us in the same relation to them as a Gaza strip kid with a peashooter has to a gronk with a machine gun. Wake up please! I am astounded that few seem to care that a parasite is stealing not just their life but their soul. Do not wait for the degree in Consciousness to be offered at your local University. It will never happen. Not as long as suzerainty belongs to those who have graduated from the infancy of awareness. Thank you, and back to the cats.
The gravest problem facing humanity, among many very grave problems, isn't the patholgical oligarchs intent on war and evisceration of the planet. It's not human greed, or even inhuman greed, it's not the Rothschilds, nor the Jesuits, nor the private ownership of the fed. It's not corrupt politicians who've sucked Satan's cock. It's not reptiles feeding on children, it's not poisoned food, it's not even an asteroid. It's our complete lack of a science and technology of consciousness. Many do not realize that those with this technology don't have to fly around in saucers zapping us with particle weapons. That is laughable. Our overlords enjoy us squabbling over the existence of spirit and the subtle body, leaving us to quacks, charlatans, 'parapsychology' amateurs , phony god-men who have simply borrowed the technology of the Beast, talk of chakras and Kundalini and the flower of Life. Meanwhile they are in possession of consciousness technology which makes them absolute Lords of this sector. With it, they are able to intrude on the human subtle body and possess it at will. DO you think they are concerned with old physical technology they have long since developed and no longer need? We are in the stone age of consciousness studies, left with condescending sneering academics who might deign to look at some parapsychology thesis while the Masters of us have hacked the very processes of incarnation and rebirth itself. What if I told you that everyone, or most,. bear the mark of ownership of the Beast? Yes, this entity is the branding of us all by a companion untermensch that carries over from life to life, short circuiting the drive for the Holy, making sure that we can not evolve or even learn from our errors. A constant food supply is thereby maintained. The Gollum accompanies us and it is because of this thing we are prevented or hindered from entering the higher densities,as is our birth right. It is both an inter-dimensional tracking device and a hallmark of servitude. There can be no progress for us as long as it's there. It MUST be extirpated. it is the deep cover spy, it is the traitor, it is most cunning adversary as it takes all our loftiest thoughts and uses them to keep us in ignorance and death. Did you know many souls have incarnated on this planet under false presences? They were tricked here believing they had a mission to refine The creature's vibrations. What happened is that they became the property of the Beast, given his brand, the R reticulated entity. Each has a name. Call upon this name, and all hell can break loose. The primary duty of every human is to rid her/himself of this evil parasite. Only then can we permanently spirituality evolve. Only then will we start to realize we must catch up with this technology. We are in the stone age. It puts us in the same relation to them as a Gaza strip kid with a peashooter has to a gronk with a machine gun. Wake up please! I am astounded that few seem to care that a parasite is stealing not just their life but their soul. Do not wait for the degree in Consciousness to be offered at your local University. It will never happen. Not as long as suzerainty belongs to those who have graduated from the infancy of awareness. Thank you, and back to the cats.
Katharine Abrahams I care!!! What is it???
Salini Teri Apodaca You
are correct Grapes. And it's called the ego. The entire mind must be
surrendered because that is where the parasite roots itself. When the
mind is surrendered, the Holy Spirit can enter and cleanse out the
virus. Only God has the power to do this.
Salini Teri Apodaca We can't think about this, we just do it.
Grapes O Thoth Tell
me what God had allowed the beast to interfere with the natural
birth/rebirth spiritual evolution process ? What his would allow the
hack that forces souls Shaun and aged in to serve the vilest occupation ?
Innocence is being exploited and it's n...See More
Benjamin Cole Yep, we're all beasts of some sort, creatures if you will. What's going to help us on our quest, love or fear?
Grapes O Thoth The god mind
Salini Teri Apodaca The
mind is the seat of the ego, or beast mind, as you call it. Therefore
it must be completely surrendered. Yes, it's been hacked. So turn the
corrupt thing in for good.
Grapes O Thoth Hahahaha now ya talking !
Grapes O Thoth Salini
I'm trying to get rid of all the concepts and language and abstractions
and mind nets that have been cast over us since primary school . Hence I
avoid concepts such as 'ego' 'subconscious '... These are cloaking
devices to jig the mind and trick us
into thinking we have isolated the problem . By naming it , we have
done nothing to understand what the mechanism of mind control is .
That's why I avoid the term 'hypnotism ' . It's all so fluffy and
maƱagabke but really this points to a deep symptom of the human psyche
that enables it's manipulation by those who have us the nice fluffy
terms like the subconscious . Actually there is no such thing . There is
only consciousness . Ego is an archon sponsored term given by our
masters. Reject it. It might mean having to entertain seeming
absurdities . we have to understand the mechanisms of this entity to
get rid if it . Calling it the ego makes us think it's part of us .
This is partly true , in the sense that you might have carried a
blastoma in your stomach since birth , I want to throw out all these
useless words and terms and call a spade a spade . Gollum is more
accurate . It has it's own Set of sephira . It's iwn mind. It is
separate . We are it's host . It's not 'us' at all. Is this too radical
an idea ? It's an entity that ultimately answers only to its true
master , the beast . Tho everyone will think of LOTR so be it. This is
closer to the reality .
Jewel Cross I
like to call the "ARCHONS" ankle as not to puff up their
self importance anymore than necessary....its interesting to be able to
have you articlate this so well Grapes O Thoth...looking forward to the conversations...
Jewel Cross also
interesting is the number of articles i have 'stumbled' across lately
from Channels who have suddenly come to the same conclusion..i will try
and find i'm interested in breaking through the matrix and
beyond all the 'stories' of heaven and hell and reincarnation....and the
new age and ego and all the programs...
Salini Teri Apodaca Thank
you for your clear response grapes. I think we won't agree on all of
this. It appears you are speaking directly from the ego as you speak and
this whole dialogue could also be "archon" inspired, or "beast mind" as
you put it. I have just complete...See More
Grapes O Thoth The
ego is cunning . Agreed . It adapts and mimics our thoughts . Agreed ,
it has to go , agreed, but we all manifest our own expression of the
force that throuhh the green fuse drives the flower , it's calked the
true self . This self, once found , ha...See More
Benjamin Cole The
sky hooks would have us believe that ego is not a dirty word but
perhaps it is. The man who coined the term was a cocaine addicted sex
fiend. Nothing wrong with that but when you start experimenting on
children words & theories become questionable!

Write a reply...
Grapes O Thoth Can you buy Your book in e book form? I'd love to read it . Have you read Levi's work on wetiko virus ? This guy is close .
Grapes O Thoth Jewel
cross - yes I'd like to see what you r cone across . I want to put
together material that will get us out of the same old nod traps . It's
in the ether this stuff , we are being shown stuff. , we should shut up
and listen .
Salini Teri Apodaca My
book will come out on Amazon in the near future. I discuss wetiko in it
and believe that to be an important thing to understand. It's clear to
me that most of the religions, being new age or old school, have not
hit the mark. But when it comes to a...See More
Grapes O Thoth Yes
I spent 20 years following Shri mstaji of Maharashtra and she helped
me get warm and fuzzy but my masculinity was compromised ;$
Salini Teri Apodaca Don't
know her. Ammachi has cleared away a lot of pain and suffering and
opened a path of simple truth for me. It's really about love. As she
often says, Love everyone and see God in everyone, that is all you have
to do. I do my best to do that. I think it's simpler than we realize.
Grapes O Thoth Yes
if we all loved one another this works would be paradise . But many
don't and that's the problem . It seems they if you preach love and
question the system they shut you down . Let's try a different approach
. Let's have a planet that's free of m...See More
Grapes O Thoth The god mind . I don't think the GOF mind will get you far

Salini Teri Apodaca I
don't guru shop. She came to me and saved my life, along with
Anandamayi Ma. I have starved out the archons. And I don't let myself
get to caught up in the drama here anymore, except maybe on Facebook.
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