dreariest sister Salini, looking over our interactions I feel I have
not honoured you enough nor respectef your struggle . You have borne my
brashness with good humour and I feel it is arrogant of me to say who
has been hacked and who has not , you have responded to all my jibes
quips and rants with steadfast love and support as a good sister should
I guess. You have not the reactive mind of the hacked human . It is I
who has much more to learn from you my sister about what
it is to be human . In truth the golem, The dibbuk lurks in all of us
but how we bear and how we deal with out situation marks us off from
the beast , in 1998 , I experienced thei lightening strike from head to
toe from the plenum and I felt my golem leave my body . This is how I
know it is there . It tried to get back and I wrestled with it .
Exhausted , I fell bavk . But I found I could not walk . The dibbuk had
been with me for so many aeons it held within in it all my muscle memory
. I was paralysed but free . This is the moment that tests us . . I was
offered the option to leave my body since while that thing , the golem
was there it was not possible , and I was told my prison sentence was up
. But I thought I was here to inspirit the world not serve prison time
There was no answer but I was shown many things that day and again the
offer was made . I let the dibbuk renter my body . I don't know shy . I
am still dealing with that decision . The thing is part of me and re
emerges . It is intelligent ancient and wise but it can not be redeemed
. , It's this you see In me sometimes .it us this which keeps me here
cycle after cycle I know you must feel it too but you are oil on
troubled waters . You are a great soul . The American people are being
robbed , degraded and disenfranchised like never before . A few greet
souls like yours will make a difference and stay the mass extinction
that surely is one solution .
Salini Teri Apodaca So
honored to receive this praise and truth from you Grapes. I understand
your struggle completely. As I healed and awakened, I experienced much
suffering. But I always surrendered to God. We are not alone in our
struggle against forces outside ourselves,
unwanted energies, dark beings, and so on. God holds us steady as we
cleanse and purify our souls, bodies, minds and spirits from all this. I
was trained in the crucible of suffering and darkness so I know that
reaction and struggle do not work, and only tightens our bondage. I was
also initiated into light, love and God's power so I know deep in my
heart that God's power FAR outstrips the power of scary-looking aliens,
archons, or whoever they are. I have looked upon their horrors and am no
longer afraid. I have felt their blows, faced them and rose up again. I
have listened to their threats and was not swayed. They have no power
over me. I am not afraid, I am just love. Once in a while I am anger
too, but not so often anymore. I realize that all behavior is a cry for
love no matter what form it takes. They are welcome to come along with
us into the love. I send you oceans of love and blessings, eons of
healing and God's light to overcome your doubts and fears and
separation. I will await you in the field of Oneness where we are all's just a drama, soon to reach it's denouement.
Grapes O Thoth oh dear, the typos. I called you the dreariest sister hahahah..oh I do love a laugh...
Salini Teri Apodaca Hahahaha, I got your message anyway....time for a laugh or two. How about this?
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