Sunday, 18 January 2015

But here we have the Beast's hack - the energy of formation is hijacked and the sex center (mooladhara) is used as a counterfeit sacral root. likewise, the false sephiroth Daath (knowledge) is deployed as counterfeit crown. We have no bio feedback, only self- perpetuating disconnected entity (cleptoth). The cleverness of this is that qualities are deployed that mimic the true sephira. DAATH , BECOMES THE REFLECTED LIGHT , THE FALSE SOURCE, THE ARTIFICIAL MOON - Lucifer masquerades as God.
Katharine Abrahams We need both next to each other to compare them - helps understanding.
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth I've faded out the true one - is this not clear enough? I guess not. thnx for feedback
Katharine Abrahams
Katharine Abrahams oh right... I didn't quite get it.. So the feedback is general humans are still quite dumb
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth Part of the hack is that your perception is censored - the virus will not let you see what is directly in front of you.
Salini Teri Apodaca
Salini Teri Apodaca Brilliant Grapes. Still a little unclear as to what you say is the true self vs the hacked self.
Grapes O Thoth
Grapes O Thoth I am doing a post on how to tell if you are hacked . Or rather I was but my muse is gone he doesn't like Metallica . ( nor do I but it got rid of him ) on here us a list of things that mean you have been hacked . If you don't know the difference between your true self and hacked self , you have been hacked . There are many others but thats the main one, I'll get out of your way now .
Salini Teri Apodaca
Salini Teri Apodaca I can tell the difference now. I have deprogrammed myself.

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