Monday, 12 January 2015

For some time now human consciousness itself has been hacked replacing the original blueprint with a counterfeit. The process has taken place so slowly over millennia that no one was aware of it until human behaviour became erratic but by then this erraticism became the norm.
But now, the situation is very clear - the human nervous system has a parasite so clever that it has disguised itself as us and posited its consciousness as our own. Like the creature in 'Predator', it makes itself invisible and apparently innocuous by mimicry. You don't fight what you can't see. I will try to make this thing visible to you or rather your dormant 'Self', which so far has been held prisoner - shackled in bypassed sephira and filed away as 'a fiction'. This hack I will explain in later posts but I predict that many will cast doubt, many will ridicule, and some may attack...most will ignore. This is sorting out the sheep from the goats. The surgery must be done. It is made more difficult of course in that many of you are reading this now with the imposter counterfeit mind that has been 'gifted' to them by others. However this no gift. It is a hack. It is a virus. It will destroy you. It will limit your lifespan. It must go. Once I point this out, some of those reading may have violent reactions. These are the ones who are more powerfully possessed by and have more to lose from.....the Beast. GofTh

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