Tuesday, 6 January 2015

My jaw drops when I see every third Hollywood movie blatantly spelling out the archon agenda. Is this because the Occult , revealed , ceased to be the Occult, but just another thread in the fabric of the story? It's fiction , harmless , only a fool would take it literally . But films like the matrix , Lucy, ghost ship , Prometheus , alien, blade runner or snow train are so very very close to the truth one wonders, for example , if the director of interstellar wasn't given the script on a silver platter by a 33 rd degree Jesuit mason . What's this ? He must have said . Never mind , his handlers would have told him . 'Just make it . Budget no object . Emphasise the Saturn trope . 'The genius of films like this is that they deprive us of our power of outrage and disclosure . Who can compete with Hollywood ? We are reduced to quoting Morpheus . No one said it better . Now we have fictionalised truth and stylised resistance . Given to us by our masters . This is the story of the human race we are conquering . Eat your popcorn , vassal, while we hook you up . So sap becomes pap becomes pulp. We see , we read , we consume our own dead flesh like Hannibal lector eating the brains of his dinner guest . And the Beast howls . With laughter.

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