Thursday, 22 January 2015

You're a human aren't you? However whenever the dybbuk sleeps you will notice a certain lightness, a certain fluidity of thought, a playfulness that wasn't there before. A connection to something beyond yourself, not the mad repetition of the same thought or the narcissistic self congratulation of the madman playing with his nose pickings. The hacked mind prefers to keep things static while the unhacked mind is supple. But there is more of course, signs that the being is there with a vengeance, but is not really you. Men - are you shocked sometimes by the vileness of your sexual fantasies? Are you drawn to gaze at women's behinds? Do you prefer sodomy to straight sex?Then you have been hacked. Women - do you enjoy the pointless stirring up of emotions in a situation ? Do you relish conflict and heat more than repose and acceptance? Are you addicted to drama? Do you get off on the power you have over men? Then you have been hacked. Do you wonder why you behaved in such as way that was self destructive or just plain stupid? Do you have trouble explaining irrational outbursts or decisions? Then you have been hacked and the dybbuk is running the show. A person who has had their dybbuk detached or anaesthetised will walk into a room full of people talking and laughing and just think they are insane. This is because the Beast's mind runs everything upside down and back to front. It wants to appropriate not give, it wants to seize not charm, it fears the other, not loves the other. The Narrenshiff, the ship of fools, floats away and all seem sane as each is as mad as the other. Most people believe the bizarro world we live in is not only sane, but the only world there is or could ever be. This is mind control. Your own reason should tell you this, if not my prescience .The Beast who runs the show has invested a lot in keeping the level of ignorance high, and invents entire thought systems, 'philosophies', ideologies to keep the rational mind ticking over uselessly to give it the impression of self- determination. As a paper plane to a jumbo jet, so is it's mind to ours. We are its plaything, and they snicker viley when they speak of us believing we are the highest life forms. 'Talking monkies' they call us. We are Caliban to their Prospero. 'You taught me to speak, and my profit on it is, I can curse.' It's easy really, because every time you flap your lips and make a noise, you are using the very mind it gave you. Repeat after me, declares Icke: "Human race get off your knees', but behind the curtain he laughs. He is Archon sponsored. As if you can defeat this mind with its own mind. It is even causing you to think you are free. There seems no way out. The deal is symbiotic - it gives us its mind, we feed it in turn, what it needs - usually anger, fear, violence and vampiric attachment. The world is clearly run by psychopathic humans who are being mind controlled by their subtle body demons. And if you mention reptiles they look everywhere but within, where they are, such a clever clever hack. What is the solution? It has been suggested that these things can not bear high vibrations in the chitta field. Well I have some bad news for you. I've seen these things as far as the 30th aethyr, where the vibrations are so refined that the next stage is nirvikalpa samadhi. There they are , feeding off the vibrations of those below. Every level, it seems, has been hacked, and you can see them now, poised on the cave of Brahma. The traverse of the aethyrs themselves has become the descent into hell. The 33rd aethyr, LIL, the sublime sussurus of the Ruach blowing across pure consciousness, has now become the 33rd level of freemasonry, colonized by Satan himself, tearing the flesh off child supplicants and throwing their parts to the Lords of this World. Is it time for a new flood?

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