Tuesday, 13 January 2015

The Beast is a parasite. By its very nature it can have no soul, no creativity, no connection to spirit. This is because it tried to step out of the creative matrix and form its own universe using a clever counterfeit of the sephira. But that has set a life span on it. That is why it needs us to survive. Without us, it is literally nothing. Why then do we continue to feed it? Why does it take all our ideas, invention and genius and turn them into instruments of our slavery ?
How can it do this if it is clepoth - mere shell? You have been told before but you did not listen. Now many are awaking to the shocking fact that in the real sense, this planet is not being run by humans. We are slaves of the souless insane Beast, who gives us the illusion of freedom in order to feed off our creativity and supply it with the blood and burning flesh it craves. Our greatest ideas and concepts and technologies are used, twisted and inverted, then played back to us as if these perversions are real and its mind is ours. The Beast is the author of all lies and deception.
Consciously or not, we are all working towards our complete enslavement by the hive mind, and the earth is being terra -formed into a state of readiness for the return of the m,ss'h. The serpent Lord.
Now here is the truth and the truth will set you free. Inside all of you are two beings - two complete personalities. One human, one reptilian. One has the hive mind, the other the collective. This can be demonstrated quite easily. One can be put to sleep while the other remains awake. Address then the one which is awake. It will respond. If it responds without questioning, this is the Reptilian part, the hive mind. When, through exhaustion, or the ingestion of drugs, or though other means, the reptilian mind is asleep, we re-establish briefly the sacral/crown connection that had been short circuited. But this is no real solution to the hack.
How could this abomination have occurred? How could a parasite have established itself at the very gates of awareness, rendering it capable of censoring what our senses relay to us?
For those who want to continue their lives of illusion, do not read any further.
The being that is reading this is the result of genetic manipulation - a grotesque experiment to combine the lizard and the human.
How this happened and by whom and why the Creator allowed this to happen is not my mission to explain.
You have asked to be rid of the non humans which afflict you, but it is not entirely non-human. It is part of you. Remove it, and you die.
The creator can eliminate and cleanse, but this would be killing the patient.
And for those of you who did not resist the promise of power the Beast could give you, for these souls there would be no redemption.
The alternative then is for you to make these two one.
You have been told before but now we restate, in the language of your time, the same methods and the same truths, but do not believe the serpent lie of a saviour God. You will save yourselves. If there is a saviour God, it is to be found as close as your jugular vein.

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