The Beast throws us baubles of distraction and
hypnotizes us with sex, , dreams, glamour,ideas,ideals,fleeting triumphs
and endows us with a ferocious will to fight its own phantasms
conjured up from the shadows of the hive mind. We chase our own tails
ceaselessly and all our attempts to escape or change are countered or
stymied or co-opted and become part of the voracious machine that stops
at nothing to control every thought...our thoughts become part of its
hull, and it rolls relentlessly on dragging us with it. It is never
sated, it is never content, its mission is not merely to have humanity
rolling around in a cluster fuck of demented egos, disappearing up each
others orifices..Oh No. The prime imperative of the Beast's mind is
to create waves of the anti God vibration, because it knows that as long
as the Creator is repelled, it is safe. The human instrument of
awareness is polluted in order for it to continue using the beast's
mind, this counterfeit illusion and so continue playing the three
shell game humanity can never win. All this while patiently waits the
only thing which can save Humanity from the horrors of the counterfeit
universe - the original mind, the true mind - God's mind.
tacit contract made with the Beast is that, having convinced us we need
its clever ingenious but twisted mind, we give it our life force. This
, my beloved, is not a good deal.
The Beast can never understand,
only calculate. It can not be wise, only crafty. It can not love, only
crave. It can not create, only steal. It can not know, only glean. It
can not be wise, only expedient. Compassion is a mystery to it.
Forgiveness a weakness. It is the green eyed monster that mocks the meat
it feeds on.
The Beast now stands on the threshold of victory over
the human race. He shamelessly proclaims his triumph in movies, in the
media, in music videos where women shake their rears for the camera and
we sit transfixed - we eat his slop and drink his waste while he cackles
with satisfaction.
Beloved, the Beast's mind will never help you.
It will only ever enslave you. Its ministrations are toxic. How many
ways and in and how many forms in how many variations can this be said
to you before you understand this simple fact? The mind of the Beast
will never solve your deepest problems or salve your woes. It is a trap.
Confusion has made its masterpiece in the Beast. You must throw away
the Beasts mind as if it were plutonium. Do not be afraid, use your
original mind - the mind given you in the first days - Gods mind.Take
it, its yours. Use it. There is nothing you can't accomplish with it.
The mother does not understand why you discard this jewel for the
glowing green poisonous bauble of the Beast - mind who has convinced you
you can not live without it even while it is killing you. God's mind
will give you eternal life, why would you not want that? God's mind is
in Shakespeare, the Beast's mind is in those who claim he could never
have written his works. Yeshuah (Yes, you are) drove out demons using
God's mind, The Beast's mind claims he never existed and if he did he
shouldn't have been doing it in Sunday. Trees use the God mind to grow -
root branch leaf and flower. The Beast's mind creates the chain saw to
fell it for pulp to make paper to write down his made up laws which
proclaim his right to do so. His laws create nothing and only glorify
God's mind has no limits. God's mind supplies the only
meaningful solution to the boundary conditions of the 11 dimensional
wave equation. Steven Hawking once said that the endeavour of Physics is
to know the mind of God. What mind, then, is Hawking using? Would
Hawking not be better off using the God mind? As if the Beast's mind,
clever as it is, could ever apprehend God's mind. The Beast seeks only
to steal and misuse and pervert.
It's cleverness is its coffin, its laws,pronouncements,hierarchies a whited sepulchre.
God's mind is endlessly creative, its delights are dolphin-like - they
shine above the element they live in. Its radiance is unending, its
truth drives out the darkness in the lowest places. The Mother wants you
to have this. It is the perfection and fecundity of the God mind. Take
it, its yours. It was yours from the beginning. Use it with wisdom.
Purify your vessel, make it ready for this gift, repel the dibbuk, ask
God to remove it. Ask , no, demand the reboot, the hard drive de- frag,
the fresh install.
Don't be afraid. You may be paralysed for a
while but that means the cleansing has begun. The Beast mind will only
enslave you further. It is the way of Death. You do not require this
thing.You do not love this thing. It is your worst enemy. All that you
need you already have and were given Aoens ago. Heaven and the ministers
of Heaven are waiting for your return. Throw away the Beast's mind. Why
would you want this twisted thing of darkness? It has committed
unspeakable abominations .
It has only ever tinkered with
mechanical simulcra and fathered misery. All that it touches dies. It is
anti life, anti earth. Everything cloned is sterile. It has created
grotesque parodies of life and mocked the Creator. It has created a
false Earth, a false Heaven It has drenched you in its defilements so
that the Holy flees from the human vessel. But that does not mean the
Divine has abandoned you. The choice is yours. The Beast's mind or
God's mind. This offer is being made everywhere to many now. For what is
coming, only those with the God mind will survive. The Truth may be
glimpsed and hidden in the margins such as here, lonely wind swept
island outposts of the last contraction of the first sound.
This is the God mind. It is done, it is finished. Take it, it is yours.
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